Asked 24th May, 2018
  • Formerly African Development Bank Group, Abidjan

U.S. President Donald Trump has called off his planned June 12 summit meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. What are the implications?

U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday called off his planned June 12 summit meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. In the letter to the North Korean leader, President Trump said: “Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this long-planned meeting.” What are the implications of this call off for both South Korea, North, Korea, the US and global peace?

Most recent answer

John N. Ng'ombe
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Interesting question, thoughts and discussions from all contributors...
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Popular answers (1)

Reza Biria
Shahid Ashrafi Isfahani University -Isfahan- Iran
Thousands of the North Korean people are living in a dire situation because of the cruel sanctions imposed by the US government. I believe president Un was brave enough to take the initiative for changing the status quo. However, the letter by president Trump and his cancelling the meeting with president Un can have several lessons for us . First of all, the U.S. role in various global agreements is quite capricious. Trump's recent decision in exiting from JCPOA is a very good example. Second, all world affairs need to align themselves with America's interests. Those counties which choose to act independently belong to the out-group and should be exposed to the most inhumane restrictions. Third, United States of America has recently turned to a business policy aiming at sustaining America's well being at all costs. As such, these tensions can lead to more arms sales and more money for America. Finally, international bodies like the UN are now controlled by American politicians who are themselves under the influence of Israel and act as their stooges. All these have an important implication for the people of the world: Get united against imperialism.
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All Answers (10)

Aurelio Hess
Faculdades Oswaldo Cruz
Dear Dr. John,
Fascinating question. I´ll follow!
2 Recommendations
Stanley Wilkin
University of London
Perhaps Trump knows of weakness in the North Korean's nuclear programme, some hint or evidence in that direction, or Trump is playing a negotiating game learnt from business dealings. He is waiting for North Korea to 'show its hand', before he throws in another set of cards.
3 Recommendations
Amir W. Al-Khafaji
Bradley University
North Korea didn’t send a delegation to meet the Americans who were planning the summit nor did it respond to repeated call from the USA Secretary of State! It seems that Trump was reacting rather thank acting. As to implication, no one really knows.
2 Recommendations
Dickson Adom
Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science and Technology
We wait to see the aftermath of this decision. Yet, I think Donald Trump acted discreetly. When your enemy you want to make peace with refuse to shake hands with you, it would be dangerous to walk into his fold.
2 Recommendations
Reza Biria
Shahid Ashrafi Isfahani University -Isfahan- Iran
Thousands of the North Korean people are living in a dire situation because of the cruel sanctions imposed by the US government. I believe president Un was brave enough to take the initiative for changing the status quo. However, the letter by president Trump and his cancelling the meeting with president Un can have several lessons for us . First of all, the U.S. role in various global agreements is quite capricious. Trump's recent decision in exiting from JCPOA is a very good example. Second, all world affairs need to align themselves with America's interests. Those counties which choose to act independently belong to the out-group and should be exposed to the most inhumane restrictions. Third, United States of America has recently turned to a business policy aiming at sustaining America's well being at all costs. As such, these tensions can lead to more arms sales and more money for America. Finally, international bodies like the UN are now controlled by American politicians who are themselves under the influence of Israel and act as their stooges. All these have an important implication for the people of the world: Get united against imperialism.
4 Recommendations
Mustafa A. Rahman
Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh
First of all, my response to the question appeals to a critical realist thinking, but it starts with the actual event. President Trump’s cancellation of the summit is presumably to have emerged not only because of the U.S. current knowledge on North Korea’s nuke capacity as it can be seen from the dismantled debris of the testing site but also because North Korea does not seem to be willing to change its economic and political course. This implies that the U.S. soft foreign policy on North Korea cannot be implemented unless the country transforms its political economic system that opens unprecedented access to U.S. economic, political and military activities.
Another implication of the cancellation might be the efficacy of the U. S. hegemony to dominate the world political arena. President Trump supported by his think tanks, business associates, and financial institutions will keeping playing game unless North Korea and other their own-labeled rogue states truly bow the U.S. interests. It should also be noted that for the United State there is no friend or foe, but interests. The unanticipated consequence also concerns the international agenda for the world peace which is on the verge of its tremendous stagnation. For North Korea, this also means that scores of family in the country will see starvation to prolong as the United States plans to tightly lock its door to the regime. For the United States, hundreds of millions of dollars will escape from its strategic accumulation of wealth.
3 Recommendations
Hassan Nima Habib
University of Basrah
agree with @ Stanley Wilkin
3 Recommendations
Khalid Al-Salhie
University of Basrah
Interesting question.
Agree with Dickson Adom
2 Recommendations
John N. Ng'ombe
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Interesting question, thoughts and discussions from all contributors...
2 Recommendations

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