Started 13 January 2025

The Los Angeles firestorm 1/7/2025 reducing Hollywood-Pasadena-Malibu homes to rubble is rooted in oil well drilling begun in 1900--true or false?

The economic disaster is billions of dollars (see below), which, however falls short of the trillions of dollars in economic gains cumulatively constructed making California the number one ranking economy among non-nation states.
"California Wildfires: Damage Exceeds $50 Billion
California's wildfires, some of the most destructive in history, have caused economic losses of more than $50 billion, Reuters reported.
The damage is estimated at between $52 billion and $57 billion and could increase if the fires reach densely populated areas.
"If a large number of buildings are destroyed, this could be the worst fire in California history in terms of destruction and economic losses," AccuWeather chief meteorologist Jonathan Porter said.
J.P. Morgan estimates insured losses from the fires at about $10 billion, mostly due to the destruction of residential properties. Consulting firm CoreLogic reports that more than 456,000 homes in the Los Angeles and Riverside areas are at moderate to high risk, and their restoration could cost about $300 billion.
Recall that as a result of the fires engulfing Los Angeles, at least two people have died, hundreds of buildings have been destroyed, and firefighting and water resources are almost exhausted. Strong winds are complicating the fight against the fire and accelerating its spread." Excerpt from the news article posted on Research Gate by Dr. Boris Michailovich Menin on January 12, 2025.
  • 3 Recommendations

Most recent answer

Michael Rains
West Chester University
False. It's a fire adapted eosystem with far too much development. It will happen again.

Popular replies (1)

Ljubomir Jacić
Technical College Požarevac
California has become a vivid example of a global phenomenon known as “hydroclimate whiplash,” which involves sudden and dramatic swings between extreme wet and dry conditions.
"These abrupt shifts are increasingly destabilizing ecosystems and communities, as shown in a new study published in Nature Reviews Earth and Environment.
The research highlights how climate change is intensifying these weather patterns and their associated risks, from destructive wildfires to devastating floods..."
5 Recommendations

All replies (8)

Nancy Ann Watanabe
University of Washington
Update: As of January 13, 2025, the death toll from the multipronged Los Angeles, California, firestorms has risen from "at least two people" to twenty-four fatalities. Since the winds are intensifying and the fires are only 27% under control, the death toll and the destruction of homes and businesses are predicted to continue rising indefinitely.
1 Recommendation
Nancy Ann Watanabe
University of Washington
I am saddened to observe that in addition to the firestorms' destruction of the multi-million-dollar mansions owned by the rich and famous, among the fatalities are people of color who have no doubt been employed in various capacities to support and maintain the everyday lives led by the big movie and television screen stars and moguls of the academy of motion picture arts and sciences in Hollywood, Malibu, Pasadena, and environs.
1 Recommendation
Nancy Ann Watanabe
University of Washington
A related Research Gate discussion thread question provides a map of the proliferation of fires in the Los Angeles, California, area.
My question asks: Is there is a cause-and-effect linkage between the erection of a multitude of oil well derricks in Los Angeles from 1900 until December 2024, and the devastating fires that hit California residential neighborhoods starting on January 7, 2025?
2 Recommendations
Ljubomir Jacić
Technical College Požarevac
California has become a vivid example of a global phenomenon known as “hydroclimate whiplash,” which involves sudden and dramatic swings between extreme wet and dry conditions.
"These abrupt shifts are increasingly destabilizing ecosystems and communities, as shown in a new study published in Nature Reviews Earth and Environment.
The research highlights how climate change is intensifying these weather patterns and their associated risks, from destructive wildfires to devastating floods..."
5 Recommendations
Ljubomir Jacić
Technical College Požarevac
I’m a climate scientist and my house in LA burned down. My work has never been more real
I feel like I am safe in saying that we are not thriving on our changing planet – and we will not in the coming decades...
"“This event, for me, has destroyed any boundary between my work and the rest of my life, my family, my friends.”
Climate scientist Benjamin Hamlington lost his house in the wildfires ravaging the Los Angeles area, bringing him face to face with the grim reality of his research field..."
3 Recommendations
Ljubomir Jacić
Technical College Požarevac
Why fires spread quickly in modern cities ― and how to slow them
Research also suggests how to make homes more resilient in the aftermath of deadly blazes in Los Angeles...
"The deadly, destructive fires affecting neighbourhoods in southern California are examples of urban firestorms, in which buildings themselves become fuel. As the climate changes and growing cities push outwards, researchers say that such fires are likely to become more common. To better understand how they spread, scientists are burning test houses and creating computer simulations that reveal how radiant heat and wind-blown embers set neighbouring houses alight. Other research points to practical measures that help to keep homes safe, such as covering vents and shaping roofs to keep out embers, and building with less-flammable siding and roof material..."
1 Recommendation
Ljubomir Jacić
Technical College Požarevac
How Los Angeles Can Fireproof Communities, Not Just Houses
"After the devastation of the Los Angeles fires, officials are ready to rebuild. But as the risk of devastating wildfires increases with climate change, the calls to rebuild Los Angeles raise a series of tricky questions: How and where to rebuild — and whether to rebuild at all..."
2 Recommendations
Michael Rains
West Chester University
False. It's a fire adapted eosystem with far too much development. It will happen again.

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Since I have not found any journal articles or book chapters to support my hypothesis that "The Guest" has a symbolic dimensionality that accommodates an interpretation identifying the unnamed Arab and his knife with Abdelkader and his rapier, I am open to receiving any information available to Research Gate scientists, humanists, and social scientists who share their knowledge and experience on this discussion thread.
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Due to the current civilization progress in recent decades, acceleration of the development of industry, automotive, urban agglomerations, intensification of agricultural production, etc. and related greenhouse gas emissions, global warming, ozone layer depletion in the atecologicalecologicalmosphere, increase of environmental pollution, growing problem of smog in urban agglomerations, the increase in pollution of the seas and oceans to which unsorted waste is thrown away is cut out as part of the predatory economy of tropical forests in the Amazon and other largest natural forest ecosystems.
In addition, the secondary effect of global warming of the Earth's climate is the increasing, more frequent weather anomalies, including drought, leading to steppe and desertification of areas that were previously natural forest ecosystems or areas exploited by agriculture.
As a result of the above-mentioned processes, every year many species of flora and fauna disappear forever.
As a result, natural biodiversity diminishes, which for millions of years evolved evolutionally on Earth.
In this way the natural resources of the planet Earth are irretrievably in decline.
In view of the above, the issue of environmental protection and biodiversity is one of the most important challenges of humanity in the 21st century.
Classical economics must change towards a green economy based on the strategy of sustainable pro-ecological development.
Therefore, I am asking you for the following query:
How can environmental protection and biodiversity be improved by using current ecological technologies?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
I pointed out the high level of relevance of the issue taken up in the above question in the article:
Please respond with what do you think about the issues described in this article?
Best wishes
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me based on my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
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  • It is also surprising how emotional this subject has become for many people. Pejorative name-calling and labelling abound within many internet forums. Please — such things are not welcome here. Pejorative language is not conducive to successfully resolving alternative viewpoints.
  1. The first page of this thread is pre-reserved for user tips and recommended best practices.
  2. The second page of this thread is pre-reserved for thought-provoking, discussion-starter posts. Each one highlights an important aspect of climate science, citing a high-quality paper.
  3. The third page of this thread is pre-reserved for highlighting the work of some of the active participants posting on this thread. This can give new readers an idea of the mix of content they will find throughout this thread.
  4. New posts by ResearchGate members begin on the fourth page of this thread.
Initially, most of the above category entries are placeholders, but they will be replaced with content, as described above, in the very near term.
Here are the direct links to each of the first four pages in the thread:
  1. https://www.researchgate.net/post/The_physical_processes_of_global_warming_and_climate_change--How_can_alternative_viewpoints_be_resolved/1
  2. https://www.researchgate.net/post/The_physical_processes_of_global_warming_and_climate_change--How_can_alternative_viewpoints_be_resolved/2
  3. https://www.researchgate.net/post/The_physical_processes_of_global_warming_and_climate_change--How_can_alternative_viewpoints_be_resolved/3
  4. https://www.researchgate.net/post/The_physical_processes_of_global_warming_and_climate_change--How_can_alternative_viewpoints_be_resolved/4

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