Started 23 May 2020

Smart Working. What do you mean with smart- working?

Smart working
"is known as a new model of work that uses the new technologies and the development of existing technologies to improve both the performance and the satisfaction that is obtained from the job".
What are its advantages and disadvantages of it?
Do you have smart working in your country?
Many thanks for your suggestions
Antonio Russo

Most recent answer

Neeraj Pandey
Wildlife Institute of India
Smart working according to me is obtaining maximum output in a short span of time through the use of advance techniques and technology.

Popular replies (1)

Eman Riyadh Adeeb
University of Diyala/ College of Education for Humanities
Dariusz's answer is highly accepted.
5 Recommendations

All replies (14)

Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Smart working is a new formula for remote work, which uses modern ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0 technologies, including: Internet of things, smart technologies, cloud computing, internet applications using advanced data processing technologies, including learning machines, data mining, artificial intelligence, Business Intelligence, Data Science etc. The use of these technologies in remote work, e.g. using a smartphone, tablet, palmptop, laptop or other device equipped with broadband Internet and smart technology applications, etc. increases the efficiency of remote work , increases work efficiency and increases the possibilities of using remote work in various professions, sectors and branches of the economy. This is a particularly important issue in the situations we currently have (May 2020) i.e. home quarantine, closed company offices etc. in connection with the anti-pandemic security instruments used, which were used to reduce the scale and slow down the development of the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus pandemic (causing Covid-19). The development of the implementation of professional activities, the implementation of work in the smart working formula is one of the important components of the process of digitizing the economy, which has been progressing in recent months.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
4 Recommendations
Ahsan Ali Siddiqui
King Fahad Medical City
Smart working could be done only by a Smart person. Giving the best Productivity with in few minutes could be called as SMART WORKING.
3 Recommendations
Eman Riyadh Adeeb
University of Diyala/ College of Education for Humanities
Dariusz's answer is highly accepted.
5 Recommendations
Arun Pardhi
Institute of Business Management & Research, Pune
Smart working means selection of smart goal out of the given job/work It means do not do the work differently but do the different work. making efforts does not count as smart work however the result that you produce is defined the smart work.
Smart work should be-
1.Specific ( i,e focus )
2.Measurable (i,e should be capable to measure)
3.Attainable (i,e one should be able to perform)
4.Reasonable and ( i,e of the capacity of the person to do it)
5. Time bound (i,e shall finish in a decided time)
Teddy Lian
Tunku Abdul Rahman University
Smart working means 3 essential things. First, you have leverage, so that what you do produces results. This is omportant because if a person works hard but doesn’t produce results, it is not smart!
Secondly, the work myst not be done alone but in a team so that the workload can be shared and team skills improved.
Thirdly, working smart means that work must be enjoyable and interesting so that it produces a positive feeling.
Mahfuz Judeh
Applied Science Private University
Smart working is a new formular which refers to a new model of work that uses the new technologies to improve both the performance and the satisfaction that is obtained from the job.
2 Recommendations
Raad Shaker Alnayli
Al-Mustaqbal University
It was great reply, thank Dariusz Prokopowicz
Raad Shaker Alnayli
Al-Mustaqbal University
Satisfying commonts was added by Mahfuz Judeh
Raad Shaker Alnayli
Al-Mustaqbal University
Antonio Russo, you are opening very useful dialogue, thank great
Raad Shaker Alnayli
Al-Mustaqbal University
Eman Riyadh Adeeb, yes you are right
Antonio Russo
University of Trieste
Dear all, many thanks for your attention and your answers Best Antonio Russo
Sonika Kumari
Gurukula Kangri (Deemed to be University)
Smart working means giving maximum output in minimum time, that can be done with the help of modern technology .
Kanagaraj Venusamy
Rajalakshmi Engineering College
  1. SMART Work performed by to attain the customer satisfaction with digital tools
Neeraj Pandey
Wildlife Institute of India
Smart working according to me is obtaining maximum output in a short span of time through the use of advance techniques and technology.

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Thank you very much for participating in the discussion.
Best wishes.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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