Started 30 August 2024

Since there's clearly easiest but to insist on hardest, as to use Fahrenheit temperatures instead of Celcius; is it exteme absurdity &/or dogmatism ?

( I invented the word "DOGMABSURDITY" for this context. )

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Capitã Cíntia Cardoso
Universidade Santa Cecília
The choice to use Fahrenheit temperatures instead of Celsius can be viewed in different ways, depending on the context and culture. In some regions, especially the United States, the Fahrenheit scale is the norm and therefore may be considered easier for locals to use, as they are familiar with it. On the other hand, the Celsius scale is widely used in the scientific world and in many countries, and is seen as more logical due to its alignment with the metric system.
Resistance to adopting the Celsius system in places where Fahrenheit is standardized can be interpreted as a form of cultural dogmatism or an aversion to change. However, it can also be a matter of comfort and adaptation to what is already known. Thus, insistence on using Fahrenheit in contexts that favor Celsius can be seen as irrational, but it can also reflect cultural preference. The choice of a thermal scale should ideally prioritize clarity and comprehensibility, especially in situations where accuracy of information is crucial, such as in meteorology or environmental sciences.
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