University of South Africa
Started 11 February 2024
Signaling responses to this aphorism.
A human can only aspire to fluency in so many different languages before mixing up words due to code switching. Thus, MAYBE those who cannot learn so many languages turn to linguistics and coding to earn money.
All replies (1)
Some ideas and associations:
You state “human can only aspire to fluency in so many different languages before mixing up words due to code switching”. I don’t know if this is true at all. On what research is it based? In my own situation, I am fluent in 5 languages and do not mix up words or get confused to which language a word belongs to.
Fluency in language corresponds to numeracy, that has been demonstrated. Children who are read a lot of stories in pre-school, for example, were no better in general subjects compared to other children, but they were better at maths later on. Both implicate logical thinking. Without logical thinking humans cannot string words into a longer narrative either.
People choosing coding or computer sciences may prefer to work individually and not in groups. That is a different dynamic, social vs solo, than proficiency at languages.
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