Started 21 September 2024

Seeking Research Collaboration in Cellular and Molecular Biology

Dear esteemed colleagues and professors,
I understand that this platform may not be the most appropriate place for this request, but as I was unsure of where to post this request where all respected professors and colleagues are present, I have decided to post it here.
I am a master's student in cellular and molecular biology and have been looking for a group or professor to collaborate with on writing a paper.
If you are willing and able to help, please send me an email at:
Thank you for your time and consideration.

All replies (2)

Albino Wins
Holy Cross College Autonomous Nagercoil, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Please mention your specific area you are working on in molecular biology

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What is the upper limit on plasmid size that can be transformed into chemically competent TOP10?
15 answers
  • Aalap ParikhAalap Parikh
I am currently working on a cloning a 6 kb insert into 14 kb vector by Gibson Assembly. Following heat shock transformation into chemically competent TOP10 cells, I had multiple positive colonies as identified by colony PCR (1 vector-specific + 1 insert-specific primer).
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