University of Southern Denmark
Started 23 May 2024
SPECIAL ISSUE - Call for papers about safety in industrial sites
Dear colleagues,
I am honoured to co-edit a new special issue on data driven approaches for safety in industrial sites.
More in detail, this Special Issue aims at collecting powerful evidence of new methods and datasets in the field of industrial safety and environmental risks related to industrial processes, specifically through data mining techniques and big data.
Check this link and let me know your interest!
All replies (3)
Dear Francesca,
We have three areas of work which I think may fit your topic.
The first is a follow up study of plants for which my company made risk analyses over a period of 30+ years. There were in all 82 major hazards accidents, several with fatalities as a result. Some of these were due to management or systems failure, some due to the fact that the accident mechanisms were completely novel and essentially unpredictable. A good deal of our later work has been to improve accident predictability and preventability by developing improved methods.
The second area which may interest you is a large collection of evidence based human error probabilities, This work was published in book form in 2016, but newer publication is intended to make the full background dataset openly available, including classification by error mode and error cause, and extending the dataset to maintenance.
The third area of work is in systematic lessons learned analysis, a method using evidence from accident reports to improve the quality of, for example, HAZARD studies, and to make risk reduction recommendations and lessons more directly accessible. A systematic lessons learned database indexed by equipment type, deviation type, and substance has been published in report form and this has been quite widely downloaded. However, the work to make these studies is excessive, and the extension to the lkarge collection of near misses is beyond my capacity. We are now using trustworthy language models to read accident reports, to construct generic accident models automatically, and provide interactive support to safety engineers.
If any of this is of interest, I can provide at least the current published reports, and would be happy to contribute to the dialogue.
With best regards, J. Robert Taylor
Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA)
Very interesting!
Please remember to submit only original research works, not published before and not under consideration by other journals. As you can read on the website of the SI, data descriptors on the topic are also welcomed (for example, if you have developed new datasets to study and improve safety in industrial sites).
For any questions regarding the publication process and the paper elaboration, you can contact Data Journal (data
Looking forward to receiving your papers.
Regards, Francesca Mauro.
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[Call for Papers] QSNS2025 workshop - Submission Deadline: February 10th, 2025
Davide Margaria
Dear colleagues and researchers,
I cordially invite you to submit a research paper for the 2nd Workshop on Quantum-Secure Networks and Systems (QSNS2025).
All details and the Call for Papers are available here:
Kind regards,
Davide Margaria
Publicity Chair for the QSNS2025 Workshop
About QSNS2025
This workshop is a joint initiative of the QUBIP and PQ-React projects, co-funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe framework programme on the transition to Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) of protocols, networks, and systems.
The development of quantum computers opens exciting new frontiers. At the same time, a cryptographically relevant quantum computer has the potential to break the foundations of current digital security. The global research and industry community is working on two complementary directions, (i) the definition of PQC algorithms, coordinated by NIST, and (ii) the transition of protocols, networks and systems to PQC.
The QSNS2025 workshop will address the most pressing cybersecurity challenges of the quantum era from an engineering perspective, with the aim of contributing to global efforts towards an agile, post-quantum or post-quantum/traditional hybrid and standards-based transition to PQC of the digital infrastructures we all use today.
QSNS2025 will be co-located with the 30th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, July 2-5, 2025, Bologna, Italy.
Important Dates
Workshop Paper Submission: February 10th, 2025
Author Notification: March 14th, 2025
Camera-ready: TBD
Author Registration: TBD
Workshop Event: TBD
QSNS2025 encourages multidisciplinary perspectives and welcomes papers on topics that include, but are not limited to the following:
- Design and/or analysis of post-quantum cryptographic algorithms
- Evolution of standard network and communication protocols to achieve PQ security
- Cryptographic agility in systems and protocols, to easily support different kinds of PQC algorithms
- Design and implementation of hybrid cryptographic schemas (post-quantum / traditional)
- Design and implementation of hybrid QKD / PQC solutions
- System and application support for PQC
- Hardware and/or software support for PQC
The QSNS2025 workshop organisers invite original research papers that have not been previously published and are not currently under review for publication elsewhere.
Submitted papers must be no longer than six (6) pages, including references, and must follow the IEEE proceedings guidelines. IEEE provides Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings ( All accepted papers will be published as part of the IEEE ISCC 2025 Workshop Proceedings in the IEEE Digital Library ( The IEEE ISCC Proceedings have been indexed in the past by ISI, dblp and Scopus. This makes the IEEE ISCC Workshops publication venues with very high visibility and impact in both Computer and Communications areas.
A “Best Paper Award” certificate will be given to the author(s) of a paper presented at the workshop, selected by the chairs based on the scientific significance, originality, and outstanding technical quality of the paper, as also assessed by the evaluations of the members of the Technical Program Committee (TPC).
Submissions should be uploaded to EDAS ( by the submission deadline. Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the TPC. One author per accepted paper must attend the workshop event and register on the IEEE ISCC 2025 website (
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