IRB Barcelona Institute for Research in Biomedicine
Asked 3 January 2021
Native-PAGE. Could anyone have a protocol or some advice to give me?
Hello everyone. I want to do a Native-PAGE followed by a western blot analysis to detect the different native forms of my proteins of interest (synuclein family). Could anyone have a protocol or some advice to give me? For example, related to the lysis buffer that I have to use and the running buffer. Is it necessary to run the gel in a cold room? Any tip would be useful. Thanks you!
Most recent answer
Thanks you very much for your comments and recommendations.
I just have one more question. Which buffer is better to use as a cell lysis buffer? I read that it could be a mild-buffer, with non-ionic detergents so I used to use this:
NaCl: 150mM; HEPES pH: 7.4 50mM; NP-40: 1%, and I keep the sample on ice for 30 minutes with vortex every 10 minutes.
But I read that this buffer is use for cellular fractionation, so it migth not lyse some membranes like nucleus membrane so I wouldn´t have total lysis as well.
Do you have any protocol for cell lysis? Thank you a lot!
Popular answers (1)
Institut Pasteur
You can try regular Tris glycine gels à la Lammli, but leasing out SDS and mercaptoethanol from all buffets. Don’t forget that the migration will give no indication on the size of the species unless you perform Ferguson analysis with gels containing different concentrations of polyacrylamide.
3 Recommendations
All Answers (4)
Institut Pasteur
You can try regular Tris glycine gels à la Lammli, but leasing out SDS and mercaptoethanol from all buffets. Don’t forget that the migration will give no indication on the size of the species unless you perform Ferguson analysis with gels containing different concentrations of polyacrylamide.
3 Recommendations
VOS Discovery Co. LTD
Hi Florencia Malizia,
I totally agree with Dr. Pierre Béguin.
I've done a lot of Native-PAGE and I used the same protocol as SDS-PAGE without any denatured-agents: no SDS and Mercaptoethanol/DTT in sample buffer, no heat treatment, and you don't need to run the gel in a cold room (Unless your electrophoresis unit heats up a lot during the operation and your proteins are heat sensitive).
Just notice that the non-denatured protein could be different from the denatured protein in structure, so you might need to check back and try optimizing the suitable time for the transferring step in western blotting.
Best luck!
1 Recommendation
Iowa State University
I think a popular buffer system is a 1X running buffer solution:
25 mM Tris-HCl (pH = 8.3), 192 mM Glycine, 0.003 % m/v Coomassie G-250.
Use of Coomassie G-250 allows you to do Blue Native PAGE. Coomassie G-250 gives proteins a negative charge, while still maintaining the native structure of the protein.
As others have said no SDS in the gel or in the running buffer.
1 Recommendation
IRB Barcelona Institute for Research in Biomedicine
Thanks you very much for your comments and recommendations.
I just have one more question. Which buffer is better to use as a cell lysis buffer? I read that it could be a mild-buffer, with non-ionic detergents so I used to use this:
NaCl: 150mM; HEPES pH: 7.4 50mM; NP-40: 1%, and I keep the sample on ice for 30 minutes with vortex every 10 minutes.
But I read that this buffer is use for cellular fractionation, so it migth not lyse some membranes like nucleus membrane so I wouldn´t have total lysis as well.
Do you have any protocol for cell lysis? Thank you a lot!
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