Started 25 February 2024
【NO.33】 What Does the Dimensionless Nature of the Fine-Structure Constant Mean?
Is the Fine-Structure Constant the Most Fundamental Physical Constant?
The fine-structure constant is obtained when the classical Bohr atomic model is relativisticized [1][2]. α=e2/ℏc, a number whose value lies very close to 1/137. α did not correspond to any elementary physical unit, since α is dimensionless. It may also be variable [6][7]*.
Sommerfeld introduced this number as the relation of the “relativistic boundary moment” p0=e2/c of the electron in the hydrogen atom to the first of n “quantum moments” pn=nh/2π. Sommerfeld had argued that α=p0/p1 would “play an important role in all succeeding formulas,” he had argued ‡ [5].
There are several usual interpretations of the significance of fine structure constants [3].
a)In 1916, Sommerfeld had gone no further than to suggest that more fundamental physical questions might be tied to this “relational quantity.” In Atomic Structure and Spectral Lines, α was given a somewhat clearer interpretation as the relation of the orbital speed of an electron “in the first Bohr orbit” of the hydrogen atom, to the speed of light [5].
b) α plays an important role in the details of atomic emission, giving the spectrum a "fine structure".
c) The electrodynamic interaction was thought to be a process in which light quanta were exchanged between electrically charged particles, where the fine-structure constant was recognized as a measure of the force of this interaction. [5]
d) α is a combination of the elementary charge e, Planck's constant h, and the speed of light c. These constants represent electromagnetic interaction, quantum mechanics, and relativity, respectively. So does that mean that if G is ignored (or canceled out) it represents the complete physical phenomenon.
Questions implicated here :
1) What does the dimensionless nature of α imply? The absence of dimension means that there is no conversion relation. Since it is a coupling relation between photons and electrons, is it a characterization of the consistency between photons and charges?
2) The various interpretations of α are not in conflict with each other, therefore should they be unified?
3) Is our current interpretation of α the ultimate? Is it sufficient?
4) Is α the most fundamental physical constant**? This is similar to Planck Scales† in that they are combinations of other fundamental physical constants.
* Spatial Variation and time variability.
‡ Sommerfeld considered α "important constants of nature, characteristic of the constitution of all the elements."[4]
[3] 张天蓉. (2022). 精细结构常数. https://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-677221-1346617.html
[1] Sommerfeld, A. (1916). The fine structure of Hydrogen and Hydrogen-like lines: Presented at the meeting on 8 January 1916. The European Physical Journal H (2014), 39(2), 179-204.
[2] Sommerfeld, A. (1916). Zur quantentheorie der spektrallinien. Annalen der Physik, 356(17), 1-94.
[4] Heilbron, J. L. (1967). The Kossel-Sommerfeld theory and the ring atom. Isis, 58(4), 450-485.
[5] Eckert, M., & Märker, K. (2004). Arnold Sommerfeld. Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel, 2, 1919-1951.
[6] Wilczynska, M. R., Webb, J. K., Bainbridge, M., Barrow, J. D., Bosman, S. E. I., Carswell, R. F., Dąbrowski, M. P., Dumont, V., Lee, C.-C., Leite, A. C., Leszczyńska, K., Liske, J., Marosek, K., Martins, C. J. A. P., Milaković, D., Molaro, P., & Pasquini, L. (2020). Four direct measurements of the fine-structure constant 13 billion years ago. Science Advances, 6(17), eaay9672. https://doi.org/doi:10.1126/sciadv.aay9672
[7] Webb, J. K., King, J. A., Murphy, M. T., Flambaum, V. V., Carswell, R. F., & Bainbridge, M. B. (2011). Indications of a Spatial Variation of the Fine Structure Constant. Physical Review Letters, 107(19), 191101. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.191101
Most recent answer
Dear Vladimir A. Lebedev,
Could you provide me the value of this dimensionless ratio and also the two speeds separately.
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All replies (17)
Dear Chian Fan,
According to me the value of the fine-structure constant comes from a cosmological parameter.
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East China University of Science and Technology
Dear Jamil Kooli
If the fine-structure constant comes from some cosmological constant, we need to correlate that cosmological constant with the electric charge e, the Planck constant h, and the speed of light c. This is equivalent to turning back. And it is not obvious that the cosmological constant has to be correlated with e and equally dimensionless.
However, we believe that the fine structure constant must be affected by some cosmological constant, e.g. through the spacetime metric (spacetime expansion). Atomic structure parameters can be different at different spacetime metrics, unless there happens to be a canceling effect.
The fine structure constant reflects the physical phenomena inside the atom, and it is a microscopic constant. Usually we think that cosmological phenomena are built up from microscopic accumulations, therefore, in the causal relationship, cosmological parameters should be the effect, not the cause. Probably many people disagree with this view.
Best Regards, Chian Fan
1 Recommendation
Dear Chian Fan,
Planck constant has according to me an equation not the one E/f but an equation a function of cosmological parameters. in other side its ok e is a function of fine-structure which depends on a cosmological parameter. But be carreful I insist to the fact that speed of light is not a function of any cosmological parameter and the Newtonian constant is also not a fuction of any cosmological parameter but they have another special link.
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Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
“[NO.33】 What Does the Dimensionless Nature of the Fine-Structure Constant Mean?”
- the rigorous scientific answer to the question above
– as that is in every case when some physical answer really relates to any really fundamental problem, while in mainstream physics all really fundamental phenomena/notions, first of all in this case “Matter”– and so everything in Matter, i.e. “particles”, “fundamental Nature forces” – and so “charges”, “fields”, etc., “Consciousness”, “Space”, “Time”, “Energy”, “Information”, are fundamentally completely transcendent/uncertain/irrational, and so in every case when the mainstream addresses to any really fundamental problem, then result is completely inevitably is transcendent/mystic something
- is possible, and more 30 fundamental questions, including in the quote above, are answered, only in framework of the Shevchenko-Tokarevsky’s Planck scale informational physical model, 3 main papers are
More concretely the answer is in the 2007 SS&VT initial Planck scale model of fundamental Nature Gravity and Electric forces, see 2-nd link above, section 6. “Mediation of the fundamental forces in complex systems”, though to understand completely what is in this section is necessary, of course, to read and understand both the first papers.
So more see the links above, here only a few notes:
“…c) The electrodynamic interaction was thought to be a process in which light quanta were exchanged between electrically charged particles, where the fine-structure constant was recognized as a measure of the force of this interaction. [5]….”
- that is an example of some – and in this case even evidently transcendent/mystic – mainstream “thoughts”. Indeed in mainstream QED and Standard particle Model photons are postulated as mediators of Electric Force, despite the evident fact – if there are two or more charges in statics, then the charges are quite really interact, but at that quite evidently no any photons are observed. Etc., that isn’t an unique mainstream mystics in this case, though.
Really, as that is completely rigorously scientifically shown in the SS&VT whole model above, the Matter’s ultimate base is the (at least) [4+4+1]4D dense lattice of primary elementary logical structures – (at least) [4+4+1]4D binary reversible fundamental logical elements [FLE], which is placed in the corresponding Matter’s fundamentally absolute, fundamentally flat, fundamentally continuous, and fundamentally “Cartesian”, (at least) [4+4+1]4D spacetime with metrics (at least) (cτ,X,Y,Z, g,w,e,s,ct).
FLE “size” and “FLE binary flip time” are Planck length, lP, and Planck time, tP, andeverything what exists and happens in Matter is/are only some disturbances in the lattice, that are created if some the particle FLE is impacted, and propagate/move on the lattice only with 4D. (cτ,X,Y,Z) speeds c=lP/tP.
Particles are created if to a FLE some no-zero 4D space (cτ,X,Y,Z) momentum P [bold means 4D vector] is transmitted, corresponding disturbances are some close-loop algorithms that cyclically run with frequency ω=Pc/ћ on “FLE hardware” as sequential FLE-by-FLE flipping; say, electron’s algorithm is sequence that has “logical length” [number of FLEs] N0~2.4x1022FLEs.
At that some parts of algorithms have some Forces “marks”, and when a particle algorithm runs, its marked by the Force FLEs cause propagating in 3DXYZ space disturbances “Force mediators”, which, if hit into other particle’s also flipping and marked by the same Force FLE, cause a momentum that impacts on the “irradiated” particle and at statics is directed to the first [radiating] particle.
Electron’s – and other electrically charged particles’ [besides quarks] algorithms have the part of E-marked FLEs that is relative, and is equal to √α. Just that is the physical sense of the fine structure constant.
I.e. number of E-marked FLEs is always ~ 8% of N0, in electron NE~2x1021FLE, in proton algorithm in ~1000 times lesser, but since proton’s algorithm ticks in ~1000 times faster, proton also has charge e, etc.
Nothing more, so Electric Force [particles] strength constant e=(αћc)1/2.
More see the links above, , note also, though, that at least 3 – Gravity, Electric, and Nuclear, Forces act by the same – the above – scheme.
East China University of Science and Technology
Dear Jamil Kooli
Without clarifying the microscopic origin of the cosmological parameters, your argument firstly negates reductionism. Secondly, it also denies the foundations of modern physics. I think any attempt to establish a completely new physics is dangerous.
Best Regards, Chian Fan
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Dear Chian Fan,
I find that for example if someone begins to make researches in physics using dimensionless Planck unities as I'm curretly doing I'm formel that soon or late he can as me find new equations for known cosmological parameters and also he can identify at minimum a new equation of a new cosmological parameter not yet well known. I want to say that till now constants of physics are not all identifief and this is the real big problem in modern physics. I also want to say that such people working in this way should arrive to proove to discover how cosmology uses some calculus means of the quantum world and this same people could proove how quantum calculus uses cosmological parameters. I hope that I can soon post my new equations for the exact hydrogen radius using a purely relativistic method as well as my new formulas for both the Rydberg constants and the classical electronic radius which I have just test them using the results of the experiments in muonic hydrogen and deuterium. According to me these results represents a tresor of information in same time for cosmology and for the quantum word because we can identify a dimensionless ratio which is good for the calculations both for the quantum world and in cosmology.
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East China University of Science and Technology
Dear Jamil Kooli
"..... ...make researches in physics using dimensionless Planck unities."
It is an interesting idea to start the research from here. but such a constant must not be the most fundamental physical constant, it is more likely to embody a fixed relationship, similar to a fine structure constant. Any constant embedded in physical behavior should have a dimension, just as π is meaningless unless it is embedded in a circle.
"I want to say that till now constants of physics are not all identified and this is the real big problem in modern physics."
I don't quite agree with this view. One reason is that physical constants are not well defined concepts in modern physics*; the other reason is that modern physics has been able to describe physical phenomena relatively accurately in both the macroscopic and microscopic domains, which means that important physical constants already exist in the list of physical constants. What we need is to discover which are the fundamental physical constants.
The above is only a personal opinion, and I look forward to new discoveries in your paper.
Best Regards, Chian Fan
* Here are some references and different points of view: https://www.researchgate.net/post/No28The_Relation_Between_Mathematics_and_Physics_4-Could_All_Physical_Constants_be_Unified_to_a_set_of_Fundamental_Constants_of_Nature
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Institute of Thermophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Dear Chian Fan
I have already written to you that there are only two fundamental spaces. The first is an electromagnetic space composed of discrete photons (with spin s=1ћ). The other is nuclear, composed of protons and neutrons, as well as electrons (with spin s=½ћ). The maximum speed of excitation of photons is the speed of light c. This is nature's choice. The maximum speed of excitation (movement) of fermions is equal to αс. That is, the fine structure constant α is the ratio of the two maximum possible speeds in two fundamentally different spaces. This is also nature’s choice, and you have to come to terms with it.
With best regards, Mikhail Dulin.
1 Recommendation
Dimensionless speed ratio: the speed of movement of spatial matter towards the nucleon (the cause of gravity) to the speed of light in space near the nucleon.
East China University of Science and Technology
Dear Mikhail N Dulin
Some misses are missed by the eyes, some misses are missed by the brain, and some misses are missed by the heart. I'm not sure where I missed your point. However, I remember we discussed causality between constants. α = e2/ℏc, is left equals right, not right equals left. In any case, it's wonderful to now see your unique and illuminating perspective. It exhibits an irresistible symmetry: "The maximum speed of excitation of photons is the speed of light c; The maximum speed of excitation of fermions is equal to αс." and the axiomatic thought: "This is nature's choice!"
However, there is still a lack of understanding of your idea of "only two fundamental spaces". I hope to be able to add to it in the future.
My current experience with fine structure constants is twofold:
1)According to QED, the fine structure constant,α=e2/ℏc,is not dimensionless, but the dimensions cancel out on both sides of the interaction. On one side is the charge e2, representing the electron, and on the other side is ℏc, representing the photon. This is hard to disprove.
2)There are many sources and different interpretations of the fine structure constant, almost all of them are correct, and we cannot doubt that they are the same constant. Then, these different interpretations must be unified, whether it's your point of view, @Preston Guynn's point of view, or Vladimir A. Lebedev 's point of view, and so on. That's the biggest problem.
Then, what physical meaning is implied behind this? Can all sources be attributed to electromagnetic interactions? Especially Relativity. It would appear so.
My conclusion: The Nature of Relativity must be Electromagnetic Interactions according to the behavior of the fine structure constant.
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Institute of Thermophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
Dear Chian Fan
If only you knew what the electron in the Dirac equation does in response to the “compression” of EM space at a speed close to the speed of light.)) Not only does it use its spin so as not to emit photons during its uniform and linear motion, but also “ turns inside out" to level out the relativistic distortion of the surrounding space. However, this is just my personal opinion.
With best wishes, Mikhail Dulin.
Independent Researcher
Chian Fan While you rightly state that FSC alpha has many variants of (widely known typically metric multiple unit canceling) representations, by identifying the most important not widely known single metric unit cancellations (of both magnetic flux and electric resistance) it is clearly shown that FSC is not only a constant of the quantum domain, but bridging the quantum world and cosmology in the form of directly showing a physically likewise quantized spacetime based of a fully discredited (think LEGO) hexagonal structured vortex cell arrangement just as already Max Planck has envisioned is real:
Conference Paper iSpace - Deriving G from α, e, R∞, μ0 and Quantum of Gravita...
Conference Paper iSpace - Exact Symbolic Equations for Important Physical Con...
Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
The thread question “What Does the Dimensionless Nature of the Fine-Structure Constant Mean?”, more correctly “What is the Dimensionless Nature of the Fine-Structure Constant?”, is rigorously scientifically answered in SS post on page 1, 5 days ago now.
So for readers, , who really want to know what the fine structure constant is see this post and papers that are linked in the post.
East China University of Science and Technology
Dear Mikhail N Dulin
"If only you knew what the electron in the Dirac equation does in response to the “compression” of EM space at a speed close to the speed of light.)) Not only does it use its spin so as not to emit photons during its uniform and linear motion, but also “ turns inside out" to level out the relativistic distortion of the surrounding space. However, this is just my personal opinion."
Seems like a very valuable perspective. I need to study and comprehend your points carefully.
Best Regards, Chian Fan
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Airbus Defence and Space, Friedrichshafen, Germany
We can understand e²/(2cε0) or e²√(µ0/ε0)/2 as an action quant related to the elementary static charge. We als know h as a fundamental action quant.
The relation e²√(µ0/ε0)/h therefor can be understood as a relation between a quant of physical action and an action quant, which corresponds to an elementary charge.
The Planck constant stands for a dynamic property and the charge quant stands for something static. Therefor this relation compares elementary static and dynamic actions. It seems that static actions are dominant by a factor of about 137.
Similar questions and discussions
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- Chian Fan
Can Physical Constants Which Are Obtained with Combinations of Fundamental Physical Constants Have a More Fundamental Nature?
Planck Scales (Planck's 'units of measurement') are different combinations of the three physical constants h, c, G, Planck Scales=f(c,h,G):
Planck Time: tp=√ℏG/c^5=5.31x10^-44s ......(1)
Planck Length: Lp=√ℏG/c^3=1.62x10^-35m ......(2)
Planck Mass: Mp=√ℏc/G=2.18x10^-8 kg ......(3)
“These quantities will retain their natural meaning for as long as the laws of gravity, the propagation of light in vacuum and the two principles of the theory of heat hold, and, even if measured by different intelligences and using different methods, must always remain the same.”[1] And because of the possible relation between Mp and the radius of the Schwarzschild black hole, the possible generalized uncertainty principle [2], makes them a dependent basis for new physics [3]. But what exactly is their natural meaning?
However, the physical constants, the speed of light, c, the Planck constant, h, and the gravitational constant, G, are clear, fundamental, and invariant.
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h: bounds the relationship between Energy and Momentum with h=E/ν = Pλ, and energy-momentum conservation [5][6];
G: bounds the relationship between Space-Time and Energy-Momentum, with the Einstein field equation c^4* Gμν = (8πG) * Tμν, and general covariance [7].
The physical constants c, h, G already determine all fundamental physical phenomena‡. So, can the Planck Scales obtained by combining them be even more fundamental than they are? Could it be that the essence of physics is (c, h, G) = f(tp, Lp, Mp)? rather than equations (1), (2), (3). From what physical fact, or what physical imagination, are we supposed to get this notion? Never seeing such an argument, we just take it and use it, and still recognize c,h,G fundamentality. Obviously, Planck Scales are not fundamental physical constants, they can only be regarded as a kind of 'units of measurement'.
So are they a kind of parameter? According to Eqs. (1)(2)(3), c,h,G can be directly replaced by c,h,G and the substitution expression loses its meaning.
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‡ Please ignore for the moment the phenomena within the nucleus of the atom, eventually we will understand that they are still determined by these three constants.
[1] Robotti, N. and M. Badino (2001). "Max Planck and the 'Constants of Nature'." Annals of Science 58(2): 137-162.
[2] Maggiore, M. (1993). A generalized uncertainty principle in quantum gravity. Physics Letters B, 304(1), 65-69. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/0370-2693(93)91401-8
[3] Kiefer, C. (2006). Quantum gravity: general introduction and recent developments. Annalen der Physik, 518(1-2), 129-148.
[4] Einstein, A. (1905). On the electrodynamics of moving bodies. Annalen der Physik, 17(10), 891-921.
[5] Planck, M. (1900). The theory of heat radiation (1914 (Translation) ed., Vol. 144).
[6] Einstein, A. (1917). Physikalisehe Zeitschrift, xviii, p.121
[7] Petruzziello, L. (2020). A dissertation on General Covariance and its application in particle physics. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
【NO.45】 What is Mass? Must the Hierarchy of Mass be Determined Simultaneously by the Origin of Mass?
- Chian Fan
The concept of mass explained by the Higgs mechanism is able to include all concepts of mass, inertial mass, gravitational mass, mechanical mass, electromagnetic mass [1], kinematic mass, static mass, longitudinal mass, transverse mass [2], bare mass ...... ? Is it the Higgs field that leads to the mass-energy equation? How are coupling relationships established? Do the Couplings Transfer Energy-Momentum?
Although there are many different sub-concepts of mass, a distinguishing feature is that the mass of an object is not reflected, recognisable, or measurable when it is not interacting. We can think of all mass as a property of resistance that only presents itself when an object's state of motion changes§. The so-called "rest mass" can only be regarded as a representation of the amount of static energy, and not vice versa.
Thus, it is clear that masses are essentially the same, differing only in size and form*. This also implies that no matter how many differences there are in the occasions of interaction, as long as the required dimension is the same, they are the same mass. In this way, the Equivalence Principle in GR need not be regarded as a specific condition.
However, mass is not constant, and the magnitude of an object's mass in SR changes according to the Lorentz transformation. This predicts that the mass of an object is related to the increase or decrease in the energy of the object and is bounded by the speed of light.
Higgs physics suggests [3] that the mass of bosons is given by the Higgs mechanism [4]; that the mass of fermions is also given by the Higgs field [10], although this is still an open question [5]; and that Higgs particles themselves give their own mass [3], although this is not a clear-cut conclusion either [6].The Higgs field is a scalar field that pervades space, and is the same as the other elementary particle fields, electron fields, quark fields, etc., co-existing in the vacuum**. They all appear to have the same status, except for the Higgs mechanism.
However, the current Higgs mechanism has some obvious explanation missing.
1) Why does the Higgs field selectively couple to bosons? I.e., how does the Higgs field recognise the bosons W±, Z and γ, g, all of which have energy and perform the same function, and to which the Higgs field selectively assigns mass, or not.
2) The magnitude of the coupling coefficient of the Higgs field determines the mass size of the fermions [10]. Then, the mass hierarchy of the three generations of fermions is determined by the Higgs field¶.Why should the particles all have different couplings coefficients gj to the Higgs field? and where do these values come from[7][8]? Before there is mass, fermions have exactly the same quantum number and they are indistinguishable [9]†. How does the Higgs field recognise these particles? The obvious requirement is that they must have additional parameters, or other physical quantities that do not present . At the same time, The action of the Higgs field on the positive and negative particles (e+,e-; q+,q-; ) is identical. And how does it ignore this difference?
3) If the Higgs field is not coupled to fermions, can fermions really travel at the speed of light like photons without stopping? According to the mass-energy equation E=mc2, are all particles energy before there is mass(or none)? So the coupling of the Higgs field is to energy, do they have to exchange energy between them? What is the energy transfer relation here, E=mc2? If m=0 now, is E fully converted to the raw energy of the particle?
4) If the significance of the existence of inertial mass for fermions, W± can be explained, what is the significance of the Higgs Boson possessing inertial mass itself?Does it really implies the existence of a 'fifth force', mediated by the exchange of Higgs bosons [8]?
5) The shape of the Higgs potential V(Ø) expresses the relationship between the potential and the field strength , V(Ø) ~ Ø [10] ‡ . Ø is hidden in the vacuum ††. How do different Ø present themselves at a given spatial location? Do they interact with other particles in one way?
6) How does the mathematical explanation of the Higgs mechanism map reasonably to physical reality? Must the Higgs potential be an external field? ‡‡ Wouldn't it be better if it were the field of the particle itself? [12] Is the Higgs mechanism for mass completely excludes the relation between mass and spin ?[15]
7) Not all mass is caused by Higgs [10], and potential energy (binding energy) gives mass as well. In this case, is mass still consistent? Doesn't mass become a variable?
Supplement: Can mass have multiple origins? (2024.9.26)
“The Higgs does seem to be the source of the mass of elementary particles, e.g., the electron; but it is responsible for < 2% of the mass of more complex things, like the proton. The mass of the vast bulk of visible material in the Universe has a different source.”[1] “the Higgs boson is almost irrelevant to the origin of the proton mass. ”[2]
Mass is an important particle property. If mass has surprisingly multiple origins, how do we explain their relationship? Do they produce the same results by similar mechanisms, or completely different ones? Do they all rely on external fields? Is the mass-energy equation, m=E/c^2, a clue to determining the uniform origin of mass? Can a mechanism that does not provide energy provide mass?
Does mass obey the superposition principle? Is it a scalar superposition or a vector superposition? Is it a linear or nonlinear superposition? Let us consider a process in which u, d quarks combine to form a proton p. In the early stages of the evolution of the universe, nothing else in particular existed. u and d automatically combine to form p in such a scenario, like a pair of lovers meeting to form a family. The family is a more stable structure, and the ‘quality’ of life of the family (In Chinese, quality and mass are one word, 质量) has increased. The increased ‘quality’ does not come from outside, but from the union itself.
§ Mass is usually thought of as resisting a change in the "state" of matter, but what is the "state"? Why does it resist change? Why can it resist change? My personal reference answer is here [12]: Mass originates from damping the superluminal intent of a spinning light ring and as a result is the fundamental property that distinguishes fermions from bosons.
* Mass is somewhat similar to energy in that it exists in various forms, but the two are fundamentally different.
** Physics doesn't know what parameters to use to describe these fields and doesn't seem to be interested.
‡ “One of the most important open questions in Higgs physics is whether the potential written in that equation is the one chosen by nature. ”[8]
‡‡ "Central to all of Higgs physics is the Higgs potential."[8] C. N. Yang[13]: "Symmetry breaking with the introduction of a field will not be the last theory, although for the time being it is a good theory, like Fermi's theory of beta decay." Expresses his scepticism about the Higgs mechanism.
† With no Higgs field, the electron and electron neutrino would be identical particles, and the W and Z particles, and in fact all standard model fermions, would be massless. [9]
†† The vacuum seems to be the all-powerful vacuum, and physics assigns many functions to the vacuum [14].
¶ The hierarchies among fermion masses and mixing angles, however, remain unexplained.[11]
[1] Thomson, J. J. (1881). XXXIII. On the electric and magnetic effects produced by the motion of electrified bodies. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 11(68), 229-249.
[2] Abraham, M. (1902). Principles of the Dynamics of the Electron (Translated by D. H. Delphenich). Physikalische Zeitschrift 4(1b), 57-62.
[3] Ellis, J. (2013). Higgs physics. arXiv preprint arXiv:1312.5672.
[4] Higgs, P. W. (1964). Broken Symmetries and the Masses of Gauge Bosons. Physical Review Letters, 13(16), 508-509. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.13.508
[5] Ghosh, D., Gupta, R. S., & Perez, G. (2016). Is the Higgs mechanism of fermion mass generation a fact? A Yukawa-less first-two-generation model. Physics Letters B, 755, 504-508.
[6] Consoli, M., & Cosmai, L. (2020). The mass scales of the Higgs field. International Journal of Modern Physics A, 35(20), 2050103.
[7] Melia, F. (2021). The origin of rest-mass energy. The European Physical Journal C, 81(8), 707. https://doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-09506-w
[8] Salam, G. P., Wang, L.-T., & Zanderighi, G. (2022). The Higgs boson turns ten. Nature, 607(7917), 41-47. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04899-4
[9] Lancaster, T., & Blundell, S. J. (2014). Quantum field theory for the gifted amateur. OUP Oxford.
[10] Schmitz, W. (2019). Particles, Fields and Forces. Springer.
[11] Bauer, M., Carena, M., & Gemmler, K. (2016). Creating the fermion mass hierarchies with multiple Higgs bosons. Physical Review D, 94(11), 115030.
Preprint Supersymmetric Standard Model (SSM)
[13] C.N.Yang. (2014). 六十八年心路(1945-2012). 三联书店.
[15] C. N. Yang emphasised: in the context of gauge theory, the conjecture of why we need a theory of gravity with spin electrons. Today I remain believing that this is a key to the future conquest of quantum general relativity.
【NO.40】Doubts about General Relativity (5) - Should there be "negative gravity" in General Relativity?
- Chian Fan
If gravity is caused by spacetime, then negative gravity should also be caused by spacetime. If general relativity is correct, then it should be able to describe all spacetime types and describe both positive and negative gravity.
In electromagnetic interactions there are two opposite forces, attractive and repulsive. The direction of the electric force depends on the identity of the "electric charge"; the direction of the magnetic force depends on the polarity of the "magnetic charge"*. However, in gravitational phenomena we only find attractive forces at the macroscopic level. This seems to be a flaw, somewhat similar to our inability to see antimatter (the gravitational force produced by antimatter is still positive). The concepts of "negative mass" and "negative energy" have been proposed and assumed to give rise to negative gravity [1][2][3]. This seems a somewhat absurd idea.
According to the interpretation of general relativity, gravity is a manifestation of the "curvature" of spacetime. So, if positive curvature of space-time produces "positive gravity", does negative curvature of space-time produce "negative gravity"? Under what conditions and in what places should such a situation leading to negative gravity occur?
Schwarzschild spacetime is a spherically symmetric solution of GR, can spherical symmetry be extended across the "event horizon" to r=0?
The best way to describe it is that we take the "event horizon" (r=2GM) as the dividing line, whose inner and outer spacetimes are symmetric. The external is gravitational force (pointing to the centre of the sphere), which tends to zero at r→∞,and is the macroscopic case; the internal is negative gravitational force (leaving the centre of the sphere), which tends to zero at r→0, and is the microscopic case(This looks like a very good match for elementary particles). However, physics suggests that the interior of a black hole is much more complex [4].
* We don't think there's a magnetic monopole; Fan, C. (2023). If Magnetic Monopoles Would Annihilate Like Positive and Negative Electrons, Would Magnetism Still Exist? https://www.researchgate.net/post/NO23If_Magnetic_Monopoles_Would_Annihilate_Like_Positive_and_Negative_Electrons_Would_Magnetism_Still_Exist
[1] Bondi, H. (1957). Negative mass in general relativity. Reviews of Modern Physics, 29(3), 423.
[2] Tiwari, R. N., Rao, J. R., & Ray, S. (1991). Gravitational sources of purely electromagnetic origin. Astrophysics and Space Science, 178(1), 119-132. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00647119
[3] Parikh, M. K., & Wilczek, F. (2000). Hawking radiation as tunneling. Physical Review Letters, 85(24), 5042.
[4] Carroll, S. M. (1999). Lecture Notes on General Relativity. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/2354635_Lecture_Notes_on_General_Relativity
【NO.35】 The Relation Between Mathematics and Physics (9) - How Do the Laws of Physics Emerge?
- Chian Fan
In his article "More is different", Anderson said that new laws of physics "emerge" at each physical level and new properties appear [1]; Wheeler, when claiming that "law without law" and "order comes out of disorder", argued that chaotic phenomena " generate" different laws of physics [2][3]. What they mean is that the laws, parameters, and constants of the upper level of physics appear to be independent of the laws of physics of the lower level. Is this really the case? Are we ignoring the conditions that form the physical hierarchy, thus leading to this illusion?
Let's suppose a model. The conditions for the formation of new levels are at least two: i. Existence of low-level things A,B ...... , the existence of interaction modes a, b,...... ; two, the existence of a sufficient number of low-level things, NxA, MxB....... Then when they are brought together, there are many possible combinations, e.g., (AA), (AAA), (AAA)', ...... , (AB), (BA), (AAB)', (BAB), ........ Then it escalates to [(AA)(AA)], [(AB)(ABA)], ....... What this actually leads to is a change in the structure of things and a corresponding change in the way they interact. The result of the "change" is the appearance of new physical phenomena, new forces, and so on.
Physics is an exact match for math, so let's use math as an example of this phenomenon. Suppose we have a number of strings (threads) that can be regarded as underlying things, then, when a string is curled into a circle, L=2πR, the law of the relationship between the length of the string and its radius, and the irrational constant π appear; when two strings are in cascade, L=l1+l2, the law that the total length of the string is equal to the sum of the individual string lengths (Principle of superposition) appears; and, when three strings form a right triangle, the law of Pythagoras, c2=a2+b2, the law of sums of interior angles of triangles ∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180° , and the irrational constant √2 appear ...... ; and the transcendental number e appears when the string length L grows in a fixed proportion (continuous compound interest)[4]‡ ...... ; when the string vibrates, sine waves (sinωt) appear; when two strings are orthogonal, i appears ...... ; and when more kinds of vibrating strings are superimposed under specific conditions, more phenomena appear *.......
All these "qualitative changes" do not seem to be caused by "quantitative changes", but more by the need to change the structure. As mathematical theorems emerge, so must the laws of physics, and it is impossible for physics to transcend mathematics. Therefore, as long as there is a change of structure in physics, i.e. the possibility of symmetry breaking [5]**, new "symmetries", new "laws", new "forces", new "constants", new "parameters" are almost inevitable.
Can we try to attribute all physical phenomena to emergence under hierarchical structural conditions? For example, the fine structure constant‡‡and the Pauli exclusion principle emerge because of the formation of atomic structure; the "nuclear force" emerges because of the combination of protons and neutrons; The "strong interaction force" and "weak interaction force" appeared because of the structure of protons and neutrons. We should pay attention to the causal relationship here. Without structure, there would be no new phenomena; it is the more fundamental interactions that form structure, not these new "phenomena".
* e.g. Blackbody radiation law, Bose statistics, Fermi statistics, etc.
** Should there be "spontaneous symmetry breaking"? Any change in symmetry should have a cause and a condition.
‡ What does it mean in physics if e will appear everywhere and the individual mathematical constants appear so simply? They must likewise appear at the most fundamental level of physics.
2024-07-27 补充
In addition to the structure and statistics generated by the interactions that result in new laws of physics, the expression of the different orders of differentials and integrals of such generating processes is another important way of making the laws of physics emerge.
Typical examples of such expressions can be seen @ Ingo D. Mane: “On the Origin and Unification of Electromagnetism, Gravitation, and Quantum Mechanics“:
[1] Anderson, P. W. (1972). More Is Different: broken symmetry and the nature of the hierarchical structure of science.
. Science, 177(4047), 393-396. https://doi.org/doi:10.1126/science.177.4047.393
[2] Wheeler, J. A. (1983). ‘‘On recognizing ‘law without law,’’’Oersted Medal Response at the joint APS–AAPT Meeting, New York, 25 January 1983. American Journal of Physics, 51(5), 398-404.
[3] Wheeler, J. A. (2018). Information, physics, quantum: The search for links. Feynman and computation, 309-336.
[4] Reichert, S. (2019). e is everywhere. Nature Physics, 15(9), 982-982. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41567-019-0655-9;
[5] Nambu, Y. (2009). Nobel Lecture: Spontaneous symmetry breaking in particle physics: A case of cross fertilization. Reviews of Modern Physics, 81(3), 1015.
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