Asked 19 March 2020

NADPH oxidase Covid-19 Oxygen treatment?

As I understand Neutrophil ROS generation may be a strong contributing factor for lung injury of immunopathological lunginflamation during infection with covid-19. What effects would oxygen treatment have on the ROS generation? Would it cause a strong increase of ROS generation by the overactive neutrophils? Could one treat with e.g. Apocynin?

Most recent answer

Hermann A M Mucke
H.M. Pharma Consultancy
At least one company, AptaBio Co. Ltd from Korea, is already working on Covid-19 from this angle with its NOX inhibitor APX-115 which it also has in prepration for Phase II trials in diabetic nephropathy:

All Answers (7)

The article suggests that Oxygen treatment can reduce the production of ROS in neutrophils by modulating the MAPK and associated downstream signaling.
1 Recommendation
Suhad Mohammed
University Of Kufa
Because of oxygen released may be using for treatment
Manash K. Paul
Manipal Academy of Higher Education
Hyperbaric Oxygen Reduces Production of Reactive Oxygen Species in Neutrophils from Polytraumatized Patients. and
Reactive Oxygen Species Production in Peripheral Blood Neutrophils of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients. these two papers suggest that ROS production is activated in low oxygen conditions and not at high oxygen concentrations.
The role of neutrophils is important as they are capable of recognizing viruses. A a better understanding of the role of neutrophils, that was previously underappreciated with respect to viral infections needs to be done.
John M Lawler
Texas A&M University
The key to COVID pathology IMO even without hyperbaric treatment is the high levels of NADPH oxidases. ACE1 inhibitors (lisinopril) and angiotensin receptor blockers (telmisartan) can reduce Nox levels.
Luay A. Al-Helaly
University of Mosul
With hyperbaric oxygen therapy, I think there will be an increase in oxidant compounds through the effectiveness of neutrophil cells that increase many oxidant compounds through NADPH Oxidase as well as by Meyloperoxidase which can work greatly in cases of infections that occur in the patient's respiratory system.
Firas A. Al-Lolage
University of Mosul
This isn't a new article but it should be helpful in this context
Hermann A M Mucke
H.M. Pharma Consultancy
At least one company, AptaBio Co. Ltd from Korea, is already working on Covid-19 from this angle with its NOX inhibitor APX-115 which it also has in prepration for Phase II trials in diabetic nephropathy:

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