Started 16 November 2023

Might what be shocking about dark energy is the failure to explain it?

December 2023 Sci Am has an article at page 62 by science writer Richard Panet, The Cosmic Surprise. Scientists discovered dark energy 25 years ago. They’re still trying to figure out what it is
The same article appears in Sci Am’s Space and Physics November 16, 2023: The Most Shocking Discovery in Astrophysics Is 25 Years Old A quarter of a century after detecting dark energy, scientists are still trying to figure out what it is.
Suppose instead, that dimensional capacity, a simple principle embedded but unnoticed in Galileo’s 1638 strength of materials scaling explains dark energy. The scaling principle is that scaling weight by exponent 3 requires the cross-sectional area of weight-bearing bone to get fatter by scaling by 3/2 relative to scaling of weight. Weight has 3/2 the dimension of area, area gets bigger by 3/2 disproportionately, so there is enough bone mass to support increased weight.
For dark energy, suppose the 4 dimensions of space + light motion results in 3D space getting fatter, so 3D radial distances are 4/3 of 4D distances.
As in :
If after 25 years, physics with all its modern mathematics, theories and technology has not figured out DE, maybe it's because physics cannot without a simple concept not yet part of conventional physics.
I suspect future generations will be mystified why this generation thought dark energy was shocking.

All replies (1)

Olivier Hakizimana
Independent Researcher
It is a great question for sure, although the notion of dark gravity has been recently clarified.
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“The Essence of ‘E’: Unveiling the Infinitely Infinite” for your consideration. Enclosed, you will find a comprehensive exploration into the enigmatic concept of “E,” a cosmic force that transcends the boundaries of finite and infinite existence.
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