Relizane University
Asked 11 June 2021
LaTeX template for arxiv preprint ?
I want to create preprint of a research article via arXiv. Do you recommend any specific latex template?
Most recent answer
I'd like a latex template fiel for arXiv.
Popular answers (1)
Independent Academician
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All Answers (8)
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Dear Reena Kumari
Thank you so much for your response, however I was looking for some specific template in which I can start editing my contents.
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Dear Immo Trinks
Thank you so much for your reply. I was actually looking for this, it really helped, thanks. :)
Monash University (Australia)
I would like to know if we can submit preprints typeset with this arxiv template to an elsevier or springer journal?
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