Asked 3rd May, 2017

Is there any tool for determining functional groups in a given compound?

I'm looking for a tool that can give how many methyl groups, hydroxyl groups etc. are in a compound from it's SMILES, SDF or MOL2 format.  

Most recent answer

Norbert Haider
University of Vienna
The methyl group is not a functional group, but just a substructure. If you are interested in the functional groups of a molecule (in MDL molfile format), you might try checkmol:
Use the -ep option, e.g. checkmol -ep caffeine.mol
1 Recommendation

Popular answers (1)

If you are familiar with Python, you might want to try SMILES/SMARTS pattern matching in RDKit:
[in]>>from rdkit import Chem
[in]>>mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('COC(=O)CNC(=O)CCCO')
[in]>>functional_group = Chem.MolFromSmarts('C=O')
[in]>>matches = mol.GetSubstructMatches(functional_group)
4 Recommendations

All Answers (7)

Mohammad Tarek
Armed Forces College of Medicine
Ruhshan Ahmed Abir
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Thanks a lot. 
If you are familiar with Python, you might want to try SMILES/SMARTS pattern matching in RDKit:
[in]>>from rdkit import Chem
[in]>>mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('COC(=O)CNC(=O)CCCO')
[in]>>functional_group = Chem.MolFromSmarts('C=O')
[in]>>matches = mol.GetSubstructMatches(functional_group)
4 Recommendations
Ruhshan Ahmed Abir
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Thanks, how can I find SMARTS format of various functional groups? 
The Daylight SMARTS documentation has lots of examples in alphabetical order:
3 Recommendations
Simon Müller
Technische Universität Hamburg
I know this question is ancient and you probably implemented something yourself. But I wrote a paper on automatically fragmenting molecules. And applied it as an example on to UNIFAC:
Norbert Haider
University of Vienna
The methyl group is not a functional group, but just a substructure. If you are interested in the functional groups of a molecule (in MDL molfile format), you might try checkmol:
Use the -ep option, e.g. checkmol -ep caffeine.mol
1 Recommendation

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