Started 26 July 2024
Is the gravitational field a substantial element of nature or is it an element of our thinking about nature?
With the term “gravity”, we refer to the phenomenon of the gravitational interaction between material bodies.
How that phenomenon manifests itself in the case of the interaction of two mass particles at rest relative to an inertial reference frame (IRF) has, in the framework of classical physics, mathematically been described by Isaac Newton. And Oliver Heaviside, Oleg Jefimenko and others did the same in the case of bodies moving relative to an IRF. They described the effects of the kinematics of the gravitating objects assuming that the interaction between massive objects in space is possible through the mediation of “the gravitational field”.
In that context, the gravitational field is defined as a vector field having a field- and an induction-component (Eg and Bg) simultaneously created by their common sources: time-variable masses and mass flows. This vector-field (a mathematical construction) is an essential element of the mathematical description of the gravitational phenomena, and as such an element of our thinking about nature.
One cannot avoid the question of whether or not a physical entity is being described by the vector field (Eg, Bg) and what, if any, is the nature of that entity.
In the framework of “the theory of informatons”[1],[2],[3], the substance of the gravitational field – that in that context is considered as a substantial element of nature - is identified as “gravitational information” or g-information” i.e. information carried by informatons. The term “informaton” refers to the constituent element of g-information. It is a mass and energy less granular entity rushing through space at the speed of light and carrying information about the position and the velocity of its source, a mass-element of a material body.
[1] Acke, A. (2024) Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation Explained by the Theory of Informatons. https://doi.org/10.4236/jhepgc.2024.103056
[2] Acke, A. (2024) The Gravitational Interaction between Moving Mass Particles Explained by the Theory of Informatons. https://doi.org/10.4236/jhepgc.2024.103060
[3] Acke, A. (2024) The Maxwell-Heaviside Equations Explained by the Theory of Informatons. https://doi.org/10.4236/jhepgc.2024.103061
All replies (3)
The STOE has a slightly different model. All objects in the universe create or modify a real plenum (ether, vacuum energy, spacetime, etc.) field. The gradient of this field acts on matter particles. There is only 1 such field and 1 such force which manifests differently depending on the circumstance to appear as the other "forces" standard physics postulates.
STOE on CNPS Intro
Katholieke Hogeschool Sint-lieven, Ghent, Belgium
Dear Preston,
Thanks for your quick response.
1. You wrote: ”The "informatons" in your theory are not necessary for the interaction of matter because space and time alone are sufficient and a theory of "informations" is therefore redundant or superfluous.”
In the context of classical physics time and space are considered as elements of our thinking about nature. They do not participate in what is happening. They are conceived as constructions of our thinking that allow us to locate and date events in an objective manner (art. [1], §2). So they cannot be the cause of the physical phenomena.
2. You wrote: “If you look at my one page summary paper …”
I will look at your papers but I need more than a few hours to form my opinion.
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Chian Fan
In electromagnetism the Coulomb force F=q1q2/r^2, the Lorentz force F=q(E+νxB), are computed treating spacetime as flat, and we are measuring what is actually a macroscopic phenomenon, not at the microscopic level. But this does not mean that the principle fails completely at the microscopic level.
Consider particles with mass such as electrons, which should have both electromagnetic and gravitational forces (we cannot rule out the validity of GR at tiny masses). Looking at an electron from the outside, it expresses electric field, magnetic moment, and mass. The Stern-Gerlach experiment fully expressed these covariates [1]. The electron involves only 4 factors, time t, space x, electric field E, and magnetic field H. We express the electron in the set e={Δt, Δx, ΔE, ΔH}, where the elements are all variables. This then implies that the external electromagnetic force, gravitational force, and mass, should all be able to be described by these components, since we can only act on the electron through these components.
Mass then could be exclusively electromagnetic mass [2][3], me={Δt, Δx, ΔE, ΔH}, regardless of the mechanism by which it is produced [4]. The electric field force can likewise be expressed only in terms of Fe=α{Δt, Δx, ΔE, ΔH}, and the gravitational force in terms of the set Fg=G{Δt, Δx}. Obviously, this is their simplest expression.
We need not consider what the electron is. It can be inferred from the set that its electric and gravitational forces overlap, since they share the same part of spacetime expression. This can also be seen by comparing Coulomb's law with Newton's law of gravity. As for neutral massive particles, they can be regarded as cancelling out the electromagnetic field [5] leaving only the Fg = G{Δt, Δx} part. In this way, the gravitational force is naturally unified to the electromagnetic force, and they are coupled together by the spacetime {Δt, Δx}, and automatically incorporated into the gauge field theory; the 'graviton' can be regarded as the spacetime product of the 'photon'. As for gravitational waves, they can be regarded as a part of space-time detached from accelerated motion, like electromagnetic waves radiated by accelerated electrons. This is exactly what Poincaré envisaged [6].
"After Einstein developed his theory of general relativity, in which a dynamical role was given to geometry, Herman Weyl conjectured that perhaps the scale of length would also be dynamical. He imagined a theory in which the scale of length, indeed the scale of all dimensional quantities, would vary from point to point in space and in time. His motivation was to unify gravity and electromagnetism, to find a geometrical origin for electrodynamics. [7, 8]" Wouldn't Weyl have been right if, instead of searching for a geometrical origin of electromagnetism, he had searched for an electromagnetic origin of gravity? Wouldn't electromagnetism be equally geometrical if one considered that the electromagnetic force Fe = α{Δt, Δx, E, H} is essentially the same as that resulting from variations of {Δt, Δx} therein?
[1] Schmidt-Böcking, H., Schmidt, L., Lüdde, H. J., Trageser, W., Templeton, A., & Sauer, T. (2016). The Stern-Gerlach experiment revisited. The European Physical Journal H, 41(4), 327-364. https://doi.org/10.1140/epjh/e2016-70053-2
[2] Thomson, J. J. (1881). XXXIII. On the electric and magnetic effects produced by the motion of electrified bodies. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 11(68), 229-249.
[3] What is Mass? Must the Hierarchy of Mass be Determined Simultaneously by the Origin of Mass? https://www.researchgate.net/post/NO45_What_is_Mass_Must_the_Hierarchy_of_Mass_be_Determined_Simultaneously_by_the_Origin_of_Mass
[4] Higgs, P. W. (2014). Nobel lecture: evading the Goldstone theorem. Reviews of Modern Physics, 86(3), 851.
[5] The Relation Between Mathematics and Physics (2) - Is the Meaning of Zero Unified in Different Situations in Physics? https://www.researchgate.net/post/NO26The_Relation_Between_Mathematics_and_Physics_2-Is_the_Meaning_of_Zero_Unified_in_Different_Situations_in_Physics
[6] H. Poincaré
[7] Straub, W. O. (2009). Weyl's 1918 Theory Revisited. Pasadena, California. Disponível em: http://www. weylmann. com/revisited. pdf.
[8] Gross, D. J. (1992). Gauge theory-past, present, and future? Chinese Journal of Physics, 30(7), 955-972.
【NO.44】 What is an electric charge? Can it exist apart from electrons? Would it be an effect?
Chian Fan
In the Standard Model, if we ignore the unverifiable property of colour charge and consider neutrinos as ‘dark matter particles’ for the time being [1], then we can consider fermions to have the signature properties of electric charge, spin magnetic moment and mass. We consider the electron as a representative, which differs from other fermions only by its mass size, stability, and position in the composite particle.
‘Charge’ was one of the first properties of particles to be discovered, and it appears to correspond to “mass-charge”, which has a similar behaviour [Weyl][Heaverside]. While we have paid a great deal of attention to the existence of an origin of mass [2] and introduced the Higgs mechanism [9], no one seems to have paid much attention to the existence of an origin of electric charge since the beginning of the last century. In order to establish an electromagnetic worldview [3], physicists at that time worked on determining the electron model [4][5][6] : is it rigid? What is its radius? A most crucial question is how should the charge in it be distributed? To this day, physics still does not know the structure of the electron, and what the charge is, except that there exists e+e- ↔ γ γ . Then,
1) Does electric charge have an origin? The fact that it is capable of annihilation and creation, there must be a process of generation. What determines this process? Doesn't a process need to be described, even if it is vacuum-excited generation?
2) Is electric charge an independent entity? We have never seen a ‘charge’, only electrons.
3) A charge cannot be a ‘point’, how does it manage not to repel itself? Poincaré once postulated the existence of a non-electromagnetic reaction force that balances the repulsion between distributed charges to keep them from splitting [7].
4) Does the electric field of a charge act on itself? Why do we see this as a problem? [10]
5) Why is the charge a discrete (quantised) value?1 or 1/3 ‡. Is the discrete nature of energy related to the discrete nature of charge? Or furthermore, do all discretisations originate from the discrete nature of energy? 〠
6) How can charges be positive and negative and perfectly equal? What is the physical pathway by which charge is created? How can different positive and negative charges be created at the same time in the same physical picture? And positive and negative charges can cause annihilation of positive and negative electrons, not just positive and negative charges.
7) Is there a relationship between electric and magnetic charge? According to Dirac [8], the electric charge e and the magnetic charge g must co-exist, hc/eg=2 *. Why can the spin-magnetic moment (the inner discreative magnetic moment of the electron) [11] not be considered as a result of ‘magnetic charge’? The magnetic charge must be a magnetic monopole [12], can't it be a magnetic dipole **? We are looking for magnetic monopoles, why not electric charges? [13]
8) Charge appears to be independent of mass. How can particles with different masses (e, μ, τ; u, c, t; d, s, b) have the same charge? But when e+e- → γ γ occurs, the charge disappears and so does the mass.
9) How can electric charge share a particle with magnetic charge and mass? † Wouldn't this be a good answer if they were all the result of spin [14]?
10) U(1) symmetry produces conserved charge [15]; charge is conserved when interacting. Is conservation of charge independent of conservation of energy? What will it mean if they are not conserved? 〠
11) What should the charge of a black hole be if it is one of its characteristics? Will the charge of the ultimate black hole eventually be the same as that of an electron?
12) The more important question is this: all of these questions, mentioned above, must be answered at the same time for the problem to be truly solved.
Supplement (2024.8.28)
【NO.46】Phenomena Related to Electric Charge,and Remembering Nobel Laureate Tsung-Dao (T.D.) Lee;
* Note in particular that the relationship between electric and magnetic charge is related solely to Planck's constant h and the speed of light c. This implies that their roots are the same.
** “If Magnetic Monopoles Would Annihilate Like Positive and Negative Electrons, Would Magnetism Still Exist?”https://www.researchgate.net/post/NO23If_Magnetic_Monopoles_Would_Annihilate_Like_Positive_and_Negative_Electrons_Would_Magnetism_Still_Exist
† The central question of interest here is why should fermions have multiple properties and only these properties? Where do these properties come from? What must be the relationship between these properties? How do they fit together?
‡ Dirac asked, "the reason for the existence of a smallest electric charge."
[1] Adhikari, R., Agostini, M., Ky, N. A., Araki, T., Archidiacono, M., Bahr, M., Baur, J., Behrens, J., Bezrukov, F., & Dev, P. B. (2017). A white paper on keV sterile neutrino dark matter. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2017(01), 025.
[2] Wilczek, F. (2006). The origin of mass. Modern Physics Letters A, 21(9), 701-712.
[3] Battimelli, G. (2005). Dreams of a final theory: the failed electromagnetic unification and the origins of relativity. European Journal of Physics, 26(6), S111.
[4] Waite, T., Barut, A. O., & Zeni, J. R. (1997). The Purely Electromagnetic Electron Re-visited. In J. P. Dowling (Ed.), Electron Theory and Quantum Electrodynamics: 100 Years Later (pp. 223-239). Springer US. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4899-0081-4_18
[5] Williamson, J., & Van der Mark, M. (1997). Is the electron a photon with toroidal topology. Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie,
[6] Damour, T. (2017). Poincaré, the dynamics of the electron, and relativity. Comptes Rendus Physique, 18(9), 551-562. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crhy.2017.10.006
[7] Poincaré, H. (1905). Sur les Invariants Arithmétiques (On the dynamics of the electron). http://poincare.univ-lorraine.fr/fr/fonds-et-archives; http://www.academie-sciences.fr/fr/Colloques-conferences-et-debats/henri-poincare.html;
[8] Dirac, P. A. M. (1931). Quantised singularities in the electromagnetic field. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character, 133(821), 60-72. Dirac, P. A. M. (1948). The theory of magnetic poles. Physical Review, 74(7), 817.
[9] Higgs, P. W. (2014). Nobel lecture: evading the Goldstone theorem. Reviews of Modern Physics, 86(3), 851.
[10] Wheeler, J. A., & Feynman, R. P. (1949). Classical electrodynamics in terms of direct interparticle action. Reviews of Modern Physics, 21(3), 425.
[11] Ohanian, H. C. (1986). What is spin? American Journal of Physics, 54(6), 500-505.
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