Independent Researcher
Started 23 February 2024
Is gravitational potential responsible for both, the mass-energy equivalence and the electromagnetic properties of space?
The local gravitational potential Φu = c2 = 2GMu/Ru mainly originates from distant masses Mu of the unverse, and it immediately follows the mass-energy equivalence Em = m*Φu = mc2 as well as Φu = 1/(ε0μ0) for the electromagnetic properties of vacuum space.
Most recent answer
Dear Johan K. Fremerey ,
"Just a proposal: vacuum is the interspace between masses with the potential of hosting masses and their energy equivalents, and which also provides electromagnetic properties enabling electromagnetic radiation."
Since vacuum's energy, VEV, the Vacuum Expectation Value, may appear from its usually symmetric state (i.e., unmeasurable due to existance of all phases at the same time) and show up as a particle (breaking symmetry, i.e., phases now are ordered, thus do no longer cancel out each other):
a particle is a resonance of this VEV; the question is: what is resonating here?
I think, we have to start much deeper, at PLANCK-level, to be able to define, what vacuum actually is, from the scratch.
All replies (7)
Independent Researcher
Good question sir..
Two factors plays a role in free space
permittivity and permeability.
die electric permittivity is capacity of vacuum to permit electric fields.
permeability is the ability of space to magnetized.
But What is space?
What is the relation between gravity, electromagnetism and space?
These are the fundamental concepts which involve in this question.
It is very important question for grand unification theories.
Few of my papers deals with these questions. Still I am working on it.
In my opinion really it is a marvelous question since space what we are thinking is not one material. It is with different permittivity and permeability constants. these can be interchangeable and can convert in to one another. for example, if we fuse a critical no of gravitons, it will convert in to an electromagnetic wave( may be a speculation with a theoretical back up). In my next papers I will publish some of these aspects. I believe in experimental verification only.
1 Recommendation
Long Beach City College
The mass-energy equivalence is based on the Special Theory of Relativity, which has nothing to do with gravity, but only with the fact that no matter how you are moving relative to a source of light, you will always observe the speed of the light coming from it as if you were at rest. And gravity has nothing to do with the electrical or magnetic properties of materials, so the answer would be that gravity has nothing to do with either of your two questions.
Courtney Seligman: "nothing to do with gravity"
Do you think this also applies to Φu = c2 = 2GMu/Ru ? I don't see this relation invalidated by SR theory.
Siva Prasad Kodukula: "What is space?"
I recently tried a definition of vacuum:
"Just a proposal: vacuum is the interspace between masses with the potential of hosting masses and their energy equivalents, and which also provides electromagnetic properties enabling electromagnetic radiation."
1 Recommendation
Ordine degli ingegneri della provincia di Ancona
I would say that quantum vacuum is responsible of both the gravitational potential and mass energy equivalence
1 Recommendation
I imagine space and condensed matter stay in balance with the potential of transforming from one into the other state of existence, and the potential level is provided by the universal space-and-mass distributon.
... And I'm aware that gravitational potential is the only volume quantity whose range extends over the entire universe.
Independent Researcher
Dear Johan K. Fremerey ,
"Just a proposal: vacuum is the interspace between masses with the potential of hosting masses and their energy equivalents, and which also provides electromagnetic properties enabling electromagnetic radiation."
Since vacuum's energy, VEV, the Vacuum Expectation Value, may appear from its usually symmetric state (i.e., unmeasurable due to existance of all phases at the same time) and show up as a particle (breaking symmetry, i.e., phases now are ordered, thus do no longer cancel out each other):
a particle is a resonance of this VEV; the question is: what is resonating here?
I think, we have to start much deeper, at PLANCK-level, to be able to define, what vacuum actually is, from the scratch.
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