Asked 9 October 2024
  • Independent QLC researcher

Interested in old ideas about global warming? Have you ever read this article?

Muñoz, Lucio, 2002. “Are We Appropriately Assigning Causes to Global Warming?”, In: Sustainability Outlook, Issue 16, November 13, Warren Flint(PhD)(Ed), Washington, DC, USA.

Most recent answer

Lucio Muñoz
Independent QLC researcher
James, thank you for commenting. The reason I wrote that article in 2002 was that I saw moves towards a single focus on human causes only isolated from even the idea that earth is more than humans.
All the aspects you highlighted James are consistent with the implication of the simple formula I shared in the article and the piece by piece puzzle implications.
1 Recommendation

All Answers (4)

Mohamed Abshir Abdullahi
Kampala International University, Uganda
Human actions, particularly the use of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes, are frequently cited as major contributors to climate change. While natural phenomena such as volcano eruptions and solar cycles can have an impact on climate, scientists unanimously agree that human actions are the principal causes of contemporary climate change. However, it is critical to acknowledge that determining causes might be difficult. Different regions may suffer varying effects as a result of local causes, and the interaction of natural and artificial influences can complicate the story. Overall, while we generally identify accurate reasons, ongoing research and communication are critical for recognising intricacies and ensuring effective responses.
Lucio Muñoz
Independent QLC researcher
Mohamed, thank for commenting.
Without systematic thinking it is difficult to see intricacies ; and the simple goal of my article is to put all the aspects in your comment relevant to global warming in one simple formula; AND if human action is taken as the key one to address, then the formula gives you the intricacies that you need to keep in mind when implementing human action management solutions, and act in a way that at least keeps those intricacies in mind...
Thank you for commenting
Have a nice day
James Henderson Mitchell
Independent Researcher
Dear Lucio and Mohamed,
Thank you for sharing your insights on the intricate issue of climate change. I’d like to contribute further by emphasizing a multi-layered approach to address the problem, considering the systematic and complex nature you both have highlighted.
1. Integrating Systematic Thinking with Practical Action: Lucio, your point about the importance of systematic thinking is vital. We need a framework that considers socio-economic, environmental, and policy-related factors. While human activities are a primary cause, recognizing the interplay between natural and anthropogenic influences allows us to craft solutions that are holistic and adaptable.
2. Regional Impacts and Local Solutions: As Mohamed pointed out, climate effects vary across regions due to local causes. Tailoring solutions to specific socio-economic and environmental contexts will enhance their effectiveness, complementing global efforts with regional and local adaptation strategies.
3. Human Actions as a Leverage Point: Addressing human activities is indeed a crucial step toward preventing climate change. Transitioning to clean energy, stopping deforestation, and promoting sustainable land use should be key priorities. However, it’s essential to be mindful of the complexities, such as economic dependencies on fossil fuels and the social impacts of rapid changes.
4. Ongoing Research and Communication: Both of you underscored the need for ongoing research and transparent communication. This will foster a collective understanding of the problem and build momentum for effective, multi-faceted solutions.
Technological Advancements and Dailyplanet.Club: I have been working for over 40 years to develop new technologies to tackle these global challenges. With multiple patents, copyrights, and working prototypes, my team and I have established that we have the technology and knowledge to reverse pollution and corruption. These innovations form a central part of the Dailyplanet.Club, a member-driven initiative aimed at leveraging advanced technology for sustainable living and genuine democratic involvement.
I invite you both to explore what we are doing at Dailyplanet.Club. Together, we can harness these breakthroughs and redefine our approach to sustainability.
Best regards, Dr. SCPSL James Henderson Mitchell
Lucio Muñoz
Independent QLC researcher
James, thank you for commenting. The reason I wrote that article in 2002 was that I saw moves towards a single focus on human causes only isolated from even the idea that earth is more than humans.
All the aspects you highlighted James are consistent with the implication of the simple formula I shared in the article and the piece by piece puzzle implications.
1 Recommendation

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  • Abbas KashaniAbbas Kashani
How are earthquakes in the world of quantum mechanics?
What causes an Earthquake?
When I put the above question into social media, the response on all the sites was the same: an earthquake occurs when the rock underground suddenly breaks along a fault line. The sudden release of energy causes the seismic wave that makes the ground shake. When two blocks of rock or two plates rub against each other until one of the rocks or plates break, is when the earthquake occurs. This is the general answer for the cause of an earthquake.
My question is: what is it that caused these two rocks/plates to rub against each other in the first place? And what caused the rock underground to break at the fault line?
We really don’t know what caused it or for what reason an earthquake suddenly takes place. There is no straight forward answer for this question.
My theory of a Quantum Mechanics Universe has the answer for this phenomenon and can be described by Quantum Mechanics Unification Gravity.
My suggestion at this point is to read my Quantum Mechanic Gravity (QMG) to understand the concept.
Let me explain:
The Earth has four major layers: the inner core, the outer core, the mantle and the crust. The inner core of Earth consists of harder and heavier elements. As we travel to the surface, the heavy elements become lighter. The character of a heavier element is that it can take more heat than lighter elements.
The Earth is about 10 minutes in light years away from the Sun and the Sun is shining on the Earth 24/7. The character of the Sun’s energy wave or sun’s mass-less particles are traveling through the earth and nothing can stop it. Light is thermo-dynamic energy (thermodynamic is the relationship between heat and exertion).
Where does all this energy go and what is it used for?
Most of the energy is used or wasted over the surface of the Earth; but the energy wave that is shining perpendicular to the Earth has a better chance to travel into the Earth where eventually it meets at the center (inner core). The energy of the Sun is interchanged to quantum mechanics energy in heavier elements in the center of the solid hard core of the Earth.
NOTE: This is additional hard evidence that sunlight does not carry any mass. If the sunlight had mass, the inner core of the Earth would not be hot, because mass cannot travel through a harder mass.
The center of the Earth consists of heavy elements of the periodic table that first absorb this energy wave of heat from the Sun. Secondly, the surrounding core (outer core) is another heavy metal family that also absorbs this heat, until both, inner core and a part of the outer core become a melting pot of bubbling heavy elements, which then cause a new heavy metal of the inner ring of the outer core (close to the center of the Earth) to join this hot melting pot.
The quantum mechanics gravity causes the heavier elements to sink more into the center; meanwhile more sunlight energy is still being absorbed. It gets to a point that this boiling pot has limited space to expand and the heat generates a sudden expansion which creates a high pressure in the center of the Earth in both the inner and outer cores. The stress of this built up energy and pressure under the tectonic plates create the underground shaking and earthquakes as a result of the release of this heat and pressure. At first the heat and pressure is released through volcanoes but it also causes the plates to shift/break and create earthquakes.
We all know too well of the horrific results of an earthquake or a sudden volcanic eruption. Hundreds or in some occasions thousands of lives are sacrificed because of these two catastrophic events, but unfortunately the Earth is not aware of the loss of these lives, it is trying to prevent a greater global disaster.
Everything in the Universe that has conscience movement has intelligent life. That applies to everything from an atom up to the Earth itself and beyond.
Here, believe it or not, the Earth acts similarly to a human. As when we eat, our body is trying to save some of the energy for future needs, and the Earth is doing the same thing. It keeps this energy inside the inner core for two reasons, one it is part of its nature or growing to be completed, and keep the heat for a crucial moment that may arise.
This procedure of transferring heat to the center core is the natural behavior of any spherical atomic element in the space of the Universe, because in general the heat always transfers with outer chemical elements into the core of that planet. This course of action is the formation for the creation of a planet.
We learned from my paper on Gravity, how we walk on the Earth and how the Earth creates an electromagnetic force field in conjunction with a space wave. This friction of the Earth and space causes the Earth, after a long period of time, to lose its momentum in space of both its rotation and its revolution around the Sun by a very small fraction of its speed. To re-energize its momentum and movement to coordinate with the solar system and galaxy’s movement, it needs this energy from the Sun, inside at the center core, to generate its speed back to normal. The Earth is an intelligent planet and has been performing this procedure for billions of years. It wants to keep all its elements in good working order, especially with today’s demand of humankind which uses so many natural resources which change the distribution of the weight on Earth and pollutes the Earth in all sectors; here the Earth must create more of the heavier elements in the center to maintain this momentum.
The space of the Universe is very clear, but when there is wave and temperature that exist, friction also exists. We experience this phenomenon with all the satellites in orbit around the Earth. Sometimes, from the control room on Earth, for similar reasons, we must boost the satellite’s speed or get it back to its original speed. Otherwise they would lose their orbit and momentum and sometimes they fall back to the Earth. For the same reason, if the earth was going mechanically (the Big Bang theory) around the Sun, it would stop spinning after a period of time.
An earthquake is based on this same principle; when micro gravity is trying to pull heavier matter to the center it pushes the lighter elements up as we have observed with volcanoes. Probably, by knowing this phenomenon we should be able to predict the region of earthquakes better.
Here I should mention that the inner core of the Earth helps the Earth to keep the magnetic field of the North and South Poles in an orderly manner as well.
At the end of this segment, I should mention that the nature of the Earth is that it has had volcanic eruptions and earthquakes all its lifetime, for the natural release of this excess heat and also to support the vegetation life as well, by producing carbon-dioxide. In a sense, in layman’s terms, the Earth is breathing, by naturally absorbing the heat from the Sun and placing the heavier elements towards the center and pushing lighter elements to the surface of the Earth, through volcanoes and earthquakes.

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