Started 23 February 2021
  • UNSW canberra

In what way book chapter writing is different from Journal or Conference Articles?

While technical writing has usually a pattern, how writing a book chapter is different from writing a paper? Where should emphasis, what not focused? Any suggestions?

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Popular replies (1)

Michael W. Marek
Wayne State College
t depends on the nature of your chapter, for example is it a research report or a conceptual chapter? A research report will be organized similar to a journal article. A conceptual book chapter does not need to be so structured, but still needs to define the problem you are addressing, explain your theoretical foundation, and follow a logical progression of ideas, concluding with recommendations or conclusions.
3 Recommendations

All replies (8)

Magdalena Day
Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina
Audiences are different. While in a conference you might know something of your public, in the book chapter you don't. You don't know who will read outside your field, while a conference is designed thinking in a specific field
Medhat Elsahookie
University of Baghdad
You write name of either of the chapter and the title of the chapter,then you write: In Andrew H. Watson,ed. then write the name of the another of editor of the book. I hope you got the idea. Thanks
Michael W. Marek
Wayne State College
t depends on the nature of your chapter, for example is it a research report or a conceptual chapter? A research report will be organized similar to a journal article. A conceptual book chapter does not need to be so structured, but still needs to define the problem you are addressing, explain your theoretical foundation, and follow a logical progression of ideas, concluding with recommendations or conclusions.
3 Recommendations
Manickam Ravichandran
K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Samayapuram, Trichy – 621112
Book chapter writing and journal article writing is completely different
Isaac Dinaharan
. For journal article new findings are needed from the research work. But for book chapter, the information already available is enough as what we do for review article writing.
1 Recommendation
Medhat Elsahookie
University of Baghdad
Many peers showed nice ideas about the difference between a chapter writing and an article journal writing. One of the most prominent things that book chapter can be written as the author wan. I have written 12 different books of different chapters, and probably no chapter of those books looks like a chapter of other book, The article written in journal should follow the style of that journal, and even the length of article and
length of Abstract should be on the journal style. However, some times when I write a chapter, it is usually the outcome of some experiments applied on the field, even not published yet, or already published. If it is published, it is the common case, if it wasn't published, I should have prepared the article for publication as soon as possible, and before I finish my book publishing. Cheers.
Shamiel Hashim
University of Technology Malaysia
I am thinking that , book chapter gives some backgroud information and/or litreture of the topic, since audience are unspecified as conference or journal audience, readers..
This is very useful.

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