Started 24 February 2019
  • Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️

In your opinion, what are the most effective methods of nature protection and biodiversity currently?

In the context of accelerating the development of industry, global production, exploitation of raw materials, pollutants and waste emissions, increasing greenhouse gas emissions, accelerating the global warming process, protection of the natural environment, natural ecosystems, nature protection and biodiversity is one of the main challenges of the 21st century.
In view of the above, what do you think are the most effective methods, technologies, instruments for nature protection, natural ecosystems and biodiversity currently?
Please reply
Best wishes

Most recent answer

Catarina Jota Baptista
Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Egas Moniz
I Honestly believe that ecosystems should be prioritized according to the abundance of endangered species, keystone species, and essential resources... Conservation, nature protection and even disease surveillance should work at an ecosystem and ecological level, rather than at an individual or species level.
1 Recommendation

Popular replies (1)

Mahmmoud Hussein A. Al Rahman
University of Baghdad
Maintain cleanliness to prevent pollution, use clean energy as much as possible, take care of natural plants and trees and increase them, and reduce overfishing of animals, birds and fish.
17 Recommendations

All replies (106)

Sandhyarani Khomdram
Mizoram University
Understanding nature and surrounding environment is one of the most important steps before any methods are adopted for conservation of nature. So, we should learn effective measures to conserve biodiversity from many of the indigenous people from different parts of the earth.
2 Recommendations
Andriy Kovalchuk
Uzhhorod National University
Dear Dariuzh, long time ago I published one article named Universal nature conservation: the main precondition of sustainable development of the region of the Tisza river basin. It belongs for the Tisza region but can be adopted except of some details everywhear.
This is complex problem and 8 main principles should be implemented in the area. I smwt modified this list:
1.Harmonization of the growing needs of society with nature through comprehensive protection, preservation and restoration of the environment.
2.Stable orientation to a gradual decrease in environmental pollution.
3.To prevent the negative impact of conservation measures on the welfare
of the population.
4.Understanding of all social layers of the area that improve the
standard of life is impossible only by increasing of incomes.
5.The perception of cooperation with neighboring States as one of the
most important factors in reducing the probability of catastrophic natural phenomena.
6.Approval of the regional community should be the essential basis of any large scale events related to the transformation of the environment.
7.Developments of effective mechanisms for the implementation of national environmental policies at the regional level.
8.Strengthening the role of environmental science and environmental institutions in solving problems of the province.
1 Recommendation
Truman P Young
University of California, Davis
As always, protected areas are the first defense against ongoing biodiversity loss. Involvement of local, regional, national, and global stakeholders (not just indigenous people) all play a part, especially in encouraging conservation ethics. Beware of strictly economic arguments for the conservation of biodiversity. These can be a slippery slope.
And increasingly, ecological restoration will also be a major contributor, especially in an era of global change.
5 Recommendations
Sepideh Bazari
Imam Khomeini International University
Careful study of the environment in each area and preven from the destruction of environmental areas for construction, informing the public about the benefits of environmental protection and planning for the rational use of environmental facilities such as wind and natural green spaces and rich soils......
2 Recommendations
Nirmala S.V.S.G
Narayana Dental College and Hospital
Biodiversity conservation, the practice of protecting and preserving the wealth and variety of species, habitats, ecosystems, and genetic diversity on the planet, is important for our health, wealth, food, fuel, and services we depend on. It plays an integral role in supporting many sectors of development
2 Recommendations
Olga Bykova
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
I think it all comes to efficient policies and political situation in the region. The most vulnerable areas are those where the political situation is unstable and economy is weak.
1 Recommendation
Vladimir N. Korotkov
Yu.A.Izrael Institute of Global Climate and Ecology, Moscow
Useful papers about it:
Smirnova, O. V., Toropova N. A. Potential ecosystem cover – a new approach to conservation biology. - Russian Journal of Ecosystem Ecology. – 2016. – Vol. 1 (1). DOI: 10.21685/2500-0578- 2016-1-1
Smirnova O. V., Geraskina A. P., Aleynikov A. A. The concept "complementarity" as the basis for model and nature reconstruction of potential biota in the current climate. Russian Journal of Ecosystem Ecology. – 2018. – Vol. 3 (3). – DOI: 10.21685/2500-0578-2018-3-1
1 Recommendation
Muneer Ul Islam Najar
Pondicherry University
I think preventing encroachment and any kind of manipulation of wild landscapes or seascapes are of prime importance. This involves everything such as logging, poaching, building roads, tourism, industries, fishing, mining, dams, etc. Better to leave the biodiversity rich regions as wild as possible.
2 Recommendations
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
I would increase national reserves and national parks area, also encourage the creation of private reserves by creating the correct economic incentives for that. All abovementioned following a spatial distribuition order and under landscape ecological criteria. It is cheaper to buy marginal land and put it out of production than paying incentives to landholders to follow environmentally friendly practices.
1 Recommendation
Peter Salonius
Natural Resources Canada, Retired
Humanity has been branded the ultimate patch disturbance species - and the collective size of the disturbance we create grows inexorably with our increasing numbers as we push aside natural ecosystems, simplifying them in order to supply our requirements. I think the only long term solution to our ongoing encroachment into natural self sustaining ecosystems is to adopt the long term goal of shrinking human numbers to levels that can be sustained by renewable energy. NOTE: Our recent ( 200 year) access to non renewable energy has allowed us to exponentially increase our population, by expanding resource extractioin, agricultur, fisheries etc.,
2 Recommendations
Amal Hassina Smaihi
université batna1
Tout d’abord, il faut reconnaître que l’être humain ne pense qu’à satisfaire ses exigences, malheureusement qui non pas de fin. Le jour où il apprendra à aimer cette nature et à chercher les réponses (méthodes, techniques, agissement, comportement, respect…) dans son environnement naturel, notre belle et merveilleuse terre sera préservée.
2 Recommendations
Vincent Raphael Nyirenda
The Copperbelt University, Kitwe, Zambia
Application of traditional ecological knowledge and sustainable utilisation of natural resources can also be helpful among others.
1 Recommendation
Emmanuel V Murray
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
The only way to enforce is by regulations.
1 Recommendation
James Herbert
Winona State University
1. People within particular social units must come to a consensus on what challenges the part of the environment they occupy are facing.
2. The social contract within these social units must be strengthened by increases in transparency, wisdom, competency, generosity, and trust so that a level of cooperation adequate to make agreed upon changes is reached.
3. The populations within these social units must effectively resist the efforts of some to conquer/defeat the consensus of the group and impose their own will for their own gain.
None of these aims can be achieved without concerted focused effort and the acceptance of the necessary sacrifices. The size of the social units referred to here can be very small (like a family unit) to very large (like the international community), but the basic dynamics remain the same. The problem with addressing climate change is that it effects the entire international community and must be solved by the entire international community and, within the international community the dynamics referred to above are weak and stunted.
1 Recommendation
Peter Salonius
Natural Resources Canada, Retired
James Herbert just suggested that climate change is a problem that "must be solved by the entire international community"........ supposedly by curbing human emissions of carbon containing greenhouse gasses.
The following article puts the emissions from fossil fuel burning in perspective --- and renders attempts to decrease atmospheric concentrations of CO2 --- futile. .. as it states that "The grand total produced by all living things is estimated to be 440 billion tons per year, or 13 times the amount of carbon dioxide currently being produced by fossil-fuel emissions. Fossil-fuel emissions are less than 10 percent of biological emissions. Are you laughing yet?"
Read the article and weep.
1 Recommendation
James Herbert
Winona State University
Your mocking tone is very unwelcome. If you think that global warming is not a problem, or perhaps is not even occurring, I suggest that you and others with a similar view do nothing.
My view is that rapid changes (it is all relative of course) in global temperatures make it difficult for species to evolve quickly enough to adapt leading to loss of biodiversity. I realize that not everyone agrees with that analysis.
I agree with you that, unless human population can be brought to a sustainable level nonhuman nature will continue to suffer.
1 Recommendation
Amal Hassina Smaihi
université batna1
It's simple to plant more.
2 Recommendations
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
Therefore, in the context of the above considerations, the following important question appears:
How to increase the effectiveness of environmental protection programs, natural ecosystems and biodiversity?
Protection of the environment, natural ecosystems and biodiversity should be an integral part of the concept of sustainable pro-ecological economic development?
In the context of growing and increasing environmental pollution and declining areas of natural ecosystems, the importance and need to improve environmental protection systems, natural ecosystems and biodiversity is increasing. Biodiversity is one of the most important issues of natural ecosystems and life on Earth. Maintaining high biodiversity on Earth should be a challenge and one of the main goals of human functioning on the Earth in the 21st century and in subsequent centuries.
In connection with the above, protection of the environment, natural ecosystems and biodiversity should be an integral part of the concept of sustainable ecological development. In some countries, the concept of sustainable pro-ecological economic development is implemented successively, primarily in the field of renewable energy sources, improvement of waste segregation techniques and recycling development. However, in many countries these issues are still insufficiently developed.
Still too small financial resources are allocated in many countries for the development of renewable energy sources, improvement of waste segregation and recycling techniques. In addition to the private sector, besides enterprises implementing ecological innovations, it is necessary to increase expenditures and develop strategic pro-ecological reform projects, including restructuring of the mining industry of minerals supplying classic energy sources and development of energy based on renewable energy sources. This development should be supported and coordinated by environmentally friendly state intervention, and due to the high investment costs of construction of power plants producing electricity from renewable energy sources should be co-financed from the state public finance funds.
In this way, it will be possible to slow down the ongoing global warming process in the 21st century and thus slow down the process of devastating the natural environment, draining green areas characterized by high biodiversity. Biodiversity is a very important issue in the context of the analysis of ecology, sustainable development and the protection of the natural environment, including, in particular, the natural positions of biologically complex ecosystems, i.e. those that are characterized by high biodiversity. Maintaining biodiversity of natural ecosystems is one of the most important problems and tasks for people in the 21st century.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In the context of the above considerations, the following question is still valid:
How to increase the effectiveness of environmental protection programs, natural ecosystems and biodiversity?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
Andriy Kovalchuk
Uzhhorod National University
I should remind for colleagues the main goal of this discussion: "In your opinion, what are the most effective methods of nature protection and biodiversity currently?". The most effective means minimum finance and maximum effect, isn't it? We have different levels! Nature protection means improving of environment that is damaged locally, regionally and worldwide. Dariusz describing it perfectly in his posters/ Biodiversity protections (what & where) are measures in conservation areas. I have good experience in Indo-China. Eg, the Anak-Krakatau volcano area is 1a category Cons.a. but you are paying for -visiting it (about 100-200 USD per person) goes into the pockets of administration guiding & partially for park stuff. The same situation in Ujung Kulon and others... What to do? It is necessary to propose a long term Program for Indonesia of Administrative-Scientific advising of some model parks to show how parks can be self-effective in financial and scientific approaches. When starting should circle the main aims what and how to do... Give me such possibility and you will see the result even in one year! Ukraine is not far from Indonesia. Chiefs of the country are qualifying nature reserves like a form of enterprise mainly.
1 Recommendation
Peter Salonius
Natural Resources Canada, Retired
This short video draws attention to the conflict between economic growth and consrvation,
1 Recommendation
Amal Hassina Smaihi
université batna1
How to increase the effectiveness of programs to protect the environment, natural ecosystems and biodiversity?
The human being has more or less arrived discussed that one should respect and accept the differences of thoughts and ideas. It is a step to be able to accept, before it is too late, the center of ecological engineering by a fight against these own actions and inventions.
Primo: Beginning to restore and rehabilitate natural ecosystems simply by "planting native species in the environment considered". Maybe it should be enough !!!
2 Recommendations
Amal Hassina Smaihi
université batna1
The proposed methods are:
- Agriculture: harvested at the plot level only the fruits or products to be consumed and leaving the root leaves in place. In addition, each parcel should be rested for a period of 3 years, for example.
- Forestry: reforest 3 times the area of ​​timber harvested during the year.
- Industry: minimize inventing derivatives of products to consume.
- Creation of nature protection services companies with human labor (job creation and nature protection).
- Economy: put the products of bio qualities rather cheap at the availability of all. This will change the current economic system and encourage people to produce Bio with integrated Bio systems
2 Recommendations
Peter Salonius
Natural Resources Canada, Retired
How to increase the effectiveness of programs to protect the environment, natural ecosystems and biodiversity?
The root cause of damage to natural ecosystems and biodiversity is the ongoing expansion of the portion of the Earth occupied by the ultimate patch expasion species (humans). As human numbers increase the patches occupied by humanity expandand such that the disturbed patches coalesce -- leaving less and less habitat available for natural ecosystems and the biodiversity that is supported by these undisturbed natural ecosystems. In order to increase the effectiveness of programs to protect the environment, natural ecosystems and biodiversity, the increase in human numbers must cease and then a program to slowly decrease human numbers must be adopted to free up ever larger areas that will be allowed to redevelop the biodiversity that can only exist in the abscence of human interference.
2 Recommendations
Anup Kumar Sarkar
Dukhulal Nibaran Chandra College
Conservation of existing biodiversity regions and protected area and plantation in deforested area.
1 Recommendation
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
In the context of the progressive warming of the Earth's climate, the following question is of particular importance:
What do you think is the importance of biodiversity in natural ecosystems?
Biodiversity is diverse in virtually unlimited degree, which results from the essence of processes of evolution of species, filet lines and entire ecosystems. It is thanks to the millions of years of evolutionary processes on Earth that there are so many different natural and highly diverse ecosystems in which different species of flora, fauna, fungi and microorganisms adapt to life in different and very diverse geographical and climatic environments.
The largest biodiversity of ecosystems and species functions in natural environmental environments in which ecosystems have evolved without human impact through millions of years of climatic and geographical conditions enabling the development of various life forms. These types of high biodiversity sites can be found in unpolluted rainforest ecosystems in tropical forests, in temperate climates and in coral reefs.
Unfortunately, human civilization activity contributes to the successive and accelerating process of biodiversity reduction by dying out species of living organisms. The areas of natural natural ecosystems are decreasing, including those in which the greatest biodiversity is diagnosed, such as the rainforests of the Amazon. The protection of naturalistic ecosystems and thus the protection of the planet's biodiversity is the most important challenge for mankind in the 21st century.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
What do you think is the importance of biodiversity in natural ecosystems?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
2 Recommendations
Ck Kelli
1/3 of global warming is caused by vehicle emissions. Using alternative methods for travel is an obvious way to take care of our planet. As my personal contribution to reduce global warming and show respect for our planet, I have been traveling by bicycle for 14 years. People who are able to not use a vehicle for transportation need to try alternatives whenever they can, and encourage others as well.
2 Recommendations
Samuel Akande
Federal University of Technology, Akure
The biodiversity in the natural environment is very important to humanity because it provide stability to the ecosystem and maintains the ecological balance. Plants and animals in ecosystem are linked to each other through food chain and food web. The loss of one species in the ecosystem affects the survival of other species. In addition, biodiversity plays an important role in protecting the water resources. The natural vegetation cover in water catchment helps in maintaining hydrological cycles, regulating and stabilizing water runoff and acts as buffer against natural disasters like flood and drought.
2 Recommendations
Nice Dear Ck Kelli
1 Recommendation
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
Will the current SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (pandemic Covid-19) pandemic increase ecological awareness and increase the scale of biodiversity protection?
Biodiversity of natural ecosystems, including flora, fauna, fungi and other life forms on Earth is the greatest wealth of planet Earth, which has been created for billions of years. It would be a great loss, a paradoxical loss, even a surrealistic great loss not only of the planet Earth but of the entire solar system, if man had destroyed much of this biodiversity. Unfortunately, it is possible already at the end of the 21st century, if the global warming process progresses in the following years so quickly and in an accelerating process, as in previous years. Human responsibility towards nature is very high. The development of civilization caused an imbalance in natural ecosystems. The number of species of flora and fauna decreases rapidly from year to year. Biodiversity of biological ecosystems is reduced. Adverse effects of climate change in the form of drought, floods and others are becoming more frequent. The most forest fires occurred in 2019. Since the end of the 19th century, the average temperature at the Earth's surface has been gradually rising. Environmental pollution is rising. In recent years, there has been a particularly rapid increase in plastic pollution. Many results of research in the field of climatology and ecology confirm the accelerating greenhouse gas emissions in recent years, which is causing the faster and faster global warming process. With each collection year, there are more and more examples on the growing scale of imbalances in nature caused by the development of human civilization. In view of the above, human responsibility for the state of nature on planet Earth is very high. In view of the above, biodiversity in nature is important because it is most responsible for the ability of entire natural ecosystems to adapt to changing geological, climatic and environmental conditions. Biodiversity of natural ecosystems has been created for millions of years in nature, and now it is up to humans to decide what will happen in the future with biodiversity. Therefore, man should take care to preserve the current state of natural biodiversity to the greatest extent and to restore biodiversity in industrially degraded places. Currently, due to the development of the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus pandemic causing Covid-19 disease, industrial production has fallen significantly in many places around the world due to falling demand and home quarantine. Consequently, environmental pollution has decreased in these regions of the world and greenhouse gas emissions have decreased. Perhaps the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus epidemic will increase the importance and discussion on the protection of natural biodiversity, maintain balance in nature, protect nature and the need to implement sustainable development principles to limit and slow down adverse climate change processes.
What do you think about this topic?
Will the current SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (pandemic Covid-19) pandemic increase ecological awareness and increase the scale of biodiversity protection?
I am asking for an answer and invite you to a discussion,
Thank you and best regards, have a nice day
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
In my opinion, in order to develop effective ways of protecting nature and biodiversity of natural ecosystems, it is necessary to increase the scale of the implementation of sustainable development goals, to raise the general social awareness of pro-environmental through media campaigns, to carry out a pro-ecological transformation of the economy towards a sustainable, green circular economy, to increase the scale of renewable natural resources , development of recycling, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, improvement of techniques for saving water resources, etc.
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
1 Recommendation
Ecology and biodiversity is very important to be given focus immediately. It needs high and vast attention.
I have little explanation in my books Chapters of Science and between Mars and Venus. Some more works on going. In this Topic world must work jointly. Proposal on my profile.
1 Recommendation
Thank you for important topic mattersyou raise.
Some groups on this site utter non-sense with little idiotic questions, score seekiigs with group supports, provoking deeply what they come up here with their pre-nurtured attitudes/cultures.
People should ask questions for others input for direction and for share Interests, and so can raise discussions on relevant, timely associated matter of topics.
Any provoking against value systems shouldn't be encouraged, never score seeking questions to be promoted, mustn't be given attention to.
Here Also peers groups created, formed system of high score buildings, by certain social background of people where in their regions majority are under oppressions, deprivations and deprived of basic essentials, education to food/clothing and where segregated background clashes. They down talk to and provoking. They bring that culture to here.
Obviously not by those sufisticative Individuals' whom do hold valuable knowledge of faculty and respect, contributing, distributing and serious about work for betterment of society per making positive contribution of multi knowledge/tasks, not interested in mere position/title display either.
Remember in other question we talked about Skills quality people must take from education beside transferable knowledge. (Those, they do not. ).
Anyway, it Shouldn't be allowed to let this site be corrupted also like facebook, etc..
1 Recommendation
Peter Salonius
Natural Resources Canada, Retired
Many replies in this dicussion deal with the MODEL BASED FUTURE GLOBAL WARMING that will supposedly be caused by human emissions of carbon containing greenhouse gases.
I am offer for your perusal and edification Dr. Happer's March 25, 2021, presentation titled :
'CO₂ is not a Pollutant — Exposing the Fraud Behind the Global Reset/Green New Deal' ........see (CLICK ON THE FOLLOWING URL):
CO₂ is not a Pollutant — Exposing the Fraud Behind the Global Reset/Green New Deal - YouTube
..... however, it could be labelled............. 'A mandatory short course on climate for policy makers'.
Happer speaks for about 25 minutes with illustrative slides ..
Please take the time to watch AT LEAST the important physics presented by Happer stating at  12:30 ... and at about 12:30 Happer presents the rock-solid physics that show further additions of CO2 to the CURRENT atmosphere will have an insignificant effect on global warming.
His presentation is followed by a fascinating 15-minute summary of the decades-long history that led to the current misinformed climate alarmism, and the economically suicidal implications of President Biden's recent executive orders dealing with the climate and CO2 emissions.
Quoting some of Happer's statements:
“Policies to slow CO2 emissions are based on flawed computer models which exaggerate warming by factors of 2 or 3. “More CO2 is an overall benefit, so costly ‘mitigation’ schemes are harmful. We should have the courage to do nothing about CO2 emissions.”
I hope this helps in shining a new light on the climate discussion ... which almost certainly will be news to those of you who are being held captive by the currently predominant 'groupthink' concerning the supposed climate crisis/emergency and the touted necessity of curbing emissions of carbon containing greenhouse gases.
1 Recommendation
Peter Salonius
Natural Resources Canada, Retired
CO₂ is not a Pollutant — Exposing the Fraud Behind the Global Reset/Green New Deal
1 Recommendation
Peter Salonius
"CO₂ is not a Pollutant".
CO2 is an emission indeed.
1 Recommendation
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
Dear Fatema Miah, Peter Salonius,
Yes of course. CO2 emission is an important civilization factor responsible for the acceleration of the global warming process that has taken place over the last several dozen years. In addition to CO2, emissions of methane and other minor greenhouse gases are also increasing. On the other hand, the scale of environmental pollution with various wastes, toxic chemicals and plastics has also increased significantly over the last several decades. Therefore, it is necessary to create eco-technologies, eco-innovations and increase the scale of their application in order to counteract these adverse side effects of the development of civilization, i.e. to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and pollute the environment with waste.
Thank you, Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Peter Salonius
Natural Resources Canada, Retired
Dear Dariusz Prokopowicz
As you persist in asserting that CO2 (and methane) are "responsible for the acceleration of the global warming process"...... I must assume that you have not taken the time to read and understand the ROCK SOLID physics presented by Dr. Happer....see:
CO₂ is not a Pollutant — Exposing the Fraud Behind the Global Reset/Green New Deal
1 Recommendation
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts/agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts/agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts/agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts/agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts/agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts/agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts/agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts/agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts/agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts/agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts/agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts/agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts/agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts & agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts & agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts & agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts & agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts & agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts & agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts & agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts & agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts & agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts & agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts & agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts & agreements involving landholders
Ricardo Gonzalez
Universidad de La Frontera
The most effective is also the most radical, the creation of protected areas (national Parks, reserves and local protected areas), by decolonizing these areas. When that is not possible, modern economic instruments like Payment for environmental services under binding contracts & agreements involving landholders
2 Recommendations
Peter Salonius
Natural Resources Canada, Retired
There are 10 /TEN copies of the relpy from Ricardo Gonzalez that are exactly the same.
One copy should be sufficient.
1 Recommendation
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
Dear Peter Salonius,
Thank you for participating in our discussion. You pointed out an interesting issue concerning the negation of the facts regarding greenhouse gas emissions and the progressing faster and faster global warming process, which has already been confirmed by min. 97 percent research carried out on a global scale. An interesting regularity that occurs in this matter is presented in such a way that when scientific research is conducted independently and concerns only facts, it shows obvious correlations.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
2 Recommendations
Lou Schmitt
University of Gothenburg
The various methods of birth control.
2 Recommendations
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
Dear Ricardo Gonzalez,
Yes, creating new green areas, including national parks, reserves, local protected areas, but also city parks, forests in areas devastated by civilization, industrially as part of reclamation and restoration of a state similar to natural natural ecosystems, the creation of flower meadows in cities, etc. is one of the types of pro-environmental activities and limiting the negative impact of the classical economy development on the natural environment.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
1 Recommendation
Peter Salonius
Natural Resources Canada, Retired
Dear Dariusz Prokopowicz
You referred to FACTS regarding the global warming process.....You must not have listened carefully to Dr. Happer's presentation VIDEO at:
CO₂ is not a Pollutant — Exposing the Fraud Behind the Global Reset/Green New Deal - YouTube
1 Recommendation
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
Dear Peter Salonius,
Thank you very much for the hint, for the tip on the interesting material related to the issues of improving techniques and systems for the protection of nature and biodiversity of natural ecosystems discussed in this discussion.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
1 Recommendation
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
Dear Lou Schmitt,
Thanks for answering the question:
In your opinion, what are the most effective methods of nature protection and biodiversity currently?
Thank you, Regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
1 Recommendation
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
Dear Ricardo Gonzalez,
Yes. I fully agree. As part of nature protection, the area of ​​strictly protected areas should be increased. Yes, environmental policy should be taken into account to a greater extent in the context of broadly understood socio-economic policy. These are important elements of the implementation of the goals of sustainable development and pro-environmental transformation of the economy.
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
2 Recommendations
I would say the involvement of the communities living in and around the habitat. If we convince them about the need for protecting the flora fauna and the ecosystem and help them feel responsible for the wellbeing of the habitat and everything in it, it gives them a sense of belonging and responsibility... this definitely leads to effective conservation.
I would also need to add the importance of research to determine the status of the habitat and the conservation measures needed to improve the quality of the habitat.
There is an absolute need for collaboration " working hand in hand" between the habitat communities and the researchers, each doing what they are best at.
thank you very much,
Smitha D Gnanaolivu
1 Recommendation
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
Dear Smitha D Gnanaolivu,
Yes. You indicated the key aspects of the need to increase general social awareness of pro-environmental and pro-environmental and ecological social responsibility.
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
1 Recommendation
Okeke Onyeka
scientific equipment development institute,enugu
encourage afforestation and effective conservation through public- private partnership
1 Recommendation
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
Dear Okeke Onyeka,
Yes. I fully agree. This is how afforestation programs should be developed and the scale of deforestation and deforestation should be limited, because this issue will largely determine the scale of the progressive global warming process and how future generations of people will be able to survive the future climate crisis. It is one of the key impact factors in terms of progressing climate change.
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
3 Recommendations
Hi Smitha
2 Recommendations
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
Dear César,
Yes of course. Environmental education is one of the key factors in improving systems and increasing the scale of activities related to environmental protection, protection of the biosphere and climate of our planet.
Thank you,
1 Recommendation
Rafal Nizar
University of Mosul
I completely agree with the opinions of the distinguished professors
3 Recommendations
Rafal Nizar
University of Mosul
3 Recommendations
Salma Haque
International Islamic University Chittagong
In my opinion, the most effective method of nature protection and biodiversity currently is creating awareness about it among all.
2 Recommendations
What we are doing to our world regarding our carbon footprint and global warming are effecting everything; living organisms and the landforms that life forms inhabit.
We are the only animals to blame; all the other living things are at our mercy.
2 Recommendations
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
Dear Mary,
Yes, I fully agree with you. Man-made greenhouse gas emissions are causing climate change, including the ongoing process of global warming. This process adversely affects the condition of the planet's biosphere, including it reduces the level of biodiversity of natural ecosystems. In addition, the deforestation process accelerates these unfavorable trends, which result in accelerating the process of global warming and the extinction of many species of flora and fauna. It is imperative to urgently carry out a pro-environmental transformation of the economy in order to build a sustainable, green, zero-emission zero-growth economy and a circular economy. The sooner this is done, the less degradation of the biosphere and climate will occur in the near future. This is a key goal of global environmental policy and to significantly reduce the level of future loss of biodiversity in natural ecosystems.
Thank you very much,
Kind regards,
5 Recommendations
Ehsan Tamassoki
Hormozgan University
Attention to environmental ethics, focus on the capacity of local communities and NGOs and Policy-making based on cosmopolitan ecology.
1 Recommendation
Faraed Salman
Erbil polytechnic university
1 Recommendation
Peter Salonius
Natural Resources Canada, Retired
Dariusz continues to assert that "Man-made greenhouse gas emissions are causing climate change" in spite of massive evidence to the contrary.... see a brief explanation at:
Empirical observations show no sign of 'climate crisis'  - The Global Warming Policy Foundation (thegwpf.org)
Nazia Asad
Government institution Pakistan
By Planting trees, we can save planet earth and we can protect biodiversity.
2 Recommendations
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
Dear Peter,
Yes, I still think so, and I will always do so because it is obvious. In a few decades, we will clearly see the direction in which climate change will take place and to what extent the process of global warming will be achieved. But then it will be too late for the concept of mitigating the scale of climate change, significantly slowing down the accelerating global warming process, ie what we can still do now. The issue of the impact of deforestation; industrial, energy, etc. emissions of greenhouse gases has a climate is obvious. This is confirmed by about 99 percent. research results published in thousands of scientific papers. This is confirmed, for example, by the reports of the IPCC, the results of which are referred to, inter alia, by the annual UN climate conferences COP. Climate is changing. The scale of negative effects of climate change on the biosphere and man is growing. The current debates on the scale of the impact of civilization development on climate change is an attempt to preserve the status quo of the devastating reality for the biosphere and climate of the civilization development model. This type of discussion was conducted several decades ago. At that time, questioning the negative impact of man on the climate and the biosphere resulted from the particular interests of supporting the development of the fossil fuel extractive industry, the energy industry producing energy based on the combustion of fossil fuels, the oil refining industry, etc. civilization, including greenhouse gas emissions for climate change, including, in particular, the generation of the global warming process, they only cause the continuation of the loss of time, more and more valuable and limited time, in which people can still, to a large extent, carry out the necessary pro-environmental transformation of the economy, develop renewable and zero-emission energy sources and reduce the scale, slow down the pace of global warming. Based on the results of numerous scientific studies, it is obvious that the key period is the next few to several years. What humanity can do at that time in terms of the pro-environmental transformation of the economy depends on the extent to which we save the world from the degradation of the climate and the biosphere, which may occur at the end of the current 21st century. I will probably not live until the end of the 21st century, but I think about future generations of people, I think about the future of the planet's biosphere and the possibility of civilization development in the future. What worries me is that many people have a selfish approach to these issues, that many people do not care what will happen in several dozen or more years.
Thank you,
3 Recommendations
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
Dear Nazia,
That's right. The continued deforestation accelerates the global warming process. It is essential to end deforestation as soon as possible and to develop aforestation programs on a large scale. This is one of the key factors in saving the climate and the biosphere from much greater degradation than what has already been lost in this regard by the predatory exploitation of the planet's resources.
Thank you very much,
Kind regards,
3 Recommendations
Peter Salonius
Natural Resources Canada, Retired
Dariusz projects (model based).... "In a few decades, we will clearly see the direction in which climate change will take place. He and others should devote 40 minutes to understand the futility of such projections at:
Climate science 101 with David Siegel - YouTube
1 Recommendation
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
Dear Peter,
Dariusz's projects are based primarily on the facts of climate change that have been taking place for over two centuries. If in the coming decades man does not implement the pro-environmental transformation of the classic growth, brown, linear economy of excess into a sustainable, green, zero-emission economy of zero growth and a circular economy, then a critical and key period for a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, slowing down the progressing global warming process , saving the rest of the biosphere will be wasted. If in a few decades we would find out that this negative scenario of the continuation of civilization development would come true, unfortunately it will not be possible to go back in time to correct the mistakes made. now we have the opportunity to correct the mistakes made so far in the development of a civilization that develops mainly on the basis of burning fossil fuels. In a few decades it may be too late. It is a waste of time for barren disputes, since so little time has been left to save the climate and the biosphere from much greater degradation compared to what has already been done. There is no point in arguing with models anymore. There is no longer any time to argue about models, assumptions, doctrines, philosophies, etc. determined by subjective conditions, contradicting objective facts and certainties. One of the certainties is that, as I wrote before, the period of the next few decades is the key and critical period as the last period in which humans can still significantly reduce the negative impact of the development of civilization on the biosphere and climate. Until the mid-21st century at the latest, humanity still has a chance to save the biosphere, biodiversity of natural ecosystems and the climate for future generations. Later it may be too late and the time cannot be turned back.
Thank you,
3 Recommendations
1.Conservation of biodiversity through creations of protected areas, parks, zoos,
2.Support for the indigenous communities through awareness, education and livelihoods diversification to limit over exploitation of the environment.
3Fight climate change
4.Government policies inform of rules and laws and monitoring mechanism
5. Provision of funds to support bioversity research
12 Recommendations
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw 🏛️
Dear John,
Thanks for your reply. You have pointed out some of the most important elements of protecting the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems. Protecting the biodiversity of natural ecosystems is important because in doing so we protect the planet's greatest wealth, which has evolved over billions of years. It is essential to develop instruments and systems to protect the biodiversity of natural ecosystems and to increase conservation, because the rate of human-induced loss of the planet's biosphere biodiversity is still very high.
Thank you very much,
1 Recommendation
Peter Salonius
Natural Resources Canada, Retired
Watch Dr. Happer's 37 minute presentation at:
to gain assurance (based on ROCK SOLID PHYSICS) that there is no climate emergency and that EVEN doubling current atmospheric levels of Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Nitrous Oxide will have miniscule and insignificant effects on the global climate.
1 Recommendation
Mahmmoud Hussein A. Al Rahman
University of Baghdad
Thank you very much, dear professor, may God bless you.
14 Recommendations
Mahmmoud Hussein A. Al Rahman
University of Baghdad
Maintain cleanliness to prevent pollution, use clean energy as much as possible, take care of natural plants and trees and increase them, and reduce overfishing of animals, birds and fish.
17 Recommendations
Catarina Jota Baptista
Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Egas Moniz
I Honestly believe that ecosystems should be prioritized according to the abundance of endangered species, keystone species, and essential resources... Conservation, nature protection and even disease surveillance should work at an ecosystem and ecological level, rather than at an individual or species level.
1 Recommendation

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44 replies
  • Dariusz ProkopowiczDariusz Prokopowicz
How should the systems of nature protection and biodiversity of natural ecosystems be dispersed in order to increase the effectiveness of these systems and reduce the scale of degradation of the natural environment?
What do you think should be improved in nature conservation systems and biodiversity of natural ecosystems in addition to just increasing financial outlays on nature conservation policies conducted by government agencies and ministries of the environment?
A significant part of financial expenditures of nature conservation and biodiversity policy is devoted to the promotion of nature protection and natural environment protection issues. However, the effectiveness of this type of promotional campaigns is low, because without applying legal restrictions, enterprises do not change their technologies to be more ecological if they do not see in this business realized in a short time. Even the occasional UN climate summits in which government representatives from the majority of countries take part do not cause significant real changes in the policy of nature protection and biodiversity? Usually, the largest industrial economies in the world do not sign the obligations of rapid reduction of greenhouse gases and the issue of increasing spending on environmental innovation in the energy sector. Why, despite the growing scale of public awareness, there is no significant improvement in the implementation of nature conservation and biodiversity policy, there are no real measures that would result in a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the slowing of the global warming process?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
How can environmental protection and biodiversity be improved by using current ecological technologies?
2624 replies
  • Dariusz ProkopowiczDariusz Prokopowicz
Due to the current civilization progress in recent decades, acceleration of the development of industry, automotive, urban agglomerations, intensification of agricultural production, etc. and related greenhouse gas emissions, global warming, ozone layer depletion in the atecologicalecologicalmosphere, increase of environmental pollution, growing problem of smog in urban agglomerations, the increase in pollution of the seas and oceans to which unsorted waste is thrown away is cut out as part of the predatory economy of tropical forests in the Amazon and other largest natural forest ecosystems.
In addition, the secondary effect of global warming of the Earth's climate is the increasing, more frequent weather anomalies, including drought, leading to steppe and desertification of areas that were previously natural forest ecosystems or areas exploited by agriculture.
As a result of the above-mentioned processes, every year many species of flora and fauna disappear forever.
As a result, natural biodiversity diminishes, which for millions of years evolved evolutionally on Earth.
In this way the natural resources of the planet Earth are irretrievably in decline.
In view of the above, the issue of environmental protection and biodiversity is one of the most important challenges of humanity in the 21st century.
Classical economics must change towards a green economy based on the strategy of sustainable pro-ecological development.
Therefore, I am asking you for the following query:
How can environmental protection and biodiversity be improved by using current ecological technologies?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
I pointed out the high level of relevance of the issue taken up in the above question in the article:
Please respond with what do you think about the issues described in this article?
Best wishes
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me based on my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
How can new ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0 help improve monitoring systems for the state of biodiversity of natural ecosystems?
2 replies
  • Dariusz ProkopowiczDariusz Prokopowicz
How can new ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0 help improve systems for monitoring the state of environmental pollution, the state of biodiversity of natural ecosystems, the state of the biosphere and the planet's climate?
On 16.11.2022 at the UN Climate Summit COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, debates and speakers address, among other things, the issue of the loss of biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems caused by the increasingly rapid process of global warming caused by anthropogenic factors, i.e., primarily by civilization's greenhouse gas emissions. Due to the accelerating deforestation of forests, the burning and clearing of rainforests to create more areas to grow crops for export, the planet's biodiversity is rapidly declining. In addition, also due to the increasing scale of land and sea pollution, oceanic pollution and the accelerating process of global warming, the level of biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems is rapidly declining. Due to the predatory management of burning and clearing of the Amazon rainforest, the area of these natural boreal forests described as the natural lungs of the planet has been declining rapidly in recent years. In addition, due to the greenhouse effect, ocean water temperatures are also rising and coral reefs, including the Great Barrier Reef in Oceania, are dying. The decline in biodiversity noted in recent years correlates with the rapid mass die-off of many species of flora and fauna. In view of the above, it is necessary to urgently stop forest deforestation, including the burning and clearing of tropical rainforests and also other forest formations and natural ecosystems located in all climate zones. It is necessary to increase the scale of implementation of afforestation programs for civilization-degraded areas, post-mining heaps, wastelands, and the creation of additional urban parks in urban agglomerations. Besides, it is necessary to urgently carry out a full green transformation of the economy, including a pro-climate transformation of the energy sector by replacing the dirty energy of burning fossil fuels with clean energy based on renewable and emission-free energy sources. With the rapid development of ICT information technology, Industry 4.0, satellite analytics, 5G big data transfer, etc. as important elements of the current fourth technological revolution, it is possible to improve techniques and systems for monitoring the state of biodiversity of natural ecosystems.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
How can the new information technologies of ICT and Industry 4.0 help improve systems for monitoring the state of environmental pollution, the state of biodiversity of natural ecosystems, the state of the planet's biosphere and climate?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer with reasons,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
How are Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies helpful in restoring and protecting the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
Be the first to reply
  • Dariusz ProkopowiczDariusz Prokopowicz
How can and are Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence, be and help to restore, reconstruct and protect the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
How can and are Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, be and are helpful in conducting scientific research, implementing analytical processes using large data sets and information collected on Big Data analytical platforms, and are thus helpful in restoring, reconstructing and protecting the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
In the technological advances taking place today, a special role is played by, among others, rapidly developing and finding new applications for ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0, including Big Data Analytics and generative artificial intelligence technologies. Recently, generative artificial intelligence technology has been applied in various business fields, business entities operating in different sectors of the economy, in different spheres of human activity. The development of business applications of AI technology is already influencing labor markets and can significantly change the structure of operating costs and the level of profitability of business activities carried out in companies and enterprises. AI-based applications made available on the Internet, including intelligent chatbots, are used, among other things, to quickly develop plans, designs for various activities, ventures, etc. Since chatGPT and other similar intelligent chatbots were taught, trained using artificial neural networks as part of a deep learning process on large data sets downloaded from the Internet from selected database websites, libraries, indexing databases of scientific publications, articles and books, etc., so they take into account a large amount of knowledge from various scientific disciplines. The level of objectivity and factual accuracy of texts and other types of "works" generated by the aforementioned intelligent chatbots is determined by the timeliness of the data and information used in the deep learning process, as well as by the type of online data libraries, indexing databases of scientific publications, news portals, etc., from which data and information were taken for the purpose of creating Big Data as a knowledge base for specific intelligent chatbots. The aforementioned scope of knowledge also includes various aspects of the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems, including the already few areas on the planet with national parks, scenic parks, natural forests uncontaminated to a serious degree by the influence of human civilization, undegraded and unmodified by man natural ecosystems of the planet.
I am conducting research on this issue. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following article:
I described the applications of Big Data technologies in sentiment analysis, business analytics and risk management in my co-authored article:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can and are Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, be and are helpful in conducting scientific research, implementing analytical processes using large data sets and information collected on Big Data analytical platforms, and thus are helpful in restoring, reconstructing and protecting the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
How can and are Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, helpful in the restoration, reconstruction and protection of the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
How do new technologies help protect the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
4 replies
  • Dariusz ProkopowiczDariusz Prokopowicz
Which new ICT information technologies are most helpful in protecting the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
What are examples of new technologies typical of the current fourth technological revolution that help protect the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
Which new technologies, including ICT information technologies, technologies categorized as Industry 4.0 or Industry 5.0 are helping to protect the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
How do new Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence technologies, including deep learning based on artificial neural networks, help protect the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
New technologies, including ICT information technologies, technologies categorized as Industry 4.0 or Industry 5.0 are finding new applications. These technologies are currently developing rapidly and are an important factor in the current fourth technological revolution. On the other hand, due to the still high emissions of greenhouse gases generating the process of global warming, due to progressive climate change, increasingly frequent weather anomalies and climatic disasters, in addition to increasing environmental pollution, still rapidly decreasing areas of forests, carried out predatory forest management, the level of biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems is rapidly decreasing. Therefore, it is necessary to engage new technologies, including ICT information technologies, technologies categorized as Industry 4.0/Industry 5.0, including new technologies in the field of Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in order to improve and scale up the protection of the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How do the new technologies of Big Data Analytics and artificial intelligence, including deep learning based on artificial neural networks, help to protect the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
Which new technologies, including ICT information technologies, technologies categorized as Industry 4.0 or Industry 5.0 are helping to protect the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
What are examples of new technologies that help protect the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
How do new technologies help protect the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What do you think about this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

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