Asked 24 April 2017

Im a business student doing research on transgender/LGBT community and toilet issues. Any research papers preferably with questionnaires done on this?

I need need to know concerns relating to transgender bathrooms on campus and how it impacts other students particularly women

All Answers (3)

Wojciech Oronowicz-Jaśkowiak
Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology
Well, maybe it's worth using Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) 
My students have developed a Transgender Rights Scale, 18-items, 6 reversed scored, that explained over 69% of the variance on a single factor, Cronbach's alpha = .97 with a largely U.S. white, rural population (N < 400). Submission of the manuscript for publication should be completed in the next two months. If interested in possibly using this scale in the near future, message me privately.
1 Recommendation

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