Asked 8 June 2017

I would like to know how can Creative Urban Space reduce the usage of automobile? What will be the toolkits to reudce automobile by urban space?

I understand that TOD development can also promote to use the urban transport. I am also curious about creative urban space and related with automobile usages. 

All Answers (3)

Jerry Decker
Retired Engineer
Safe convenient and rapid public transport would help, but a more fundamental program might give better results. City planning for example could locate people and destinations closer together, but at the loss of much freedom. One tactic I didn't like in London is the automatic charge of a fee for each time a vehicle passes a detector.
1 Recommendation
Valery Volov
Debra Sharon Ferdinand-James
University of the West Indies
In some resorts in the Caribbean we use a lot of mopeds as shown in the link below.
Best regards,

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