Asked 11 July 2024
  • imam abdulrahman alfaisal university

I am looking for lower limb conventional physiotherapy protocol or guideline in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy. please any help?

cerebral palsy rehabilitation

All Answers (3)

Sandro Stefanin
University of Turin
Dear Abdullah,
on Google Scholar you can type the string
"cerebral palsy" hemiplegic* (guideline* | protocol*)
and scroll through the results and grab what you need.
However, it seems to me that they answer your question
Guidelines for future research in constraint-induced movement therapy for children with unilateral cerebral palsy: an expert consensus AC Eliasson, L Krumlinde‐Sundholm… - … Medicine & Child …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library Use of virtual reality systems as proprioception method in cerebral palsy: clinical practice guideline EM Pereira, FM Rueda, IMA Diego… - Neurología (english…, 2014 - Elsevier Early intervention for children aged 0 to 2 years with or at high risk of cerebral palsy: international clinical practice guideline based on systematic reviews C Morgan, L Fetters, L Adde, N Badawi… - JAMA …, 2021 - Australian hip surveillance guidelines for children with cerebral palsy: 5‐year review M Wynter, N Gibson, KL Willoughby… - … Medicine & Child …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Kind regards
Sandro Stefanin
1 Recommendation
Marika Jonsson
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
In Sweden we have a national program called CPUP
Maybe some of the protocols there might help?
2 Recommendations
Sandro Stefanin
University of Turin
Dear Marika,
I consulted the Pubmed and Scopus databases; on Pubmed you can insert the string
"cerebral palsy"[tiab] AND ("lower extremit*"[tiab] OR "lower limb*"[tiab])
and then flag, on the left side of the screen (Article type): Clinical Trial, Consensus Development Conference, Consensus Development Conference, NIH, Controlled Clinical Trial, Electronic Supplementary Materials, Guideline, Practice Guideline, Pragmatic Clinical Trial, Randomized Controlled Trial, in order to obtain 188 results.
The guidelines are very few, but if you are looking for an exercise protocol it is possible to find it in the intervention of the articles relating to the randomized clinical trials and, if the authors have been precise, in the supplementary materials of the articles.
On EMBASE you can enter, directly in the Broad search, the string
'cerebral palsy':ti,ab,kw AND hemipleg*:ti,ab,kw AND ('lower extremit*':ti,ab,kw OR 'lower limb*':ti,ab,kw)
or you can type, always in the Broad search, the Search Query at the top of the abstracts file that I send you as an attachment.
Finally, on Google Scholar, you can enter the two strings
"cerebral palsy" (hemiplegia | hemiplegic) ("lower extremity" | "lower extremities" | "lower limb*) (intitle:guideline* | intitle:protocol*)
"cerebral palsy" (hemiplegia | hemiplegic) ("lower extremity" | "lower extremities" | "lower limb*) intitle:guideline* (intitle:"randomized controlled trial*” | intitle:"randomised controlled trial*")
and scroll through the results to pick what you find useful.
Best regards and good luck
Sandro Stefanin
1 Recommendation

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