Asked 2 June 2015
  • University Ignatinum in Kraków

I need the original (in German) Nazi documents on the Holocaust. Can you help me?

I need for example:
The Program of the NSDAP.
Anti- Jewish Plans of the Nazis published before their rise to power.
Repors Einzatzgruppen on extermination of Jews in Soviet Union.
Inner and official documents of RSHA.

Most recent answer

Jeffrey de Fourestier
East China University of Technology
While more general, there is some material (transcripts) available at:
Also the most meticulous documentary study of holocaust documentation was done by Raul Hilberg who unfortunately passed away a few years ago. His work is particularly noteworthy because he dealt also with many seemingly banal documents to show the enormity and complexity of the machinery that facilitated the destruction of European Jewry.

All Answers (24)

Yves Jeanrenaud
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich
I am not a historian, but from what I know, there are quite a few documentation centers taking care of these primary sources. Do you need them as original documents or are reproductions, e. g. photographies or transcripts, fine, too?
for the later, look at this example:
there should be quite a few around.
dokumentarchiv is also a very interesting source, providing historical documents starting from 1800:
1 Recommendation
Jacek Surzyn
University Ignatinum in Kraków
Dear Yves, thank you very much for responce and addresses. Just I need not the original documents, rather depends me on sources to work. I have in English the collections of documents, but I need them in German. With greetings. Jacek
The archives of the US Holocaust Museum have extensive collections of original (German language) documents on this topic.  Ed
2 Recommendations
Tom Venetianer
Business School São Paulo (FGV)
(1) Please read the "Mein Kampf" in its German original. It is available online:
("ww" instead of "www" is correct in this link)
A quick statistical analysis of some anti-Semitic phrases/words:
Jude = 105
Juden = 116
Marxismus (related to Jews) = 114
Words that were dear to Hitler:
Arier (Arian) = 35
Versailles (the Treate of) = 19
Any doubts that the future Führer was planning already in 1924 what he did when he became Germany's dictator?
(2) Also read the commentaries about the Wannsee's Protocol's veracity here:
BTW, during his trial in Jerusalem Adolf Eichmann vouched the authenticity of this document.
(3) Das 25-Punkte-Programm der NSDAP vom 24. Februar 1920 (transcript)
(4) Not sure this is of help, but in the link below you will find the digital copies of the Nazi's newspaper Sozialistische Arbeiter Zeitung for the years 1931 through 1933
1 Recommendation
Jeffrey de Fourestier
East China University of Technology
You should also look into the Nuremburg Race laws. A copy in German is not difficult to find through a simple search. I am sure you realise that the SS-directed actions used euphemisms that you will need to be thoroughly familiar with them in German as only in the rarest cases did a document spell out exactly what was done that was of criminal nature.
Tom Venetianer
Business School São Paulo (FGV)
Simonas Strelcovas
Šiauliai University
It depends on region you are investigating. For example in Lithuania there were published special reports of Nazzi policy on the Holocaust (Stahlecker report). As well many orders issued in German during the war for public use.
1 Recommendation
Jacek Surzyn
University Ignatinum in Kraków
Yes Simonas, you have right. "Regionalization" is very important but i need the German documents rather for the illustration of "the Language's Problem of Holocaust", it means  what kind of concepts and terms Nazis have used for "naming" the Jewish extermination. H. Arendt, for instance, affirms, that there was language of lie, that there was camouflage, which had to cover the genocide both physically (really), as well as morally. I am sure, that it should be necessary to analyze notions and terms has used by Nazis in original.
Hans-Martin Moderow
Universität Greifswald
Look for Books by Wolfgang Benz.
Jacek Surzyn
University Ignatinum in Kraków
Yes, I should do it (to look for the Benz's books).
Jacek Surzyn
University Ignatinum in Kraków
Dear Joergen , thank you very much for your reply and full informations.
Shlomi Chetrit
Israel Police
The Israeli Police compiled a large collection of such documents during its investigation of Adolph Eichman. These are kept at thr Israeli National Archives, under "Beuro 06". There is a chance that some documents are available online - please check
2 Recommendations
Tom Venetianer
Business School São Paulo (FGV)
Dear Jacek,
It occurred to me that you may find a wealth of information at this site:
Nuremberg Trials Project
Click on "Search the Collection" menu which will take you to the site's search engine. It is not very user-friendly but it is worth trying to use it.
Good luck
2 Recommendations
Jacek Surzyn
University Ignatinum in Kraków
Dear Shlomo, thank you very much for information about the Israel's police collection of documentations. I try to look at it by
Svetlana Suveica
University of Regensburg
There is a Russian-German project for digitalization of documents of the German secret services (1912-1945) that were confiscated during the war and transferred to the Russian archives (Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RGASPI, Fond 458, Series 9).
422 documents are available here:
Best wishes,
2 Recommendations
Jacek Surzyn
University Ignatinum in Kraków
Svetlana, thank you very much!! It is fantastic!!
Jeffrey de Fourestier
East China University of Technology
Professor Peter Hoffmann at McGill University has collected copies of many key documents and has a profound expertise on this area.
That said: Der Stuermer was the leading anti-semitic newspaper from the earliest days (1923) onward and is not difficult to access.
Jacek Surzyn
University Ignatinum in Kraków
Jeffrey, thanks for information about Professor Peter Hoffmann. I'll try to contact with him. What about the Der Stuermer, of course you have right.
Tom Venetianer
Business School São Paulo (FGV)
Jacek, here is a link to a large number of German newspapers back issues, dating back to 1938-1945
Also, this link is for magazines, same site:
Enjoy :-)
1 Recommendation
Jacek Surzyn
University Ignatinum in Kraków
Tom, thanks, it's the great!!!
Jeffrey de Fourestier
East China University of Technology
While more general, there is some material (transcripts) available at:
Also the most meticulous documentary study of holocaust documentation was done by Raul Hilberg who unfortunately passed away a few years ago. His work is particularly noteworthy because he dealt also with many seemingly banal documents to show the enormity and complexity of the machinery that facilitated the destruction of European Jewry.

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