Asked 2 February 2023

How to handle Time Series data Missing Values ?

If one has a time series dataset, that contain columns of item number, Date, qty_item_sold. If the frequency of the dataset is 'MS'(Month start) and there are missing value('0.0') in some months due to the lack of purchase orders for those Items how does one handle this type of data set and prepare it for forecasting. Do we drop the rows containing the null values, or do we apply time series missingness mechanisms to fill them in?
I tried dropping the rows and applying statsforecast using models such as AutoArima, AutoETS, Naive. But I don't think the models would are forecasting the dataset properly.

Most recent answer

Precious Nwabueze
University of Kent
thanks so much Anton Rainer. How do I reach you? Maybe through LinkedIn.

All Answers (14)

Ette Etuk
Rivers State University
A possible solution is to use linear interpolation especially when the spaces are not too wide.
Precious Nwabueze
University of Kent
The spaces are too wide
Anton Rainer
bundesministerium für finanzen, austria, vienna
How is the specification of your model. Without knowing what and how you want to forecast it is impossible to give advice. It seems , that you want to find out trends for different goods (maybe with a seasonal component). In this case, one could perhaps change from monthly data to quarterly, semiannual or annual aggregates.
Precious Nwabueze
University of Kent
The data is non seasonal
Anton Rainer
bundesministerium für finanzen, austria, vienna
This makes things easier. Obviously, the data are for sales to only one or a few buyers, who order, when their stocks are running down. I recommend to look at a diagram to discover any regularities. For a trend calculation, I would take moving annual averages. By the way, up to now, I can only guess what you really want to analyse.
Anton Rainer
bundesministerium für finanzen, austria, vienna
"Moving annual averages" should mean "12-month moving averages", such that ypu have the average (or the sum) of the past 12 months for every month as a time series.
Mayur Wanjari
Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education & Research
Handling missing values in time series data can be challenging as missing values can impact the validity and reliability of the results. There are several methods to handle missing values in time series data, including:
  1. Interpolation: This method replaces missing values with estimates based on the values of surrounding time points. Common interpolation methods include linear interpolation and spline interpolation.
  2. Extrapolation: This method extends the time series data beyond the existing data points by using mathematical models to estimate missing values.
  3. Forward-fill and backward-fill: In forward-fill, missing values are filled in with the next available value. In backward-fill, missing values are filled in with the previous available value.
  4. Last Observation Carried Forward (LOCF): This method replaces missing values with the last observed value.
  5. Multiple imputation: This method uses statistical methods to generate multiple estimates for missing values and then combines the results to produce a single estimate.
The choice of method will depend on the specific characteristics of the time series data, such as the frequency of missing values, the type of data, and the research question. In general, multiple imputation is considered the best method for handling missing values in time series data as it provides more robust results compared to other methods.
Anton Rainer
bundesministerium für finanzen, austria, vienna
It seems, that there is not really a missing value problem, but the problem to analyse time series with many (correct!) zeros: only some months with sales, no sale in other months (i.e. a stochastic process, where not only the values are random, but also the time index). This is not easy to analyse with the usual econometric methods. If one replaces the zeros by "fill-in", one would get a highly wrong picture.
Precious Nwabueze
University of Kent
What do you suggest to do Anton Rainer.
Anton Rainer
bundesministerium für finanzen, austria, vienna
Up to now, I can only guess about the nature of your data and what you want to do with them. It seems that it is sales of a firm (measured in weight, length, volume, amount in ...?) to another firm, which itself sells from its stocks and orders, when its stocks are run down to a critical limit. Without more information, it is hardly possible to help you with the specification of a testable model.
Precious Nwabueze
University of Kent
This is the raw data I was practicing with.
Precious Nwabueze
University of Kent
This is the raw data I was practicing with. What is the best way to handle this dataset Anton Rainer.
Anton Rainer
bundesministerium für finanzen, austria, vienna
First you should know what the items are and what dimension the sales are (pieces, tons, barrels,.....?). You should know, to how many buyers the goods are sold. You should also change the format of the data table:
Year Month 5 13864 13867 etc.
2015 1 0 0 0
2015 2 0 53 0 <==sales
2022 2
With these columns, one could make diagrams which could show some regularities, and one could calculate the average time span between the sales and the averages of the sales.
Maybe there are connection between the items (substitutes, complementaries).
I fear, without knowing the nature of items and of the client(s), one cannot sensefully analyse the data.
Precious Nwabueze
University of Kent
thanks so much Anton Rainer. How do I reach you? Maybe through LinkedIn.

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