Asked 11 December 2017
How to carry MD simulations with distance constraint between two residues?
I am using amber to do some molecular dynamics simulation, protein pockets for a long time simulation will become smaller, I want to add the distance limit between the two residues on both sides of the pocket, so that the distance between them should not be less than a certain value. Is this correct? How can I achieve this?
Most recent answer
If you want to fix two atoms with harmonic restraint:
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Popular answers (1)
Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Russian Academy of Sciences
You can use the restrains as in this tutorial. You just set the restraints between atoms in residues as you wish.
4 Recommendations
All Answers (5)
Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Russian Academy of Sciences
You can use the restrains as in this tutorial. You just set the restraints between atoms in residues as you wish.
4 Recommendations
University of Michigan
SHAKE is usually used to consytaint the Hydrogens as they are very mobile. As Victor said, you can easily use harmonic restraint between atoms. You can find all the details in Amber manual. You need to define the atoms and the desired distance between those atoms. You can do several restraints on different atoms. You can restraint distance, angle and dihedral, too.
Good luck,
1 Recommendation
If you want to fix two atoms with harmonic restraint:
1 Recommendation
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