Asked 12 April 2017
  • J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry

How to calculate Coulombic efficiency from Lithium-Sulfur battery measurements?

I am measuring charge-discharge capacity of Li-S battery and I need to measure the Coulombic efficiency too.

Most recent answer

Bilal Hassan
University of Applied Sciences Stralsund
Fakiha Heakal in this formula what is the value of C=rate while calculating the ratio? should it be the same for both cases and if yes then what rate should be chosen?

Popular answers (1)

Claudiu Bucur
Great Wall Motors
(Capacity discharged / capacity charged) x 100. 
8 Recommendations

All Answers (21)

Claudiu Bucur
Great Wall Motors
(Capacity discharged / capacity charged) x 100. 
8 Recommendations
Amruth Bhargav
University of Texas at Austin
Coulombic efficiency of any battery is the ratio of charge output to charge input i.e. Discharge capacity/charge capacity.
Due to shuttle effect in Li-S batteries, efficiency can be much less than 100%. This shows severe polysulfide shuttle during charge.
5 Recommendations
Nahid Kaisar
J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry
Thank you very much @Claudiu and @Amruth for your kind information.
Umair Gulzar
University College Cork
charge discharge are confusing terms for the community. better use charge obtained in  de_lithiation / charge provided in lithiation x 100 
5 Recommendations
Sathish Deshagani
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Ravindar Dharavath
Dr. APJ Abdual Kalam Missile Complex (RCI)/DRDO
Coulombic efficiency of any battery (nC)=Q Discharge/Q Charge x100. General the nC is always less than 100 for any battery, more over for secondary battery nC is decrease as no of cycle increases.
Ijaz Ahmad Khan
Government College University, Faisalabad
Dear A. Bhargav and C. Bucur, you wrote that Coulombic efficiency of any battery is the ratio of charge output to charge input i.e. Discharge capacity/charge capacity.
and (Capacity discharged / capacity charged) x 100 by you respectively. Both are correct because efficiency is equal to out/input, i agreed to both, my question is that, i saw many paper on Li ion battery in which, during 1st cycle, the discharge capacity is always greater than charge capacity and hence when we calculate the coulombic efficiency by using above equations, the result will be more than 100 % which is not correct, in some papers, the authors used the same equations but their results are according to reverse equations means charge capacity/discharge capacity? what is this, please comments, and solve the problem  
Mani Vellaisamy
Central Electrochemical Research Institute
If you have done first discharge vs lithium metal (anode) to calculate Coulombic efficiency, initial charge capacity/initial discharge capacity X 100. If you have done first charge means (cathode) above equation is reverse.
Ijaz Ahmad Khan
Government College University, Faisalabad
Thanks a lot Mani Vellaisamy, in was also thinking the same but one was replying me, and hence i could not confirm my thinking, today you wet my thinking and confirm it, i am this one can get the same result, Once again thanks
1 Recommendation
Ahmad Afief Amrullah
Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta
Mr. Ijaz Ahmad Khan, I got that too.
I want to ask, the 97% is considered acceptable for which cycle, the first? Or after that?
Saul Chuquin
Escuela Superior Politécnica del Chimborazo
gracias amigos
Mahesh Jd
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Pashupati R Adhikari How do we find the discharge and charge capacity for a battery? How do these two differ?
Dilpreet Singh Mann
Jeonbuk National University
Mahesh Jd you can find the discharge and charge capacity for a battery using battery test software.
Amir Esfahani
McGill University
I have read some articles that discharge capacity is higher than charge capacity. Now, how to calculate CE?
Yichao Qian
University of Manchester
Amir Esfahani It is a half cell configuration in this paper (use a Li metal as the counter electrode). The author mentioned that the discharge capacity of the anode refers to the lithiation in this paper (It is true for anode half cell).
To calculate CE, use (delithiation capacity / lithiation capacity) * 100.
Fakiha Heakal
Cairo University
Generally, the Coulombic efficiency (CE)of a battery is the percentage ratio between the (discharging capacity/charging capacity) × 100. If the voltage for both discharging and chrging processes is the same, CE would be equal to the ratio of discharging and charging times * 100. CE values would be acceptable if they are in the range of 90% or higher than 90%.
Bilal Hassan
University of Applied Sciences Stralsund
Fakiha Heakal in this formula what is the value of C=rate while calculating the ratio? should it be the same for both cases and if yes then what rate should be chosen?

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