Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta
Asked 11 August 2018
How important is the reflective practice in teaching Islamic Religious Education??
Reflection in teaching and learning in Islamic Education.
Most recent answer
Creating critical thinkers actually an objective of the Islamic educational systems and where in the pedagogical system should critical thought be taught?
Medieval Muslim scholars have written extensively on curriculum development and the goals and objectives of Islamic educational systems. Comparing Blooms taxonomy to classical medieval scholastic works on curriculum development shows amazing similarities in their understanding of the role of memorization as a fundamental aspect of education.
here an article about Islamic Pedagogy and Critical Thinking by Michael V Smith from Qalam Institute.
Popular answers (1)
Technische Universität Braunschweig
I am not a Muslim, but I think that a reflected practice is important for every religion. Because religion can only really live in a reflected relationship.
4 Recommendations
All Answers (5)
Technische Universität Braunschweig
I am not a Muslim, but I think that a reflected practice is important for every religion. Because religion can only really live in a reflected relationship.
4 Recommendations
Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta
Thanks for the asnwer, dear Hein Retter and Hamid Gadouri
Islam has a rich heritage of critical reflection, and shares with the Abrahamic faiths the prophetic educational teachings that call for continous self-examination so that the fatihful remain balanced in their religious observance.
Educator in religious education need to contribute this to policy development, as they can directly challane the indoctrinatory mode of Islamic education that informs the extrimist mind-set, as noted by Prof. Abdullah Sahin from Warwick University.
3 Recommendations
Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta
Creating critical thinkers actually an objective of the Islamic educational systems and where in the pedagogical system should critical thought be taught?
Medieval Muslim scholars have written extensively on curriculum development and the goals and objectives of Islamic educational systems. Comparing Blooms taxonomy to classical medieval scholastic works on curriculum development shows amazing similarities in their understanding of the role of memorization as a fundamental aspect of education.
here an article about Islamic Pedagogy and Critical Thinking by Michael V Smith from Qalam Institute.
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