Asked 19 October 2023

How can convert micromoles per second per liter to millimoles per gram of dry cell weight per hour?

I need to convert from micromoles per second per liter (µmol s⁻¹ L⁻¹) to millimoles per gram of dry cell weight per hour (mmol gDCW-1h-1)

Most recent answer

An "empirical formula" for a microorganism most of whose molecules are of profoundly greater molecular weight? But there's the "However..."

All Answers (4)

You'll need to know the density of your cells to perform this conversion. You can determine it experimentally using various methods like gravimetric method, by optical density + buoyant density method, by Transmission Electron Microscopy + densitometric image analysis... or try to find the value in a database/texbook. An estimation could be applied, depending on the microorganism/cell type.
Cells have no molecular weight.
Bruce E. Rittmann; Perry L. McCarty. Environmental Biotechnology: Principles and Applications. Empirical Formula for Microbial Cells, Chapter (McGraw-Hill Education: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Athens, London, Madrid, Mexico City, Milan, New Delhi, Singapore, Sydney, Toronto, 2001).
An "empirical formula" for a microorganism most of whose molecules are of profoundly greater molecular weight? But there's the "However..."

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