Asked 28 July 2020

How can I link my articles on research gate to google scholar?

I have been trying to link my articles on research gate with Google scholar. I have tried several ways including copying my research gate URL to the home page column on google scholar but, is not working. Please, I would appreciate if anyone can help out. Thanks

Most recent answer

Harish Reddy Gantla
Vignan Institute of Technology & Science
Goto "Settings" in Research Gate, Click on "Connect with services", then connect it to google or google scholar as prompted. It may take time to connect. It will show the status whether it is connected to Google or not.
2 Recommendations

Popular answers (1)

Partha Borthakur
Dibrugarh University
Thanks to all. I am also searching the answer of the same question
49 Recommendations

All Answers (47)

Ildephonse Habinshuti
University of Rwanda
I used to ask myself the same question but I think there is no way to link the two. Anyway, i think that for google scholar after creating your profile most of your research articles appear automatically. Thanks!
1 Recommendation
Grzegorz Boczkaj
Gdansk University of Technology
RG gave a possibility to add a DOI to wvery element added to RG - maybe this is a solution. After you will generate DOI you can link this item with google scholar.
1 Recommendation
Sharmili Roy
Stanford University
I also have the same question and when I searched in google it showed me these steps :
  1. Go to "My Citations" page of your Google Scholar.
  2. Click on "Edit" button.
  3. Put your ResearchGate web url in the "Home Page" column.
But I am also not able to do this.
Anuruddha Munasinghe
University of Colombo
me too was unable to link both together
Friday Ojeaburu
Ignatius Ajuru University, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt Rivers State, Nigeria.
It is easier with SSRN. Just add your DOI but not so with RG.
Abderrahmane Redad
University of Batna 1
me too was unable to link both together
Friday Ojeaburu
Ignatius Ajuru University, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt Rivers State, Nigeria.
My RG publication just linked with Google scholar.
Nothing so much than I just published in RG and manually linked it with Google scholar.
When I checked today I saw the RG publication has automatically linked to google scholar. Then I have to delete the manual own.
1 Recommendation
Partha Borthakur
Dibrugarh University
Thanks to all. I am also searching the answer of the same question
49 Recommendations
M. D.H. Prodhan
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
The linkage between the researchgate and Google scholar is quite difficult. I think, there are several easy way to add article manually in the google scholar. Just click on the + icon, which is situated the right side of the caption TITLE, then click add manually. The article will be added in your profile.
30 Recommendations
Martin Afen Olofu
University of Calabar
copy your ResearchGate web url then open your Google Scholar page and click on the homepage located on the same line with verified email and drop the ResearchGate web url copied earlier. Anytime you want to see your articles on the ResearchGate simply click on the homepage on the Google Scholar
Dr Martin Olofu
4 Recommendations
Bazhdar Noureddin Mohammed
Salahaddin University-Erbil
I want to add another point to who is faced:
I had the same problem before 3 months. It was solved by rewriting my name in RG just like in Google Scholar. After nearly 45 days my RG automatically linked to GS.
1 Recommendation
a. Some academic researchers that couldn’t create Scholar Profiles using their institutional email - first, this has nothing to do with you - the scientist or scholar, your university or institution webmasters or system administrators are responsible for this bug, they will have to ACTIVATE or ENABLE Scholar Profiles for everyone, in the Google Admin Console before anyone can create a profile on Google Scholar.
The reason for this is that Scholar Profiles is an additional service to Google Workspace for Education.
Steps to be completed by university or institution webmasters or system administrators:
Log in to the Google Admin Console
Apps > Additional Google Services > Settings for Scholar Profiles
Scholar Profiles > Status - ON/OFF for Everyone
b. There are other categories of academic researchers conflicted with a similar message below:
This account - - is managed by
If you lose access to it, you will also lose access to your Scholar profile.
To keep your profile forever, sign in to your personal Gmail account.
The recommendation here is that Google algorithms are way smarter than we can comprehend, and they can figure things out independently, but first, users have to build trust by verifying their respective institutional email and activating their Scholar Profiles, as appropriate.
If you need help getting your institution on Google for Education, complete the form below
Thank you.
Anas Yusuf
Federal University Birnin Kebbi
Nice and informative answers
Najeem Adedamola Idowu
Ladoke Akintola University of Technology
1 Recommendation
Alade Temitope
Bamidele Olumilua University of Education, Science & Technology, Ikere-Ekiti
I had similar problem to link my research gate publications with Google scholar.
S.L.A. Haleem
South Eastern University of Sri Lanka
So far no suggestion
This documentation describes the technology behind indexing of websites with scholarly articles in Google Scholar. It's written for webmasters who would like their papers included in Google Scholar search results. Detailed technical information is helpful if you're trying to fix an error in indexing of your own website, or you need to make sure that your article hosting product is compatible with Google and Google Scholar search services.
If you're an individual author, it works best to simply upload your paper to your website, e.g.,; and add a link to it on your publications page, such as Make sure that:
the full text of your paper is in a PDF file that ends with ".pdf",
the title of the paper appears in a large font on top of the first page,
the authors of the paper are listed right below the title on a separate line, and
there's a bibliography section titled, e.g., "References" or "Bibliography" at the end.
That's it! Our search robots should normally find your paper and include it in Google Scholar within several weeks.
Reference URL:
If you need further help Sign-up here
Thank you.
1 Recommendation
Abhijit Mitra
University of Calcutta
through doi number
Nazlı Eser
Giresun University
How can we relate individually? I tried every way.
Sujan Kumar Roy
Michigan Technological University
Just click setting on your research gate profile, then select "Connect with services" --- where you find the google connect option and click it. You are done.
Shima Shafiee
Razi University
It depends on the publications that are published in your article or book. IEEE Publications will automatically publish your manuscript online in Google
Agwu A. Ejem
Landmark University
Unfortunately, I have the same problem. Even if you manually add, as Prodhan suggested, there won't be any link to the article on google scholar. Some have advised to publish in journals recognized by google scholar. How do you know those journals? When you are already sure your journal is peer-reviewed. Worst of all, there is no way to communicate with Google Scholar like email. Unfortunately, as someone said on this platform, those at google schola are very poor in their customer service.
1 Recommendation
Olanrewaju O. P. Ajakaiye
Landmark University
Please go with Dr. Prodhan suggestion. That was what I did when I had the same issue sometimes ago. The challenge is that, once the article or book chapter is not properly indexed in a recognised Journal, uploading becomes an issue except you upload manually.
2 Recommendations
Bazhdar Noureddin Mohammed
Salahaddin University-Erbil
I sent an email to ResearchGate Help Center about this problem before two days
They emailed me today.
Dear Bazhdar, Thanks for your message. If you notice that citations are missing, please be patient as this can take some time. Please also note that we aren't able to manually add your citations. We regularly import citation data from different sources and do our best to ensure accuracy. However, while citations using standard citation styles are usually extracted accurately on ResearchGate, there are some cases where this can be difficult. Here are a few of the most common cases where citations may be missing:
  • When citations have incomplete metadata (e.g., publication date, journal, abstract)
  • When the citing paper is not on ResearchGate
  • When full-text PDFs are created by scanning a hard copy we can't extract citations
We understand that it's frustrating when citations aren't displayed, so we're always working on new ways to improve how we extract and match citations. Kind regards,
ResearchGate Community Support
ResearchGate GmbH Chausseestr. 20, 10115 Berlin, Germany
5 Recommendations
Bjc Anyanwu
Imo State University
It is automatic provided you uploaded it as PDF document.
Ayham Aljawabrh
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
This an issue for me as well. I have published a paper in a peer reviewed journal without impact factor but discovered latter it is not indexed by google scholar.
I have did @M. D.H. Prodhan suggestion and works fine, but still have an issue. the paper appears without link, like the attached picture, so, nobody can view. Also, I am worried if someone cite it, will the citation be linked to my paper. I hope there is a solution for this.
Kammoun Mahdi
Institut Supérieur de Musique de Sfax
Unfortunately, I have the same problem. Even if I add an articles manually , as Prodhan suggested, there won't be any link to those articles on google scholar. I think the solution can be taken by researchgate.
Emmanuel V Murray
Caspian Impact Investment Adviser Ltd
Does not work!
2 Recommendations
Fernando Viadero-Monasterio
University Carlos III de Madrid
If the article has been successfully added to researchgate, it should appear after in google scholar after a while. From there, go to your profile, click on "add articles" and search by the title of your article. This worked for me.
Jerin Rajan
Government College of Nursing
Just click setting on your research gate profile, then select "Connect with services" --- where you find the google connect option and click it. You are done.
8 Recommendations
Debashis Sahoo
Indian Institute of Technology Mandi
Jerin Rajan Thank you
2 Recommendations
Maneesh Yadav
Teerthanker Mahaveer University
it is a must that your paper has DOI on the research gate then google scholar will search it automatically.
1 Recommendation
Varalakshmi Sivanesan
The University of Sydney
I try to upload my pdf but I couldn’t find a way. If anyone knows, please suggest how to add article pdf in Google scholar?
Najeem Adedamola Idowu
Ladoke Akintola University of Technology
You can add it manually via your Google scholar profile or by using DOI of the article if is indexed in Google scholar. This is also done via your profile on Google scholar
Prithvi Rasaili
Shizuoka University
If your article can be found on Google . Then after few searches in Google and opening the article it should help you to get the article found on the Google scholar search engine.
Bushra Khalid
National University of Modern Languages Islamabad Pakistan
Just click setting on your research gate profile, then select "Connect with services" --- where you find the google connect option and click it. You are done. it is a must that your paper has DOI on the research gate then google scholar will search it automatically
3 Recommendations
Ritesh Karmaker
Nizam Uddin Ahmed Model College
M. D.H. Prodhan@ in google scholar it can be manually added but its PdF can't be found to cite the article.
Bushra Khalid
National University of Modern Languages Islamabad Pakistan
Certainly! First, create an ORCID iD. Then, on your ORCID profile, include the link to your ResearchGate articles. After that, set up a Google Scholar profile, and your ResearchGate publications linked through ORCID will automatically appear on Google Scholar.
1 Recommendation
Varalakshmi Sivanesan
The University of Sydney
Thank you
Chinenye Okoye
Nnamdi Azikiwe University
Thank you for your answer, been having the same problem for long time.
Venkata Kovvuri
University of North Texas
I think using an ORCID is the best oprion
Chuck A Arize
Texas A&M University – Commerce
  1. From your Stats tab on your ResearchGate profile, you can see the citations your work has received.
  2. Check if the citing research item is on ResearchGate.
  3. Ensure the research item has complete and accurate metadata (e.g., publication date, journal, abstract).
  4. Be patient if citations are missing; it takes time to extract all of them.
  5. Note that ResearchGate cannot manually add citations from other sources like Google Scholar
I have contacted Google and I asked for Google Scholar email which is
I have sent them an email, but I haven’t received any reply back
1 Recommendation
Christiana Friday Igiri
University of Calabar
How do I connect my research gate citations to google scholar
Bareh Galadima Yohanna
Kaduna State University
what about people that just signed in to google scholar???
Kishor Prakash Bholane
Vinayakrao Patil College
I think you should create ORCID ID & provide the links of researchgate articles in ORCID. The researchgate articles may get reflected in google scholar after some days.
2 Recommendations
Harish Reddy Gantla
Vignan Institute of Technology & Science
Goto "Settings" in Research Gate, Click on "Connect with services", then connect it to google or google scholar as prompted. It may take time to connect. It will show the status whether it is connected to Google or not.
2 Recommendations

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