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Sani Sulaiman Sulaiman
Kaduna Polytechnic
In ecology questions may arise from the frame work of a researcher

All Answers (5)

Zaal Kikvidze
Ilia State University
By the laws of statistics, no crime, it is allowed.
2 Recommendations
Pashayan Susanna Arestovna
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "State Agricultural University of the Northern Trans-Urals
Andrew Paul McKenzie Pegman
University of Auckland
Yes, I agree with Zaal Kikvidze There are no laws in ecology hehe :)
1 Recommendation
Keneth Reategui
Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonia - Peru
Si científicamente y estadísticamente esta comprobado no deberíamos tener controversias
Sani Sulaiman Sulaiman
Kaduna Polytechnic
In ecology questions may arise from the frame work of a researcher

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