Started 20 March 2024

How about these aphorisms?

1)Maybe I'm slightly less intuitive. I
consider myself kind of a skeptical empiricist/critical rationalist.
2)I don't believe concepts are eternal because they need to be adjusted to avoid contradictions.
3)Without some transcendence beyond materialism, we would NOT be able to reason.
4)Maybe reason is the ONLY absolute CONCEPT. And reason derives from God.
5)Concepts also aid execution thus, maybe I'm a more skeptical Aristotelian.

All replies (1)

Bruce Satow
University of California, Berkeley
There is nothing wrong with being reasonable or rational in how your base your fundamental views and perception of the universe. However we live in a society where there are thousands of beliefs and variations of beliefs exist. In order to live together, we must use our intelligence for tolerance, to live with each other. It is not important to define our perceptions, but to understand them how they are.

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As you know, in the beginning, Laplace's theory says that a hot mass with hot rings formed around the star, and the rings gradually turned into planets, and the ones that were close to them became rocky, and the distant planets turned into gas planets. But later, the views of the formation of the planets of the solar system changed and were divided into 3 categories. One is the theory of the ring, which was confirmed by Laplace, and the second was the theory of the nebula, which was formed by Govich's star, and due to the gravity and power of the star, from the death of a star and the dust inside the orchids, this nebula around our star is They formed the sun, and over time, those that were close to the sun became rocky planets, and those that were far from the sun, gas planets. Of course, the grief of each of the planets of the solar system can be studied separately, why, for example, the soil of Mars is red and why it has so many volcanoes, or the planet Saturn, which is the bride of the solar system; Why is there a ring of ice, rock and poisonous gases, or why is it on the planet Jupiter? Why do very violent storms happen and the big eye of Jupiter is very powerful and the speed of the storms of this huge planet which has the largest mass in the solar system after the sun and why it has so much gravity and a huge magnetism that about 62 moons around it becomes Now, the new opinions about the sun, which says that the galaxy is like a lion, which has 5 branches of the Milky Way galaxy, which, according to astronomers, is due to the gravitational force of the galaxy that has swallowed the smaller galaxy, and that smaller galaxy around this galaxy causes formed the branches of this galaxy. This universe with so many stars and planets and small galaxies is like the oceans of the earth that catch big fish and small fish. It is the same in the universe that big stars can catch small stars around. attract themselves, for example, create binary stars, and large galaxies can merge their smaller galaxies inside themselves.
The whole being lives. The stars are alive Stars get married Are there female stars? Yeah Are there male stars? Yeah
2 replies
  • Arash AzadArash Azad
The gender difference is determined in their last rings. Communication takes place through the North Pole of both.
1- At the moment of connection, the north pole of both stars are in the same line.
2- In each of the stars, the two internal rotations must be opposite each other.
Example of reversed poles: like the planet Venus where the poles have changed.
3- Sperms are sent from the male North Pole to the female North Pole.
4- Any sperm that is thrown into the orbit around the female star will not be fertilized. But sperms that are in polar rotation are fertilized.
5- Mother star: rotating orbits of the north pole of the first male and the second female. And the rings are repeated between male and female.
According to the attraction of the male sperm in each circle, there will be a girl or a boy from the female star.
6- The rotation of sperm occurs only in the North Pole and around the vertical axis of the poles.
7- By increasing the mass of the sperm and speeding up the movement, the sperm is thrown out.
8- The born child has all the nuclear and rotational characteristics of the parents.
I explained the reason for the relationship and the reason for enjoying the relationship in an article.
I discovered a new nuclear model. This model of atoms and stars is the same.After presenting the nuclear model, I will go into the full description of the marriage of the stars, calculations and mathematical formulas in full detail.
Life, freedom, happiness.

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