Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Started 27 April 2019
How should the use of non-renewable natural resources be reduced so that sustainable ecological development is possible?
For many years, the consumption of clean water and minerals of energy resources and strategic industrial raw materials, such as metal ores necessary for various branches of the manufacturing industry, have been growing at a faster rate. On the other hand, the pollution of the natural environment grows, the degradation of the natural environment through mines extracting energy minerals. The amount of waste on dumps of unsorted municipal waste is growing, as well as litter that pollutes the natural environment. More and more plastic waste floats in the seas and oceans. The scale of degradation of the natural environment through the development of human civilizations is increasing.
The goal of counteracting these unfavorable processes of human civilizational activity is to carry out pro-ecological reforms in the energy sector consisting in the transformation of the classical energy based on the burning of minerals for the construction of new power plants producing renewable energy. Reforming the energy sector is necessary to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the increasingly rapid global warming process. It is necessary to develop eco-innovations thanks to which plastic in packaging will be replaced with quickly biodegradable and / or consumable materials. Waste segregation systems and electromobility should be improved. More funds from public funds of the state should be allocated for the implementation of pro-ecological reforms of reclamation of a degraded civilization environment and the implementation of nature conservation programs, natural ecosystems and biodiversity.
However, all those ecological ones necessary to carry out the reform will not ensure achieving in a global perspective fully sustainable pro-ecological development if in subsequent years the consumption of natural resources, especially water and earth's energy and other minerals indispensable for various branches of the production industry. Therefore, in order for the implementation of fully sustainable ecological development to be possible in the future, the increase in the exploitation of natural resources, especially non-renewable natural resources, should be significantly reduced.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
Therefore, I am asking you the following questions:
- How should the use of unrecognized natural resources be reduced so that sustainable ecological development is possible?
- Is it necessary to pursue a model of zero economic growth?
- Should the implementation of the zero-growth model be mainly based on reducing the consumption of natural resources?
- How should the use of non-renewable natural resources be reduced so that sustainable ecological development is possible?
- Will the protection of nature, natural ecosystems and biodiversity significantly increase by reducing the use of non-renewable natural resources?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes

Most recent answer
Dear Georgios Theodosiou,
Yes. The scale of consumption of products and services generating greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced. Companies should not deliberately age their products, they should not intentionally shorten their product life cycles, as this generates overproduction and more waste, and uses more energy, water and other valuable raw materials. Moreover, it is urgent to develop the scale of the implementation of the sustainable development goals. It is also important to increase the pro-environmental awareness of citizens. The key issue is also the urgent need to carry out a pro-ecological transformation of the energy sector through the development of renewable energy sources.
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

1 Recommendation
Popular replies (1)
University College London
We discuss aspects of the behavioural change needed in this chapter as part of the Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere
5 Recommendations
All replies (21)
University College London
We discuss aspects of the behavioural change needed in this chapter as part of the Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere
5 Recommendations
University of Anbar
Using non-renewable natural resources, as living organisms need to live.
2 Recommendations
University of Calcutta
By giving more thrust on solar, wind, geothermal energy. Also OTEC must be kept in the loop
2 Recommendations
Stanford University
The issue that people seem to consistently ignore is the lack of policy regularisation globally, such that the likes of China will dramatically offset even any major changes elsewhere. While China, India, Indonesia, and others, are beginning to think carefully about pollution and fossil fuels, progress is slow. A big issue is actually animal agriculture, which is growing exponentially with demand for meat and diary in these countries, but particularly China. GHGs, run-offs, and water use in animal agri is immense, rivalling fossil fuel impacts.
Behavioural change in some sectors is not enough, nor is green energy. We either go pull out all the stops and go all out across sectors with global mutualised policy for carbon neutrality (which is anti-development, and also virtually impossible due to current IR), or we do what counts for very little systems-wise (which is what we are doing now) and wait for Chinese citizens' market demands and awarenesses to rise up the Maslow hierarchy as they enhance their middle class. People who think zero growth or de-growth is going to work right now are, in my view, not sufficiently prioritising poverty and social welfare, and underplaying resilience strategies. We need to balance the risks smartly.
1 Recommendation
SRM Institute of Science and Technology
number of renewable resources are using from 1950's onward. your statement is true but individual responsibility is only way to reduce non renewable resources. sir what about you can you contribute to reduce non renewable resources by walking some personal work, without home accessories 10 min can spent. we are the persons to start to reduce this. can we?
1 Recommendation
University of the South Pacific
Commenting on this topic, to me personally as the use of non-renewable resources is good but it will further creates another problem which may indirectly affect other resources. For example, a recent study shows that using of whale's oil in the nineteenth century as an input for energy or manufacturing was clearly unsustainable because human being or firms benefited a lot from the harvesting of whale especially with finance. Meaning when one non-renewable resources is used for one purposes, the harvesting and using of that resources will have great impact on another resources. Even if we have regulations or laws that will guide those non-renewable resources use-age, yet people will still harvest those resources for their own benefits.
1 Recommendation
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
We need to lower the pace of the modern way of life.
2 Recommendations
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Dear Colleagues and Friends from RG,
In line with the above, I suggest continuing the discussion on the following topic:
Urgent need to implement the principles of sustainable ecological development.
The above discussion inspired me to formulate the following question:
Is it necessary to implement the principles of sustainable pro-ecological development in economic processes to slow down the global warming process?
On the basis of the above considerations and conclusions from the discussion on interesting issues discussed, I formulated the following thesis that in order to slow down the global warming process it is necessary to implement the principles of sustainable pro-ecological development in economic processes. Below I have described the key determinants confirming the formulated research thesis. To the above discussion I would like to add the following conclusion formulated as a summary of my earlier considerations on this topic: the development of ecological reforms introduced as an important element of the implementation of the principles of sustainable pro-ecological development in economic processes. The concept of sustainable development refers to the balance prevailing in natural biological ecosystems. In the history of the development of economic thought, natural biological organisms or ecosystems have been repeatedly referred to in the situation of explaining the functioning of economic entities, their relations with the environment and entire economic systems and the description of the functioning of national economies.
However, only since the second half of the 20th century has the significance of the concept of sustainable pro-ecological development increased significantly due to the geometrically increasing impact of negative effects of the development of human civilization on the natural environment. In recent years, the importance of the concept of sustainable eco-friendly development is growing due to the strong increase in greenhouse gas emissions, which results in an increasingly faster global warming process.
Therefore, it is necessary to implement faster and faster pro-ecological innovations, primarily in the energy sector based on renewable energy sources. In addition, it is necessary to develop electromobility in the automotive sector, improve and automate waste segregation techniques, develop recycling, eliminate plastic from packaging and replace plastic with biodegradable materials of organic origin, develop organic farming, etc. By intensifying this type of activities and increasing financial outlays for such reforms ecological, it will be possible to implement effective implementation of the principles of sustainable ecological development, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and slowdown of the global warming process.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following questions:
- What is the essence of the concept of sustainable development?
- Is it necessary to implement the principles of sustainable pro-ecological development in economic processes to slow down the global warming process?
- What environmental reforms are being implemented in your countries?
- What ecological innovations are developed in your countries as important elements of implementing the principles of sustainable pro-ecological development into economic processes?
- Is there an urgent need to implement the principles of sustainable pro-ecological development?
- What do you think about this topic?
- What is your opinion on this topic?
Please reply.
I invite you to discussion and scientific cooperation.
Thank you very much.
Best wishes.
Dariusz Prokopowicz

2 Recommendations
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
"Electricity is ubiquitous in unlimited amounts and can power the world's machinery without the need for coal, gas or other fuels. Quite a mysterious statement breeding a lot of speculation and conspiracy theories. "
Nikola Tesla
The above quote confirms that Nikola Tesla was not only a great inventor but also a visionary. Unfortunately, the 3rd technological revolution based on electricity already at the end of the 19th century began to be overtaken by the industrial revolution based on combustion energy, unfortunately.
What is your opinion on this topic?
Please reply,
I invite you to discuss
Thank you so much for participating in the discussion,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
1 Recommendation
University of Kelaniya
Use electric and hybrid vehicles ... Sarlioglu, B., Morris, C. T., Han, D., & Li, S. (2016). Driving toward accessibility: a review of technological improvements for electric machines, power electronics, and batteries for electric and hybrid vehicles. IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, 23(1), 14-25.
3 Recommendations
University of Kelaniya
Use solar energy... Ferreira, A., Kunh, S. S., Fagnani, K. C., De Souza, T. A., Tonezer, C., Dos Santos, G. R., & Coimbra-Araújo, C. H. (2018). Economic overview of the use and production of photovoltaic solar energy in brazil. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 81, 181-191.
3 Recommendations
University of Kelaniya
Move towards wind, water (hydro), biomass, and geothermal energy... Kablar, N. A. (2019). Renewable energy: wind turbines, solar cells, small hydroelectric plants, biomass, and geothermal sources of energy. Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 13, 162-172.
Bogdanov, D., & Breyer, C. (2016). Integrating the Excellent Wind Resources in North-West Eurasia for a Sustainable Energy Supply in Europe. In 15th Wind Integration Workshop (pp. 15-17).
3 Recommendations
University of Baghdad
There are four major types of nonrenewable resources: oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy. Oil, natural gas, and coal are collectively called fossil fuels. ... Natural gas is widely used for cooking and for heating homes. It consists mostly of methane and is found near oil deposits below Earth's surface.
4 Recommendations
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Dear D A Gayan Nayanajith,
Thank you for providing literature on the issue of renewable energy sources.
Greetings, Have a nice day, Stay healthy!
Dariusz Prokopowicz
1 Recommendation
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Dear Isam Alkhalifawi,
That's right. You have listed the four main types of non-renewable fossil fuels used in classical energy based on the combustion of these fuels and in vehicles and machines equipped with internal combustion engines. They are the sources of human release of carbon (mainly in the form of CO2) into the atmosphere, the release of carbon stored over hundreds of millions of years in the earth's crust. The process of this release causes an imbalance in nature that has existed for many millions of years and generates the global warming process that has accelerated over the last several decades. It is therefore necessary to urgently carry out the pro-ecological transformation of the energy sector in order to replace energy based on the combustion of fossil fuels with the development of renewable energy sources.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
1 Recommendation
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Hassan Izzeddin Sarsak
, I agree with you on this point. Yes, in the context of the implementation of the pro-ecological transformation of the economy, a particularly important factor is the development of energy based on renewable energy sources.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
In the context of the implementation of the sustainable development goals and the processes of ecological transformation of the economy and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, counteracting adverse climate changes, counteracting the global warming process, the development of energy based on renewable energy sources plays a key role.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
2 Recommendations
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Dear Ilan Kelman,
Thank you very much for the links to the chapter on behavioral changes, i.e. the issues that fit well with this discussion.
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
2 Recommendations
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Dear Georgios Theodosiou,
Yes. The scale of consumption of products and services generating greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced. Companies should not deliberately age their products, they should not intentionally shorten their product life cycles, as this generates overproduction and more waste, and uses more energy, water and other valuable raw materials. Moreover, it is urgent to develop the scale of the implementation of the sustainable development goals. It is also important to increase the pro-environmental awareness of citizens. The key issue is also the urgent need to carry out a pro-ecological transformation of the energy sector through the development of renewable energy sources.
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

1 Recommendation
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