Asked 4 January 2016

How can I calculate the relative retention of impurity in HPLC ?

Rt of major peak in HPLC chomotogram is 20 min while that of impurity is 25min what is relative retention of impurity?

Most recent answer

Erol Kabil
Pendik Veterinary Control Institute,Istanbul, Turkey
Relative retention time = Retention time for analyte/ Retention time for internal standard
2002/657 EC directive; RRT deviation <± 2,5 (Referance- Sample)
AORC MS criteria; RRT deviation <± 2 (Referance- Sample)

Popular answers (1)

Tabrez Shaikh
Indoco Remedies Limited
Relative retention time (RRT) is the ratio of the retention time of analyte peak relative to that of another used as a reference obtained under identical conditions.
RRT = (Tanalyte / T reference)            Where T = Retention time
There is no acceptance criteria applied for RRT
RRT is to be measured with unadjusted and identical condition
4 Recommendations

All Answers (6)

If you think impurity is eluting at  25 minutes, than relative retention time (RRT) with respect to your major peak would be 25/20 = 1.25 
Thank you sir 
Tabrez Shaikh
Indoco Remedies Limited
Relative retention time (RRT) is the ratio of the retention time of analyte peak relative to that of another used as a reference obtained under identical conditions.
RRT = (Tanalyte / T reference)            Where T = Retention time
There is no acceptance criteria applied for RRT
RRT is to be measured with unadjusted and identical condition
4 Recommendations
Rao BN
Aurigene Discovery Technologies
The relative retention time (RRT) reduces the effects of some of the variables that can affect the retention time. RRT is an expression of a sample’s retention time relative to the standard’s retention time.
RRT = Standard RT / Sample RT
Relative retention time (RRT) is the ratio of the retention time of any extra peak in relative to that of principle peak reference obtained in same chromatography run under identical conditions.
RRT= RT of required peak/RT of principle
Erol Kabil
Pendik Veterinary Control Institute,Istanbul, Turkey
Relative retention time = Retention time for analyte/ Retention time for internal standard
2002/657 EC directive; RRT deviation <± 2,5 (Referance- Sample)
AORC MS criteria; RRT deviation <± 2 (Referance- Sample)

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Web of Science de-listed 82 journals, including 15 from Hindawi
2 replies
  • Muhammad Usman TariqMuhammad Usman Tariq
While people focused on mdpi but surprisingly the de-indexing is from other reputable publishers.
Clarivate announced the exclusion of 82 journals from the Web of Science core collection. This also means that these de-listed journals lost their Impact Factor.
The announcement was made in the midst of a series of complaints that have been made against major scientific publishers suspected of not carrying out the due process of peer review, publishing articles without scientific rigor in exchange for high publication fees, mostly paid with public money.
The released note says:
"At the start of the year, more than 500 journals were flagged. Our investigations are ongoing and thus far, more than 50 of the flagged journals have failed our quality criteria and have subsequently been de-listed.
The geographical spread of the de-listed journals is wide, affecting both major commercial publishing houses and smaller or society publishers. All editorial decisions have been communicated to the publishers, who are responsible for communicating outcomes to their editorial boards, authors and readers.
Once we determine that a journal no longer meets our quality criteria, we have a responsibility to act. We will continue to identify journals of concern and de-list any journals which fail to meet our quality criteria."
Among the publishers most affected by the measure, we have:
  • Hindawi LTD (15 journals de-listed);
  • Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD (4 journals de-listed);
  • Wiley-Hindawi (4 journals de-listed);
  • AME Publishing Company (2 journals de-listed);
  • BMJ Publishing Group (2 journals de-listed);
  • MDPI (2 journals de-listed);
  • Sage Publications LTD (2 journals de-listed);
  • Springer (2 journals de-listed);
  • Springer Heidelberg (2 journals de-listed);
  • Wiley (2 journals de-listed).
It is important to analyze the number of de-listed journals and the total number of journals that each publisher has in the core collection. Wiley-Hindawi (15,4% of journals de-listed), AME Publishing Company (11,1% of journals de-listed) and Hindawi LTD (9,2% of journals de-listed) were the hardest hit. The Wiley and Hindawi partnership has been the target of criticism by researchers around the world, mainly due to the dubious reputation of the publisher Hindawi
In the coming months, further removals may occur, as stated in the note released by Clarivate.
The full list of all de-listed journals (March, 2023):
Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences (Mili Publ)
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering (Hindawi LTD)
Allergy & Rhinology (Sage Publications Inc)
Ambient Science (Natl Cave Research & Protection Organization, India)
Annals of Palliative Medicine (AME Publishing Company)
Annals of Translational Medicine (AME Publishing Company)
Applied Nanoscience (Springer Heidelberg)
Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications (Egyptian Soc Nuclear Sciences & Applications)
Australian Economic History Review (Wiley)
Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry (AMG Transcend Assoc)
Biomed Research International (Hindawi LTD)
BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning (BMJ Publishing Group)
Cardiometry (Russian New Univ)
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine (Hindawi LTD)
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (Hindawi LTD)
Concurrent Engineering-Research and Applications (Sage Publications LTD)
Contemporary Chinese Thought (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD)
Contrast Media & Molecular Imaging (Wiley-Hindawi)
Current Colorectal Cancer Reports (Springer)
Disease Markers (Hindawi LTD)
Economic Research-Ekonomska Istrazivanja (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD)
Education Research International (Hindawi LTD)
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Hindawi LTD)
Evidence-Based Mental Health (BMJ Publishing Group)
Film Comment (Film Soc Lincoln Center)
Food Science and Technology (Soc Brasileira Ciencia Tecnologia Alimentos)
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P))
Hirundo-Mcgill Journal of Classical Studies (McGill Univ, Dept History)
Informatica-An International Journal of Computing and Informatics (Slovensko Drustvo Informatika)
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (Int Journal Computer Science & Network Security-IJCSNS)
International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (Anadolu Univ)
International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science-IJEES (Health & Environment Assoc)
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (Int Assoc Online Engineering)
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (MDPI)
International Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Applications (Semnan Univ)
Journal Japanese Society of Computational Statistics (Univ Tsukuba)
Journal of Asian Finance Economics and Business (Korea Distribution Science Assoc)
Journal of Coastal Research (Coastal Education & Research Foundation)
Journal of Educational Enquiry (Univ South Australia, Centre Research Education Equity & Work)
Journal of Environmental and Public Health (Hindawi LTD)
Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (Scibulcom LTD)
Journal of Healthcare Engineering (Hindawi LTD)
Journal of Historical Sociology (Wiley)
Journal of Nanomaterials (Hindawi LTD)
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (Elsevier Sci LTD)
Journal of Oncology (Hindawi LTD)
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (Elsevier)
Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results (Researchtrentz Acad Publ Education Services)
Journal of Renewable Materials (Tech Science Press)
Journal of Research for Consumers (Journal Research Consumers)
Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science (Amber Publication)
Journal of Risk and Financial Management (MDPI)
Journal of The American Society of Agronomy (Amer Soc Agronomy)
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics (Springer Heidelberg)
Justice System Journal (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD)
Korean Journal of Parasitology (Korean Soc Parasitology, Seoul Natl Univ Coll Medi)
Library Collections Acquisitions & Technical Services (Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD)
Materialy Po Arkheologii Istorii I Etnografii Tavrii-Materials in Archaeology History and Ethnography of Tauria (V I Vernadsky Crimean Fed Univ)
Mathematical Problems in Engineering (Hindawi LTD)
Mobile Information Systems (Hindawi LTD)
Nanoscale Research Letters (Springer)
Netherlands Journal of Medicine (Van Zuiden Communications)
Ochrona Srodowiska (Polish Sanitary Engineers Assoc)
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity (Hindawi LTD)
Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences (Lahore Medical & Dental Coll)
Physical Sciences Reviews (Walter de Gruyter Gmbh)
Postmodern Openings (Lumen Publishing House)
Progress in Nutrition (Mattioli 1885)
Propositos Y Representaciones (Univ San Ignacio Loyola)
Psychiatria Danubina (Medicinska Naklada)
Rehabilitation Process and Outcome (Sage Publications LTD)
Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte (Soc Brasileira Med Esporte)
Revista Electronica de Investigacion Docencia Y Creatividad-Docrea (Asoc Docencia & Creatividad)
Revista Entrelinguas (Unesp-Faculdade Ciencias & Letras)
Scanning (Wiley-Hindawi)
Scientific Programming (Hindawi LTD)
Security and Communication Networks (Wiley-Hindawi)
Technology (World Scientific Publ Co Pte LTD)
Tumorboard (Krause & Pachernegg Gmbh)
Waves in Random and Complex Media (Taylor & Francis LTD)
Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing (Wiley-Hindawi)
World Family Medicine (Medi+World Int)

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