University of Vienna
Asked 26 February 2024
Does somebody has an updated experimental procedure for a Wagner-Meerwein-rearrangement of Santene?
The procedures of Justus Liebig Annalen der Chemie 1914 do not lead to the desired product.
Most recent answer
Thank you Mr. Wintner,
This was the first method I tried, which unfortunately did not work.
with regards
All Answers (4)
Charlemagne College, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Dear Christian Madejski
Perhaps this info helps or otherwise you could go to Google Scholar and insert “Über den Reaktionsmechanismus der Umwandlung von Borneol in Camphen” in the search box. Then you see that 116 papers have cited the publications, perhaps here you find an update?
Best regards.
2 Recommendations
University of Vienna
Dear @Rob Keller,
Thank you for your time to answer my question.
The website you proposed was very helpful, thank you.
Google Scholar in contrast did not provide any helpful information (which seems to become the norm, more and more).
Either way, thank you very much.
with best regards.
1 Recommendation
Solvias AG
Potassium bisulfate
; 24 h, 170 - 180 °C
Cyclopentanone synthesis via the vinylcyclopropane rearrangement of enol ethers. Synthetic applications of the enolene rearrangement
By: McAninich, Thomas W.
1974, 231 pp.
Other methods: attached
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