University of Alberta
Asked 14 March 2015
Does anyone know where I can learn Achuar-Shiwiar (one of the Amazonian Jivaroan languages, sometimes also known as Achuár Chícham)?
Or of any English to Achuar-Shiwiar dictionaries, or texts dealing with it's translation?
Any advice/help is appreciated.
Most recent answer
There's a FLAS program for US graduate students to learn Achuar-Shiwiar in Ecuador, there are some materials available online as well:
All Answers (7)
Central University of Ecuador
That can be hard, given that the Achuar are a rather small people. I would start with the organizations of them, maybe you can find some info or contacts there: for Peru and and for Ecuador.
1 Recommendation
You may try the Brazilian Indian Foundation, FUNAI [] and be ready to answer why you wish to learn this language. If the people who speak it is outside Brazilian territory [see a geographic map] it is likely that they will send you elsewhere, such as the above answer. In general deep territorially encrusted small groups only have speakers situated at the very geographical local of their living área; as I read above in Equador and Peru, you may go there directly. Good luck in your endeavor. And when visiting a n indian tribe or group try to keep it clean [no smoking, for instance] since you may be looked upon as a n occidental role model. It is not uncommon to individuals to keeping your demeanor as a status symbol as well.
1 Recommendation
De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde
Try to contact the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL) International. There may be an Achuár Chícham New Testament translation by one of their missionaries.
1 Recommendation
Ilia State University
I met an Achuar living in Baños Ecuador running a small souvenir stand. I got the impression from him that nowadays there are a number of urbanized Achuar. It might be possible to find one living in a city in Ecuador who would be willing to conduct online language lessons through Skype or some other video chat system.
SIL International Dallas Texas USA
Did you take Jose Fadul's advice above dated March 19 and contact SIL? SIL has published both a 141-page grammar of Achuar-S language (1981) and a bilingual dictionary in 1996, both by SIL linguist Gerhard Fast et al. The 141 page grammar can be downloaded for free from the SIL website. Also look at the long list of other published materials on the Achuar language on the *OLAC Resources in and about the A-S language" at Most of the 49 resources there were done by SIL. Thomas Headland, Senior Anthropology Consultant, SIL, 12-28-2015.
University of Alberta
There's a FLAS program for US graduate students to learn Achuar-Shiwiar in Ecuador, there are some materials available online as well:
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