Asked 15 January 2015

Does anyone know about the "Error termination via Lnk1e in /soft/g09/l1002.exe" from the optimization and frequency calculations?

Dear all,
I did the optimization and frequency for a system in which contains C,N and H atoms using the following keywords in the input file:
# opt freq=raman b3lyp/6-31g(d,p) pop=full gfinput gfprint iop(6/7=3).
From this calculation, I got 1 imaginary frequency and the calculation was terminated normally. So, I assume that probably this is the transition state. Then I want to include the diffuse function in the basis set then I repeat the same calculation using the following keywords,
# opt freq=raman b3lyp/6-31+g(d,p) pop=full gfinput gfprint iop(6/7=3)
From the latter, I got the following error,
Inaccurate quadrature in CalDSu.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /soft/G09_RevC01/g09/l1002.exe
I already tried the suggestions from the link below but, still got the same error.
As I understand this related to the integration method and the initial guess wave function used in Gaussian09 (by the default is Harris, CMIIW). Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Any explanations or suggestions are welcomed.
Thank you.

Most recent answer

Priyanka Adhikari
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Lnk1e in /apps/precompiled/gaussian/g16/l1.exe

Popular answers (1)

Dang T. Nguyen
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh City (UMP)
Here, an outstanding guide about "How to solve the error message in Gaussian" as follow:
8 Recommendations

All Answers (13)

Béla Fiser
University of Miskolc
Dear Meilani,
Are you looking for a TS? If so, why are you not using the opt(TS,noeigentest,calcfc) keyword? Do you need the raman spectra? If not, you can try to avoid it with freq=noraman.
2 Recommendations
Gabriel da Silva
University of Melbourne
Hi Meilani,
Looks like the calculation is crashing in the coupled perturbed Hartree Fock (CPHF) step. The answer you link to concerns the SCF iteration. It is still relevant but there are some other considerations. The initial guess shouldn't make much difference, for instance, since the SCF iteration has already converged.
First I would just run the calculation with FREQ=NORAMAN as Bela suggested to bypass the problem altogether (even if you need the Raman intensities do it just as a test).
You could also experiment with different grid combinations for SCF and CPHF. By default a coarser grid is used for CPHF (I think). You might be overriding this with INT=ULTRAFINE. Try # INT(GRID=ULTRAFINE) CPHF(GRID=FINE) together for example. 
And as Bela also pointed out: If you are looking for a transition state then you should be specifying this with the OPT keyword. If you aren't looking for one then you might need to tweak the geometry to get to a minima.
Hope this helps. I'd be interested to hear what works / doesn't work here.
5 Recommendations
Hello dear If any of the frequency values are less than zero, these frequencies are known as imaginary frequencies. you should note that image frequency=1 your structure optimize without problem
1 Recommendation
Mohammad Jane Alam
Aligarh Muslim University
include keywords opt=tight or Vtight and int=ultrafine
I suggest you to optimize first then do next calculations 
2 Recommendations
Meilani Wibowo
University of Nottingham
Thank you for the answers and suggestions.
Actually I am looking for the minimum structure but, at the end I got 1 imaginary frequency from the previous calculation using the b3lyp/6-31G(d,p). Thus, I realized that this structure is not the minimum one. Since I use b3lyp/6-31+G(d,p) for the other system, hence I repeat the calculation including the diffuse function and end up to this error.
I solved the problem! Thanks Gabriel!! You're right!! It seems the calculation crashed due to the convergence of CPHF. I added the additional keywords "int=(grid=ultrafine)" and "cphf(grid=fine)". I got the same result as without including the diffuse function; 1 imaginary frequency. So, now I can clearly sure that this is not the minimum structure.
2 Recommendations
Another thing, different basis set means diferent minima. What is aminima (or TS) in one wont be at the other
1 Recommendation
Tanmoy Patra
CSIR - National Chemical Laboratory, Pune
In addition to Gabriel's suggestions the other thing you can try for "Error termination via Lnk1e in /soft/G09_RevC01/g09/l1002.exe" type of error is to increase the memory limit. Even if you are not using any you can add some arbitrary value depending on the size of your system. The link mentioned by Meilani suggests that increasing memory didn't help her cause. In my case an ionic liquid system with 73 atoms and a memory limit of 39 MW worked fine.
Sayyed Faramarz Tayyari
Ferdowsi University Of Mashhad
I could work it out. The problem for this error is the maxdisk. Increase it
Saba Niaz
Department of school education
it is not necessary that only memory limit leads to error try using b3631++dp basis set n let me know how it works. plus try memory limit of 200mw.
Dang T. Nguyen
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Ho Chi Minh City (UMP)
Here, an outstanding guide about "How to solve the error message in Gaussian" as follow:
8 Recommendations
Priyanka Adhikari
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Lnk1e in /apps/precompiled/gaussian/g16/l1.exe

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I have then tried a couple of basis sets.
# opt=(calcfc,ts) wb97xd/3-21+g* scrf=(solvent=water)
# opt=(calcfc,ts) wb97xd/6-31+g(d,p) scrf=(solvent=water)
With the smaller basis set I was hoping to approximate a TS structure and use it as a starting structure for a larger basis set. But in either case I produce the error:
Error termination request processed by link 9999.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /usr/local/g09/l9999.exe at Wed May 21 19:31:46 2014.
With the last optimisation step looking like this:
Item Value Threshold Converged?
Maximum Force 0.086348 0.000450 NO
RMS Force 0.014307 0.000300 NO
Maximum Displacement 0.874616 0.001800 NO
RMS Displacement 0.240702 0.001200 NO
Predicted change in Energy=-1.075204D-02
Optimization stopped.
-- Wrong number of Negative eigenvalues: Desired= 1 Actual= 4
-- Flag reset to prevent archiving.
Any ideas what I can do to rectify this problem. It is becoming a bit of a habit of Gaussian to kick out these errors every time I try a TS using a frame from mod red scan bond length.
I have now turned to QST3 using the first, last and intermediate scan step to determine my TS.
The output file (Gaussian) showing End of file reading connectivity. Error termination via Lnk1e in /usr/local/g09_b01/g09/l101.exe.
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My Input file is like this..
# opt freq b3lyp/6-31g geom=connectivity
Title card
0 1
C -6.02619527 9.44527291 -0.71253003
C -4.97668356 9.89555985 -1.74430456
C -5.41433211 9.54127357 -3.18798470
C -7.65683239 10.03305367 -2.44048523
C -7.30718981 10.22873199 -0.96683834
H -5.27098963 9.94279746 -4.16774469
H -4.82659707 10.95398877 -1.66069636
H -6.20196164 8.40208993 -0.83104254
H -7.85894719 9.00324965 -2.64166873
H -7.13425811 11.26665372 -0.78372848
O -6.53256968 10.46693586 -3.22290224
O -5.56381472 9.69389357 0.61729905
O -8.36655799 9.76938263 -0.10288899
C -8.90267268 10.86635140 -2.79984380
H -8.71454864 11.90018067 -2.60784077
H -9.72858740 10.54498701 -2.20802438
O -9.20429830 10.68541419 -4.18551448
H -8.46665363 10.98542331 -4.71919452
H -9.17399192 10.26804893 -0.26957573
H -5.39756593 10.62148689 0.73301079
O -4.05417354 9.58839301 -3.16755348
O -3.70377791 9.16457303 -1.47569403
H -3.58492919 9.53697555 -3.89463091
H -2.87727273 9.25288215 -2.08709783
B -1.71685742 8.59334576 -4.26508851
O -2.97405212 9.47014766 -4.68353092
H -3.33306313 9.06071177 -5.47655795
O -0.37714720 8.54894999 -5.03191713
H 0.22561508 7.94829750 -4.59308374
O -2.00900133 9.22803064 -2.58256445
H -1.38453846 8.69191602 -2.08439557
O -2.24696092 7.14354050 -4.13098207
H -1.61273913 6.59985936 -3.63238399
H -2.36881319 6.77772795 -5.00860295
And output file terminates as....
End of file reading connectivity.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /usr/local/g09_b01/g09/l101.exe

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