Asked 22 October 2015

Does anyone know a reliable and valid test for assessing flexibility in cerebral palsy children GMFCS I-IV?

I am evaluating flexibility in children with cerebral palsy and I would like a reliable and valid test for assessing flexibility.

All Answers (3)

Helli Raptis
Justice Canada
Hi Leila,
If what you are looking for is neuromuscular control, flexibility is not the primary issue.
Indeed, I suggest that you consider more the impact of spasticity, involving a lack of threshold control at the neuromuscular level; it is in fact the main underlying neurological problem limiting active and passive movement amplitude, as well as force production and relaxation (
I would suggest that you read articles by Mindy Levin (professor at Mcgill), such as the following:
Best regards,
Helli Raptis
Leila Youzbashi
University of Zanjan
I want to measure physical fitness in cp, one of the component of health related physical fitness is flexibility. Brockport tests suggest sit and reach test, but in GMFCS III-IV, this test is not applicable.

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