Asked 12th May, 2015

Does anyone have data on the workload on Grid/Cloud/P2P or client/server application?

Please I need a help in emergency,
I would like to ask if anyone has a benchmark, or workload data on Grid/Cloud or Peer to peer systems, or any client/server applications, to provide me with these data and to allow me to use them for academic purposes, to make some experiments on these data. 
Any help will be acknowledged, or even best, if some one is interesting by sharing the data in a collaboration form...
I will be very very grateful..

Most recent answer

Hanif Khan
University of Science and Technology of Ha Noi
Grid computing system is a widely distributed resource for a common goal. It is Brother of Cloud Computing and Sister of Supercomputer. We can think the grid is a distributed system connected to a single network. This types of computing work with the large volume of files. Basically, it is a cluster types system. So people call it cluster computing.
Grid computer tends to be more geographically disperse and heterogeneous by nature. Grid network also has various types. A single grid is like dedicated connection but a common grid perform multiple tasks.
The size of the grid is large. So grid computing is like supercomputing. It consists of many network, computer, and middleware. Grid computer is dedicated to some specific function of the large volume of data. In the grid process, each task divided into a various process. All the process starts execution simultaneously on a different computer. As a result, very few seconds needs to execute and enjoy the flavor of supercomputing.

All Answers (6)

Please follow this link
2 Recommendations
Nana Cne
University of Constantine 1
Thank you Shiv Prakash, I saw this link before, but I cannot find any data to download, i will try it again and give you a response.
1 Recommendation
Nana Cne
University of Constantine 1
Ok, Shiv Prakash, the site is now working, a get data, but, unfortunately, it does not contain the job sizes, and other parameters that I need...
1 Recommendation
Joan Navarro
La Salle University
1 Recommendation
Nana Cne
University of Constantine 1
Thank you Joan Navarro, these are interesting benchmark generator, hoiwever I need a real benchmar or data set.
1 Recommendation
Hanif Khan
University of Science and Technology of Ha Noi
Grid computing system is a widely distributed resource for a common goal. It is Brother of Cloud Computing and Sister of Supercomputer. We can think the grid is a distributed system connected to a single network. This types of computing work with the large volume of files. Basically, it is a cluster types system. So people call it cluster computing.
Grid computer tends to be more geographically disperse and heterogeneous by nature. Grid network also has various types. A single grid is like dedicated connection but a common grid perform multiple tasks.
The size of the grid is large. So grid computing is like supercomputing. It consists of many network, computer, and middleware. Grid computer is dedicated to some specific function of the large volume of data. In the grid process, each task divided into a various process. All the process starts execution simultaneously on a different computer. As a result, very few seconds needs to execute and enjoy the flavor of supercomputing.

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