Eastern Connecticut State University
Asked 16 December 2014
Does anyone know of any study with EMG saying that the dominant limb activates more than the nondominant?
I need a reference that explains if a dominant arm activates more than the non-dominant one during an exercise or in static conditions.
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your most welcome
All Answers (5)
Harvard University
Did you have a look at this one?
Symmetry and limb dominance in able-bodied gait: a review
Sadeghi et al. Gait & Posture 2000
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Thank you for your contribution. However, I am more interested about the behavior in the arms
Eastern Connecticut State University
This article below may help;
Handedness: Dominant Arm Advantages in Control of Limb Dynamics
Leia B. Bagesteiro , Robert L. Sainburg
Journal of NeurophysiologyPublished 1 November 2002Vol. 88no. 5, 2408-2421DOI: 10.1152/jn.00901.2001
1 Recommendation
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Thank you very much Mr. Canavan, this paper has helped me to guide my work.
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