Asked 4 November 2021

Do you include CITI Training in your methods classes?

I ask students in my methods classes to complete CITI training, this is an ethics training program supported by our university and approval is critical for anyone that will conduct human subject research. Would be interested to learn how people incorporate CITI training and ethics into their class.
For me, what started as an ethics week (many years ago) has developed into a part of the discussion throughout the semester. We focus on identifying not only ethics as defined by the university and CITI but also in terms of our roles, our connections to our respondents and so forth.

Most recent answer

Mofijur Rahman Mamun
Bangladesh Red Crescent Society

All Answers (6)

Blessings Scotch Chunga
The Catholic University of Malawi
Hebatalla Omar オマルヘバタッラー
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
that is great Prof. Jeffrey Harris Cohen. Prof. Jeffrey Harris Cohen's students should be grateful for this recommendation. I'm a Ph.D. student but I did not take CITI training. I think it is important and I want to take this training. Do you recommend this training for your postgraduate student or undergraduate? Do you recommend A specific or guaranteed place?
1 Recommendation
Matthew Rosen
Ohio University
Yes, I include CITI training in an ethnographic methods course and have found it works well. I have done it with and without inviting a representative from Research Compliance (IRB office) to speak to the class. In both cases all students successfully completed the online training and received the certificate for the course titled Group 2: social and behavioral investigators and key personnel.
1 Recommendation
Jeffrey Harris Cohen
The Ohio State University
Hebatalla Omar オマルヘバタッラー you can access CITI electronically, but rather than completing the training, I would talk with your research office (not sure what the name might be) and from there, see what they recommend.
Mofijur Rahman Mamun
Bangladesh Red Crescent Society

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