National Polytechnic School
Asked 11 December 2018
Do anyone want to write a common article about systems thinking or strategic thinking?
A cross cultural study for example.
Most recent answer
Uno de mis ámbitos de trabajo es el pensamiento estratégico, estudio de casos en ecuador. Puedo estar interesado.
All Answers (6)
Hesam Mahmoudi
Kiumars Dorani
Harvard University
Thank you Amin. Our team has indeed been working on a paper on Systems Thinking. The paper is almost done but we are definitely open to collaborating on future projects. Is there a specific idea brewing?
Al Muthanna University
Scientific cooperation between specialists is important and this topic I think needs to add other variables to be more significant and scientific value
Independent Intelligence Studies
Thinking is the Justification process. It generates one's Reality.
It converts Feelings into Willingness at the contact with Information, generating Reasons.
It streams Reasons with available Data to generate Arguments
It processes the General Knowledge into Awareness at the contact with Means (technical), generating Beliefs.
The Reasons generate Pretensions (Assertions).
The Arguments generate Expectations.
The Beliefs generate Convictions (when used).
In this sense,
Systemic Thinking does not exist.
Strategical Thinking does not exist.
Systemic approach is a design tool for representation of Collective Reality.
Strategy is a technique applied to define purpose from a necessity in the most feasible way, in comparison with Tactics, which convert purpose into results, and Operations which (counter-intuitively) compare the RESPONSE to Results, turning into further necessities or shuts necessities down, or alters them.
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