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Started 26 August 2021

Ciprofloxacin Solution preparation (100 mg/l)

Kindly help me with the preparation of 100 mg/l. I have been dissolving it in 0.1N HCL. I am not exactly sure about the calculations.
Frank T. Edelmann
Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg
Dear Bansal,
thank you for sharing this interesting technical question. I assume that you have prefabricated 0.1 N hydrochloric acid available, right? If not, you can find numerous recipes on the interenet in which the preparation on 0.1 N HCl from concentrated HCl (37%) is described in detail. For example, please see:
How much of your ciprofloxacin solution do you need? Do you need 1 liter or is e.g. 100 ml sufficient? For 100 ml take 10 mg of finely powdered (for easier dissolution) ciprofloxacin and disolve in 50-80 ml of your 0.1 N HCl. Once you get a clear solution, fill it up with 0.1 N HCl to exactly 100 ml. The resulting solution contains 100 mg/l ciprofloxacin.
Good luck with your work and best wishes!
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