Asked 16 January 2025

Can anyone help me identify this pest?

Hi! My name is Gabrielle, and I'm a biology student.
In my internship, I need to identify the pest on these leaves.
I know the tree species is Annona coriacea Mart.
My professor and I believe it might be a type of cochineal/mealybug. If anyone can assist with the identification, it would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance!

Most recent answer

Salih Khalaf
University of Tikrit
التشخيص الدقيق للحشرة اعلاه يكون عن طريق ظهور البالغات ومقارنتها مع المصادر الموجودة من للون وطول الاجنحة وطول قرون الاستشعار مع قياس الارجل الامامية والخلفية والافضل يكون التشخيص في متحف الحشرات الخاص بالمنطقة لديكم...تحياتي

All Answers (9)

Gabrielle Almeida
Federal University of São Carlos
Yes, it's very similar, I take some photos on the microscope to help!
Zoubeyda Bakhtaoui
University Centre of Naama
It seems to be an aleurode species, you can keep some of those larva/pupa and wait until the emergence of adultes it'll help to get what species is exactly.
Ioana Grozea
University of Life Sciences” King Mihai I” from Timisoara
I think it's the orange spiny whitefly, Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintance) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Anyway, more information can be found here:
Luis Valencia
Sociedad Entomológica del Perú
Hi Gabrielle, as you say a good close up photo may help to identify this pest. Good lack with your work
Salih Khalaf
University of Tikrit
Common Name
Orange spiny whitefly
Scientific Name
Aleurocanthus spiniferus
Predominantly tropical Asia (it originated from Southeast Asia), but it has spread to Africa, North America (Hawaii), Europe (restricted), Oceania. It is recorded from Federated States of Micronesia, Northern Mariana Islands, Papua New Guinea, and Solomon Islands.
Citrus species are the main hosts. When the orange spiny whitefly reached Guam in 1951, it was recorded on grape, guava, peach and pear.
Gabrielle Almeida
Federal University of São Carlos
Hi, thank all of you very much for responding! Salih Khalaf / Ioana Grozea / Zoubeyda Bakhtaoui / Kouadri Mohamed El Amine
Now I'm going to collect more material and wait for the adults to emerge in the lab. When I finally get images of the adults, I will share them again for final confirmation.
Salih Khalaf
University of Tikrit
التشخيص الدقيق للحشرة اعلاه يكون عن طريق ظهور البالغات ومقارنتها مع المصادر الموجودة من للون وطول الاجنحة وطول قرون الاستشعار مع قياس الارجل الامامية والخلفية والافضل يكون التشخيص في متحف الحشرات الخاص بالمنطقة لديكم...تحياتي

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