Asked 12 August 2018

Can Post-colonial theory be applied to the American West?

Specifically, can it be applied to the abuse of minorities by the powerful?

Most recent answer

Filza Barkat
University of Salford
Depends how you come at it , what you are trying to prove or disprove pease bear in mind id ego superego, race , attitude , there are always two sides to poverty and it's more deeper than empowerment i hope you can do it justice

All Answers (4)

Deborah Gail Bradley
University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Toronto
I believe the theory applies to the American (and Canadian) west, and has been taken up by some scholars as "settler colonialism." You might look there for some supporting research.
Javier Hernandez
Temuco Catholic University
In terms of decolonizing history and the social relations that emerged from colonization processes, I think it can be a very useful conceptual tool. All colonization projects are assessed from particular points of view, and it is time to review critically what we know about each of them.
Filza Barkat
University of Salford
Depends how you come at it , what you are trying to prove or disprove pease bear in mind id ego superego, race , attitude , there are always two sides to poverty and it's more deeper than empowerment i hope you can do it justice

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