Started 3 January 2024

Can Pascal's Triangle multiplication algorithm be used in data flow with encryption algorithms ?

This algorithm has been devised by me in 2003. What I think is that this algorithm can be useful to evaluate testing the speed of processor of computer and furthermore, this algorithm can be used in data flow with encryption algorithms. I would love to know ideas about this subject from people who are expert in mathematics and computer science. I upload a pdf below. Thank you.

Most recent answer

Brandon Alexander
American Public University System
1 Recommendation

All replies (11)

Thank you for your comment. I had written this paper with no support. I agree with you on writing of complexity. My aim is to eliminate my mistakes by talking to people on here and I would love to make a contribution in science. Im not scientist or expert in computer science and mathematics, pursuing my Ph.D in nuclear physics and furthermore you acclaimed in your comment that"The title also means nothing", that is so keen response because making mistake and failure help you to make concrete steps for next level. Also I said that I agreed on your other statement above.
Brandon Alexander
American Public University System
Direct application of Pascal's Triangle multiplication algorithm may not be straightforward in encryption algorithms. Encryption algorithms involve a variety of mathematical operations, and the optimization techniques should be tailored to the specific requirements and characteristics of each algorithm.
This algorithm is one of the fast multiplication algorithms designed to reduce the time complexity of multiplication from the traditional O(n^2) to O(n^log2(3)), which is approximately O(n^1.585).
To elaborate further, the traditional long multiplication algorithm takes O(n^2) time to multiply two n-digit numbers because each digit in one number needs to be multiplied by each digit in the other number. Karatsuba, on the other hand, divides each of the input numbers into two halves and performs three multiplications instead of four, reducing the overall complexity.
This should be clearly stated; it shouldn't be over complex; just state this is what we have; this is what it is; and then let the reader decide; hey this is good for crypto or not.
Brandon Alexander
American Public University System
Did you want to collaborate on correcting the issue you identified in the public post there on the web address? I mean I’m fine if you want to do a quick one pager or even a five pager to correct the issue I can give you top cover as far as cryptography and quantum mechanics and quantum computing as it ships today I’m totally fine with that.
Brandon Alexander
American Public University System
Did you want to work together to put together like a five or a 10 page? Correction, I can give you top cover as a second set of eyes as far as a reviewer.
I would love to know that which field this algorithm can be applied on and If you have any recommendation you can share your thought which is utterly helpful and precious on this algorithm about where it can go Mr Brandon Alexander
Brandon Alexander
American Public University System
I will issue you a formal letter with letterhead so we can address your current findings, and I will review your paper entirely to make sure that it is up to snuff. That way you can say you have something to contribute towards your doctorate, but the only thing that I ask, is that you site The letter, and the thesis when it comes down to it 
Cankaya University Journal of Science and Engineering » Makale » Determination of Multiplication Algorithm with Basis on Pascal Triangle (dergipark.org.tr)
You can see which journal my paper has been published in when you cilick the link above. This paper has nothing to do with my Ph.D. This journal above is not famous and is not indexed in scı-e.
Brandon Alexander
American Public University System
1 Recommendation

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