Started 8 February 2024

Call for Editors, Papers and Reviewers

International Journal of English Learning and Applied Linguistics (IJELAL), E-ISSN 2775-4359, is a peer-reviewed and open-access academic journal publishes biannually in December and June by the Department of English Education, Universitas Darussalam Gontor, Ponorogo, Indonesia.
Focus and Scope
The journal promotes discussion on English language Education (both learning and teaching), English linguistics, and English literature, including:
1. Methodology of English teaching for non-native speakers;
2. Teaching English as Foreign Language;
3. Teaching for English Skills and Competences;
4. Strategies for teaching and learning English;
5. Models of English teaching for the Pesantrens' Students;
6. English Linguistics;
7. English Literature;
8. Applied Linguistics on English Education;
9. The Technology of English Education;
10. English Translation
Contact: Zeny Luthvia 0895367365331 (WA only)
Available: (next issue)
June 2024 (5 slot)
💸 Free APC
Best Regards,

All replies (3)

Moses James Olenyo Malande
St Augustine university of Tanzania
Yes as an Editor
1 Recommendation
Muhammad Taqiyuddin
University of Darussalam Gontor
thanks prof.
Kindly, if you have an article about it; we can publish it freely.
1 Recommendation
Intama Jemy Polii
Manado State University
ya sebagai editor

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Call for Papers, Editorial, and Reviewers
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  • Muhammad TaqiyuddinMuhammad Taqiyuddin
Islamic Business and Management Journal (IBMJ) (P-ISSN: 2622-6316 | E-ISSN: 2622-6324) is a semiannual journal published by University of Darussalam Gontor. IBMJ has collaborated with Forum Pengelola Jurnal Manajemen, Komite Nasional Ekonomi dan Keuangan Syariah, World Academy of Islamic Management (WAIM) Malaysia. In line with the objective of the University, the journal is committed to promoting and developing contemporary issues in Business and Islamic management. Lamemba Decree No. 479/DE/A.5/AR.10/VI/2023 (Department of Management, University of Darussalam Gontor) accredited EXCELLENT (Unggul)
IBMJ is currently indexed by ISSN BRIN, Google Scholar, Garuda and other indexes in the future.
📅📰It is published two a year on June and December
🇬🇧 It uses English manuscript
💸 This Journal do not have an APC for author
Journal Aim and Scope
1. Islamic Bussiness
2. Islamic Bussiness & International Management
3. Islamic Bussiness, Management and Accounting
4. Islamic Management
5. Islamic Management Information Systems
6. Islamic Management Science and Operations Research
7. Islamic Organizational Behavior
The Journal Manager welcomes you to join us to be Editorial Board or Reviewer of IBMJ.
Payment                       : Voluntary job, no payment
Call for Editorial and Reviewer: https://bit.ly/CallForPaperEditorialandReviewer
Contact: Soritua Ahmad: 081230009158 and M. Agus Waskito: 087855548908
Call for Papers, Editorial, and Reviewer Lisanudhad
4 replies
  • Muhammad TaqiyuddinMuhammad Taqiyuddin
Journal Manager is seeking editorial board and reviewers to process manuscripts for the journal.
Lisanudhad ISSN:  2356-1998 (P) |2527-6360 (E) is a scientific journal specializing in the Arabic language studies ranging from the Arabic teaching, linguistics and literatures. Lisanudhad seeks theoretically engaged work at the forefront of the field, written for a global audience comprised of the specialist, the researcher, the teachers and the student alike. The Lisanudhad is a scientific journal which focuses on the theme and topic of 1) Arabic Language and its Teaching and 2) Arabic Linguistics and Literature, including:
  1. Methodology of Arabic teaching for non-native speakers;
  2. Teaching for Arabic Competences;
  3. Strategy for teaching and learning Arabic for non-native speakers;
  4. Models of Arabic teaching for non-native speakers;
  5. The Technology of Arabic teaching;
  6. Design of Arabic teaching for non-native speakers;
  7. Evaluation in Arabic teaching for non-native speakers.
  8. Arabic Morphology and Syntax;
  9. Arabic Phonetic and Phonology;
  10. Arabic Applied Linguistics;
The Journal Manager welcomes you to join us to be Editorial Board or Reviewer of Lisanudhad.
Payment                       : Voluntary job, no payment
This apllication are valid until June 2024. The selected applicant would be contacted by Journal Operational Manager (Haniatul Mabruroh +62 813-2741-5886)

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