Started 3 April 2020

Best Platform to work on Maps

I am working on a Web Based project in ASP.NET MVC 5. In this Project we need to display map of my country and boundaries of provinces and districts level. Furthermore we have the requirement to display some information tabular/Charts whenever the mouse hovers upon any location within the project.
We have complete collection of shape files data defining the boundaries of the whole country.
But currently the organization is not interested in buying license or may not be interested in future too.
Now I need to ask which Map Service Provider is best for above said tasks. I have gone through (Google Maps, ArcGis, QGis) but not able to finalize.
One thing more to add "This application will remain in use by a Non-Profitable/ public Sector Organization for the benefit of General public"

Most recent answer

Subham Preetam
Institute Of Advanced Materials
2 Recommendations

All replies (5)

Inácio Mateus Assane
São Paulo State University
I recommend you to use QGIS. It is free, fast and easy to use, I have used it for a similar purpose. However, you will need to upload your web map folder to a web server, to make it available online.
Good luck!
1 Recommendation
Richard Ross Shaker
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Inácio Mateus Assane I really like this question, and although you have obviously worked with several GIS packages the fact that you want your project to be user friendly and stay in the public domain I would suggest ArcGIS StoryMaps. https://storymaps.arcgis.com/
Best of luck-
You can use open street map which is completely open source. You can also use tools such as mapbox to make maps using open street map. Read this link to learn a little more. Go open source!
Sher Bahadur Gurung
Tribhuvan University
ARCGIS Story map and Google earth will be appropriate platform for you web based project.
2 Recommendations
Subham Preetam
Institute Of Advanced Materials
2 Recommendations

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