Asked 19 April 2023

Are there publishing houses specialized in novels??

Give me the names of publishing houses that publish literary novels, please.

All Answers (3)

Ajit Singh
Bihar National College
Some publishing houses that are known to publish literary novels are:
Penguin Random House
Vintage Books
Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Grove Atlantic
Knopf Doubleday
Simon & Schuster
Of course, there are many other publishing houses that publish literary novels. It might be helpful to do some additional research to find the publishing house that best suits your needs.
Charles Berg
University of Luxembourg
  • Penguin Random House
  • Harvard Square Editions
  • Autumn House Press
  • 8th House Publishing
  • Gray Wolf Press
  • Seven Stories Press
  • Coffee House Press
  • Soho Press.
Bahha Habeeb
University of Kufa
Thank you all but is it possible to share with me the email of one of these publishing houses or their number to communicate with them because their official page does not appear to me

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Thank you for the help!

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