Started 7 April 2024

Any suggestions for charting the afterlife? Why?

Maybe we should identify what is the most parsimonious afterlife. Expanding the law of identity, maybe physics can determine the exact afterlife all have coming.
My previous attempts:
Guessing what the afterlife broadly is:
Guessing what the afterlife is NOT.

All replies (3)

Remember the movie "Inherit the Wind" where Darwin's "Origin of the species ..." and the Bible were front and center? Yours is a similar question. You'll probably have to look pretty hard to match a physics piece alongside these. Take your choice.
1 Recommendation
Les Harris
Sedona Sky Academy, Arizona
I'm not sure, but I think you did a great job of answering your own question... 'Charting the afterlife?" Answer; Why?' Somethings can't be known. Or, even if we were explained, would we have a hope of understanding the answer? Every morning on the way to work I ask the Universe for a special watch over some friends and family (including my most recent 'best friend' Chihuahua) who have 'recently' passed. I know that they are soaring the Universe as Light Beings and I am a bit jealous of all they will see and re-understand. But charting the afterlife... it's like charting the Universe itself accurately. THEY could do it, but we can't even imagine what it looks like in totality. MY opinion, of course.
1 Recommendation
Sandeep Jaiswal
Consultancy of the World
The concept of a most parsimonious afterlife is a fascinating thought experiment. It suggests seeking the simplest explanation for what happens after death, using principles like the law of identity and potentially even physics.
Unfortunately, the nature of the afterlife is a question that has been pondered by philosophers and theologians for millennia, with no definitive answer. Science currently lacks the ability to measure or study the afterlife.
Many religions offer detailed descriptions of the afterlife based on faith and scripture. Philosophers have explored concepts like reincarnation or the continuation of consciousness in some form. Some people report NDEs that provide glimpses of an afterlife, though scientific explanations exist for these experiences as well.

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