
Timothy Imuwahen Centre for Kingdomology

Institution: Independent Researcher

About the lab

The Timothy Imuwahen Centre for Kingdomology (TICK) is a research and training centre where young Christian cum biblical researchers and scholars are properly trained, and heavily armed to carry out independent peer-review research on different topical areas present at TICK through Mentor Directed Studies (MDS) under the tutelage and mentorship of Professors in Kingdom Theological Studies; Christian Leadership; Christian Theology and Systematic Theory. At the moment, TICK has over ten (10) Research Trainees and Scholars.

Research Focus: Kingdom Theological Studies; Strategic Territorial Leadership; and Systematic Theory.

TICK lab is open for anyone who wants to start Christian Research. Contact the Lab Head Now!

Featured research (5)

This epistemological study probes into the yearning of every believer of various creeds globally and mankind for centuries have been searching for esoteric means to reach the echelon of knowledge of deities and supernatural beings. This paper scripturally and theologically examines Christian theology and how believers in Christ Jesus can fully understand the Godhead. This study further explains the four epistemic routes: experiential, doctrinal, biblical and spiritual-hence experiencing God's presence, counsel and dealings that unite believers with their living God. This study plan employs analytical discourse that is enshrined in biblical epistemology for progressive spiritual formation and communion with the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Therefore, various definitions of terms and extensive insights are given, and the implications of knowing God and the benefits of experiencing God are all captured in this paper.
Experiential knowledge, often known as personal, existential, or direct knowledge, is important in many peoples’ views of God. Personal experiences and encounters with the divine nature of God can increase one's awareness of God's character and traits, while theological ideas and scriptures give a basis (Dan 11:32b). This short piece investigates the roles of experiential knowledge in knowing God, drawing insights from both religious texts and the Bible.
Starting a life of salvation in the Christian faith is pivotal to having a relationship with God and experiencing bliss in spiritual formation. Many denominations, creeds and doctrines have taught some unbelievers and believers that salvation is a free commodity that is given once and will last forever the mindset and doctrine that supports 'One saved, forever saved' has become a doctrinal imbalance in the Body of Christ heralded by some theologians and preachers of the gospel. This paper gives scriptural sources and answers to how what and where an unbeliever can start his or her salvific journey into Christ. Furthermore, this work provides some scriptural shreds of evidence on salvation, justification, conversion, baptism and new birth as steps to be taken for a true salvific experience in the Christian faith. The study of salvation must have these topical issues to efficaciously deliver its full potential and blessed assurance in Christ Jesus. This paper concludes that the path of salvation highlighted in the study when followed, will not only systematically inform the minds of converts and the body of Christ, it will also eliminate the doctrine of permanent salvation in Christ Jesus.
This short article features the behaviours that help Christians in missions and evangelism emulating the attributes and characters of Jesus Christ as a fundamental method of soul-winning.
The school of marriage is an institution established by God to fulfil one of His many divine, yet earthly purposes and it calls for people of all nations, tribes, ethnicities, races, and tongues to be absorbed into this institute of marriage. By God's divine infrastructure of the marriage institution, families are the results of the marriage institution, and God's children are raised from generation to generation as the rewards of this institution called marriage. There are various God's purposes communicated through the institution of marriage, involving a man and a woman who have decided to enrol in this institution and become lifelong learners until they meet the Lord in His glory. In addition, God expects everyone to enjoy His marriage relationship and to bring forth more children that will follow the divine curriculum laid down in His ordained marriage. However, there is always an antagonist, an anti-marriage agent, looking to destroy the marital journey of whoever decides to embrace the school of marriage established by God. Marriage is a battlefield and anti-godly marital agents are everywhere deployed to destroy the marital journey of every man and woman enrolled in a marriage relationship. Sometimes, the devil attacks from the beginning, and in some cases during your marital journey, so that he can frustrate you from the goodness and blessings found in a marriage relationship set in order by God.

Lab head

Timothy Imuwahen

Members (2)

Deborah M. Akanbi
  • Independent Researcher
Boaz Adhengo
  • Adhengo Institute