
Thomas Fartmann's Lab

About the lab

In our recent studies, we focus on the effects of land-use and climate change on biodiversity patterns (Global Change Ecology). Furthermore, we investigate how species richness of ecosystems is influenced by disruptive events, such as windthrow, fire and floods (Disturbance Ecology). In the field of Restoration Ecology, we evaluate habitat management and measures that aim to restore threatened ecosystems.

We use a wide range of model organisms. The most important indicator groups are plants, birds, amphibians, spiders, dragonflies and damselflies, Orthoptera, leafhoppers, carabid beetles, butterflies and burnet moths.

Featured research (72)

A standardised monitoring is indispensable to identify trends of insect populations. However, until recently, a systematic monitoring of insects in Germany was missing. Therefore, the German federal ministry for the environment funded the conceptualisation of an insect monitoring scheme. Here, we inform about the general concept and structure of the German insect monitoring scheme (GIMS) and the steps taken and still to be taken for the implementation of the scheme. A first step was the development of the objectives, general concept und structure of the GIMS in close collaboration with the nature conservation authorities at the national and federal state levels, as the latter are responsible for the implementation of nature conservation-related monitoring schemes. The GIMS is structured into two sections: section 1 ‘Monitoring of common insects’ and section 2 Monitoring of rare insects’. Both sections contain modules that focus on selected aspects of insect diversity. In section 1, insect communities of the wider countryside will be monitored. Section 2 focuses on insect communities in rare habitats and species of high conservation value (e.g. threatened species). The next step was to develop standardised sampling methods for the modules in collaboration with experts and the nature conservation authorities. Wherever appropriate, synergies with other monitoring schemes were created, e.g. for combined analyses with environmental variables. Parallel to the development of the concept, several federal states have already implemented selected modules of the GIMS. Furthermore, the module ‘Grasshoppers in grasslands’ was tested during a pilot phase. By using the data from the pilot phase and the High Nature Value Farmland Monitoring scheme the relationship between high nature value farmland and grasshopper diversity was evaluated. This indicated the great potential of using synergies among monitoring schemes for joint data analyses and showed that it is worth exploring such approaches in greater depth.
Globally, insects are declining at an alarming rate. Therefore, there is an urgent need for standardised monitoring methods to detect changes in insect populations at an early stage. Box quadrat sampling enables highly precise assessments of Orthoptera community composition within a specific area. However, a detailed design of a box quadrat that guarantees an easy workflow, precise descriptions of its handling and a compilation of baseline data for future comparisons have yet been lacking. Based on thirty years of our own experience in box quadrat sampling, we present here: (i) the detailed design of a box quadrat, (ii) its standardised handling in the field (including a video as a supplement), (iii) its applications and (iv) Orthoptera species richness and abundance baseline data for open habitats. The low construction costs (~300 €) and simple design allow for a wide distribution of this type of box quadrat in future. Moreover, due to the plug system and the light aluminium construction, the quadrat can easily be transported, assembled, handled and dismantled by one person. For comparisons of Orthoptera species richness, abundance and community composition between habitats, we recommend using a quadrat of 2 m² size and 0.8 m height and a minimum sampling area of 20 m² per plot (10 touchdowns per plot). For long-term monitoring or when species are sampled that generally occur in low density, a sampling area of 30 m² (15 replicates) is suggested. By contrast, for the surveys of tiny species (e.g., groundhoppers) and developmental stages (nymphs), smaller box quadrats can also be used and the sampled area per plot can be below 20 m². Box quadrat sampling is less dependent on favourable weather conditions and vegetation structure than many other insect survey techniques. Overall, it allows rapid and highly precise assessments of Orthoptera community composition.
In the course of land‐use change, especially since the mid‐20th century, the area of semi‐natural (unimproved) grasslands has dramatically decreased. One way to counteract this process is to designate nature reserves. However, the effectiveness of nature reserves is controversial. The aim of our study was to evaluate the environmental drivers of species richness and biomass of Orthoptera (hereinafter termed ‘grasshoppers’) in grasslands inside nature reserves and within the intensively used agriculture landscape (hereinafter termed ‘wider countryside’). For this purpose, we sampled the grasshoppers at the landscape scale in 45 randomly selected plots. Each plot had a size of 5 ha. The abundance of grasshoppers, as a basis for the biomass calculation, was recorded at the habitat scale in 20 meadow patches (500 m² each). In addition, various environmental parameters such as habitat diversity, mowing intensity and vegetation structure were determined at the landscape and habitat scale. Our results illustrate the importance of nature reserves for the conservation of grasshoppers. Control plots in the wider countryside harboured fewer species than plots within nature reserves. The differences were even clearer among threatened species. On average, plots in nature reserves had almost twice as many threatened species than control plots in the wider countryside. The comparison revealed similar patterns at the habitat scale: both the number of species and biomass were higher in nature reserves. At the landscape scale, number of species were best explained by the amount of wet grassland and habitat diversity. We identified mowing intensity and to a lower extend the degree of drainage as the key drivers of species richness and biomass at the habitat scale. Synthesis and applications: To preserve biodiversity in nature reserves, we recommend (i) leaving uncut refuges during mowing and (ii) blocking drainage to stabilise the water level. Both measures contribute to a high species number and abundance of grasshoppers and many other insects. An effective conservation measure to promote species richness in the wider countryside would be to increase habitat diversity. This can be done by creating or restoring fallow islands, field margins, fringes and hedgerows.
Temperate, semi-natural grasslands are among the most species-rich ecosystems across the globe. However, due to land use intensification, abandonment, and afforestation, their extent has greatly decreased, and the remaining patches have become fragmented. Additionally, grassland remnants often suffer from habitat deterioration due to: i) inappropriate management; ii) eutrophication because of airborne nitrogen deposition; and iii) climate change. Habitat quality, size, and connectivity are considered the main drivers of patch occupancy of grassland insects in our fragmented landscapes. Additionally, global warming is rapidly proceeding and already seriously threatens grassland insects. It is assumed that habitat availability and global warming will determine the distribution of insects in temperate, semi-natural grasslands in the future. Conservation management should aim to: i) enhance the habitat quality of the remaining grassland patches; ii) enlarge their sizes; and iii) improve functional connectivity between grassland patches. When conducting such measures, focus should be on increasing heterogeneity at all spatial scales, due to its buffering effect against extreme weather events, such as drought periods. The stabilization of the water level or even the restoration of the natural water table are also invaluable measures for mitigating the effects of climate change. Low-intensity land use without fertilisation, or at least with low levels of fertilisation, is of vital importance for high habitat quality in temperate, semi-natural grasslands. In most cases, grazing with low stocking rates should be preferred over mowing. Low-intensity grazing systems are highly effective in shaping heterogeneous grasslands with species-rich insect assemblages. This is true for rough grazing by sheep (and goats in shrub-rich grasslands), summer grazing by cattle and year-round grazing by horses, cattle, or indigenous grazers such as Red deer (Cervus elaphus) or European bison (Bison bonasus).
GERMAN: Der Goldene Scheckenfalter (Euphydryas aurinia) ist eine europaweit geschützte Art, deren Bestände im Zuge des Landnutzungswandels großflächig zusammengebrochen sind. Die Kalkmagerrasen des Nationalparks Hainich (Thüringen) beherbergen heute eine der letzten großen Populationen der Art in Deutschland. Lange wurden die Magerrasen durch militärische Nutzung und Schafbeweidung offengehalten, seit den 1990er Jahren findet in den meisten Bereichen jedoch kein Management mehr statt. In der hier präsentierten Studie haben wir untersucht, welche Rolle die Wühlstellen des Wildschweins (Sus scrofa) für den Fortbestand des Goldenen Scheckenfalters und darüber hinaus des nah verwandten, ebenfalls im Rückgang befindlichen Ehrenpreis-Scheckenfalters (Melitaea aurelia) im Nationalpark spielen. Trotz mittlerweile fast 30 Jahren ohne menschliche Nutzung konnten sich beide Scheckenfalterarten im Untersuchungsgebiet halten. Ein entscheidender Grund hierfür ist die hohe Wildtierdichte. Besonders an den Wildschwein-Wühlstellen in den brachliegenden Kalkmagerrasen pflanzen sich beide Scheckenfalterarten weiter erfolgreich fort. Die Wildschweine schaffen durch das Aufbrechen des Oberbodens frühe Sukzessionsstadien und fördern somit die Keimung konkurrenzschwacher Pflanzenarten. Hierzu gehören auch die Taubenskabiose (Scabiosa columbaria) und der Mittlere Wegerich (Plantago media), die Wirtspflanzen der beiden untersuchten Scheckenfalterarten. Die zunehmende Verbuschung der Magerrasen können die Wildschweine aber auf Dauer nicht aufhalten. Ohne die Erhaltung und Wiederherstellung großflächig offener Kalkmagerrasen durch aktives Management wird zumindest der Goldene Scheckenfalter langfristig im Nationalpark aussterben. Damit verstößt der Nationalpark gegen das Verschlechterungsverbot gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 2 der FFH-Richtlinie für den Goldenen Scheckenfalter, ein als für das FFH-Gebiet Hainich festgelegtes Schutzobjekt, und seine Lebensräume. ENGLISH: The Marsh Fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia) is legally protected in the EU and has dramatically declined due to land-use change. The calcareous grasslands of the Hainich National Park (Thuringia) host one of last large populations of the butterfly species in Germany. For many decades, these semi-dry grasslands were maintained open by military activities and grazing by sheep. However, since the 1990s management was abandoned in most areas. In this study, we analyse the effects of Wild Boar (Sus scrufa) rootings on the persistence of the Marsh Fritillary and the related Nickerl’s Fritillary (Melitaea aurelia), which is also declining, in the Hainich National Park. Despite of meanwhile 30 years of abandonment, both fritillary species still exhibit strong populations in our study area. A main reason for this is the high abundance of wild ungulates. Particularly, both fritillary species thrive at Wild Boar rootings. Through rooting they create early successional stages and, hence, favour the germination of less-competitive plants, such as Small Scabious (Scabiosa columbaria) and Hoary Plantain (Plantago media), the host plants of the studied fritillary species. However, Wild Boars are not able to delay the ongoing shrub encroachment. Without the conservation and restoration of open calcareous grassland through active management, at least the Marsh Fritillary will become extinct in the National Park in the long term. Therefore, the National Park violates the prohibition of deterioration according to Article 6 (2) of the Directive 92/43/EEC for the Marsh Fritillary and its habitats.

Lab head

Thomas Fartmann
  • Biodiversity and Landscape Ecology

Members (14)

Dominik Poniatowski
  • Universität Osnabrück
Franz Löffler
  • Universität Osnabrück
Gregor Stuhldreher
  • Universität Osnabrück
Felix Helbing
  • Universität Osnabrück
Steffen Kämpfer
  • Universität Osnabrück
Gwydion Scherer
  • Universität Osnabrück
Lisa Holtmann
  • Universität Osnabrück
Thorsten Münsch
  • Universität Osnabrück